
Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

author:Puffs and red bean cakes

No Matter How Dark the Night is, WOWOW is a suspense drama of the same name by mystery novelist Nanari Nakayama, starring Takaya Kamikawa.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Ryusei Shiga (Takaya Kamikawa) is the deputy editor-in-chief of Weekly Shiliu, which reports exclusive gossip.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Izumi (Nario Kato) is Shiga's subordinate, who has just been transferred from the Ministry of Literature and Art, and is very confused about exposing gossip.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

One day, Shiga's son, Kensuke Shiga (Noriyuki Hayama), is involved in a murder case.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Kensuke's student ID and his cell phone were found at the scene of the crime, but he fell into a coma after a failed suicide attempt and eventually died.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Since then, Shiga has been the focus of investigation and reporting.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Kazuki Nagasawa (Taizo Harada) and Kenji Miyato (Masanobu Takashima) are police officers involved in the investigation.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Nagasawa seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction with Weekly Current Flow and wants to be convicted as soon as possible, and Miyato feels that the case is a bit strange and wants to find out the truth.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Izumi is sent by editor-in-chief Torii Torii (Katsumi Takahashi) to interview Shiga.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Tokami encouraged Shiga to speak out about his inner feelings and reported them in Weekly Shiryu.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

But the reports made the harassment more, with both home addresses and phone numbers exposed. Neighbors were overwhelmed and asked Shiga to move out.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Under pressure, the leadership of Weekly Shiliu transferred Shiga to Monthly Shiliu.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

The conflict between family and work became more and more prominent, but Shiga did not give up hope, and he gradually discovered the truth of the murder case.

Takashi Kamikawa also starred in the suspenseful Japanese drama "No Matter How Dark the Night" explores the freedom and meaning of reporting

Takashi Kamikawa also acted in a play with a bit of grandeur, and it was tall and tall, all of which reflected social reality and other plots. The subject matter is a bit clichéd, and the suspenseful part is slightly attractive to watch.