
"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

author:Dr. Kang Talk

Text | Wang Sir


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Taking a bath is something we must do every day, especially now that the weather is hot, take a bath before going to bed every night, you will feel that the whole person is refreshing and comfortable, and you can sleep well at night.

If you don't take a shower at night before going to bed, you will always feel that your body is not happy anywhere.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

Especially some partners will wash themselves before living as a couple.

Many female friends are very concerned about bathing, and some think that if men do not bathe, they will have the risk of gynecological inflammation in intercourse.

There are also many people who think that taking a shower before sex is a complete waste of time, because it is okay to wash afterwards.

So is this really the same? Is it necessary for couples to take a shower before having sex?

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

1. Is it necessary to take a bath before intercourse?

Now people's living conditions are much better than in the 60~70s, water heaters are installed in their homes, and bathing is conditionally possible.

In the past, if you didn't have the conditions, you could only scrub it with hot water. When young couples take a bath together, they will involuntarily get things done, and rest after bathing.

In fact, it is a very good habit for partners to bathe before sex.

This is because both men and women have some bacteria and dirt hidden in the intimate areas to varying degrees.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

Especially when summer comes, after sweating on the body, there will be a lot of bacteria hidden in various folds.

The foreskin of gay men is a place where dirt and dirt are hidden, and if these places are not fully cleaned before having sex, bacteria may enter the woman's body, causing gynecological inflammation and other related diseases.

Of course, bathing also depends on the situation, such as seasonal and regional issues. In summer, you can basically take a bath a day.

Like in Guangdong these hotter places, some may have to take a bath at noon, of course, they call this a shower, because the sun is too sunny, a shower will feel a lot refreshing.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

Needless to say, in winter, the number of baths will be reduced, like the cold in the north, so many people take a bath two or three times a week.

Many families will choose to go to the outside bathhouse to take a bath, and then rub it when the body is comfortable, which is also a pleasure.

Second, is there really a saying that "people take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"?

What does this three-bath mean? Some say it refers to three points in time. It is said that if we take a bath at these three points in time, it will be bad for our body. What are the three points that you mean?

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

1. Take a shower when you get up in the morning

Many people will do a lot of things in the morning, such as exercise, such as morning reading, etc., and many people will go to take a shower first when they get up in the morning.

As everyone knows, this is actually not good for the body, because the temperature in the morning is generally low.

When people take a bath, the pores of the body will open, which may cause cold to invade the body, and the body will be cold, easy to catch a cold or cause related diseases.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

2. Bathe after drinking

Bathing after drinking alcohol is a very dangerous behavior, because alcohol has an inhibitory effect on our liver function, if you take a bath immediately after drinking, it may lead to the occurrence of hypoglycemia and may coma.

3. Take a bath when you are full

As the saying goes, walk after a meal and live past ninety-nine. We all know that we generally need to exercise properly after eating a full meal, eliminate food, so as not to make the stomach feel very supportive, and it will be better to take a bath after a period of time.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

However, there will also be people who will go to the bath as soon as they have eaten, and feel that it will not have any effect on the body.

However, after a full meal, the blood in the body will be concentrated in the stomach and intestines to help digestion.

If you take a bath at this time, the blood in the gastrointestinal tract will be dispersed and digested, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the body and causing symptoms such as dizziness.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

Third, the difference between the north and south of the mainland about bathing

When it comes to the topic of what is different about bathing in the north and the south, there is still a big difference.

Because of the difference in geographical climate and temperature, the south has high temperatures all year round, especially in the Liangguang region and Hainan, and the temperature is in the twenties to thirties throughout the year, so bathing is a regular thing.

It's common to take two or three showers a day when it's hot, and it's usually done in minutes.

In the north, because of the low temperature, people do not bathe often, every day or two. And there are still many people who go to the bathhouse to scrub their baths.

"People take three baths, and their lives are thinner than paper"? Which "three baths" can not be washed? The doctor tells you the answer!

Because they will feel that the body will only be thoroughly washed after rubbing. Many people have a perception that they need to scrub in the bath. This is perhaps the biggest difference between bathing in the north and the south.

The above are some common knowledge about bathing, in fact, there is still a lot of knowledge for us to explore, and there are some taboos about bathing that can be avoided.

However, everyone can also adjust according to their own work and living habits, and it is not a generalization.

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