
Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

author:Xiao Wei Medical Science

Text | Luo Xuechuan


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Xiao Hu usually has poor physical resistance, and because he often works overtime and lacks exercise, his physical fitness has been poor and he often gets sick. He has heard that resistance is not good, and you should eat more vitamins to supplement nutrition.

So he bought several imported vitamins to eat, but after a period of time according to the dose, Xiao Hu felt that there was no effect, so he took it upon himself to increase the dose, and a variety of different vitamins were eaten together.

After a period of time, Xiao Hu found that his urine was yellow, and the liver was often painful, and after medical examination, Xiao Hu actually had hepatitis, and even reached the level of liver failure.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

After questioning, the doctor confirmed that it was because of this large amount of vitamins that Xiao Hu had liver failure.

Xiao Hu was puzzled why the vitamins he supplemented to maintain his health eventually became the culprit that caused him to have liver disease.

Why do vitamin supplements actually eat liver failure? Why can't I supplement vitamins indiscriminately? What else to pay attention to when supplementing with vitamins? Let's find out together.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins
Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

First, why vitamin supplementation leads to liver failure

Vitamins can actually be divided into two categories, one is water-soluble vitamins. Like vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and so on.

They are water-soluble vitamins, soluble in water, and after ingestion, they stay in the body for a short time for two or three days, and then they are excreted through urine.

Vitamins A, D, E, K, are fat-soluble vitamins. They are insoluble in water, but in fats and fatty agents.

They are usually stored in the liver and are not easily excreted. Therefore, they will be stored in the body for a relatively long time, generally more than half a year.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

The human body cannot synthesize vitamins naturally, and generally we can supplement most of the vitamins needed by the human body through a daily balanced and nutritious diet.

However, when the vitamins intaked in the body have been sufficient, excessive intake of vitamins exceeds the liver's ability to decompose, which will lead to a large accumulation of vitamins, causing metabolites to the liver.

In severe cases, it can lead to diseases such as liver failure. In particular, excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin D, which are not easily excreted from the body, can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins
Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

Second, these vitamins can not be eaten indiscriminately

It is necessary to supplement vitamins correctly in order to have a good effect on the body. The following vitamins, doctors advise not to eat indiscriminately:

vitamin d

Vitamins play an important role in the human body, it promotes calcium absorption and maintains bone health. A lack of vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis in people.

However, if excessive intake of vitamin D can lead to vitamin D toxicity, resulting in excessive blood calcium, causing hypercalcemia and liver damage. In general, 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day is sufficient for adults.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the important vitamins needed by the body, and a lack of vitamin A can cause night blindness and dry eyes. However, vitamin A should not be consumed in excess.

If excessive intake of vitamin A is consumed for a long time, it will cause vitamin A poisoning, causing liver fibrosis, ascites and other diseases. On the other hand, excess vitamin A also inhibits vitamin K, and clotting factors rely on vitamin K synthesis in the liver.

This can lead to hypoprothrombinemia. Therefore, you can not eat indiscriminately, generally speaking, adult men supplement 800 micrograms a day, women supplement 750 micrograms a day 2, vitamin A.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

vitamin C

Long-term intake of vitamin C in large doses can lead to the body's blood system, digestive system and urinary system, leading to diseases such as urinary stones. In addition, vitamin C affects the efficacy of vitamin B12, causing anemia in patients.

Therefore, it is important to note that these two cannot be taken together. Vitamin C should also be taken separately from antacids and calcium tablets.

Because antacids neutralize stomach acid, and after taking vitamin C, parts of the body will become acidic, inhibiting the efficacy of antacids. Vitamin C and calcium tablets may cause stones.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins
Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

Third, the scientific practice of vitamin supplementation

Supplement vitamins as directed by a doctor and follow the advice of a dietitian. And you can't blindly supplement yourself, correct vitamin supplementation can do this:

First, try to get vitamins from natural foods. Most of the foods we usually contact contain the vitamins that the human body needs, so as long as we eat a balanced diet, are not picky eaters, and eat fresh vegetables and fruits, we can maintain health.

If the body is really deficient in a certain vitamin and needs to supplement with health supplements, you should also consult a doctor's professional advice.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

Second, when supplementing vitamins, read the instructions in detail and supplement according to the dosage instructions, not exceeding the amount on the instructions.

Also try to take one vitamin product at the same time period, do not take multiple vitamins together, and avoid excessive doses.

Eat vitamins every day, actually eat liver failure? Doctor's advice: Do not eat these 3 vitamins

Vitamins play an important role in the body, but we should also pay attention to the scientific method when supplementing vitamins, and we must not blindly take them.

Because not only are more vitamins not the better, eating too much will even cause liver function damage. We need to understand which vitamins can not be eaten indiscriminately, and supplementing vitamins under the guidance of a doctor is the most responsible way for our body.

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