
Eastern Zhou Story Society of the Jin State 128 After jin Ligong succeeded to the throne, he attacked the state of Zheng

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Eastern Zhou Story Society of the Jin State 128 After jin Ligong succeeded to the throne, he attacked the state of Zheng

Jin Jinggong's health was getting worse and worse, and no one could heal him.

  There was a small internal attendant named Jiang Zhong, who stayed up all night at night, very hard, unconsciously fell asleep when the day was almost dawn, dreamed of carrying Jinggong on his back, soared to the sky, and woke up to tell the people next to him his dream.

Just in time for Tu Anjia to enter the palace to greet Ann, hearing this dream, congratulating Jing Gong and saying: "The sky is yangming, and the disease is dark; soaring in the sky, away from the darkness, the lord's illness will be better!" ”

Not to mention, after Jin Jinggong listened, he felt that his heart was broad-minded and his spirit had also come up.

  At this time, someone came to report: "There are people who have come to offer new wheat." ”

Tu'an Jia ji hated the Sangmen Grand Witch for saying the grievances of the Zhao clan, and specially sent people across the country to look for wheat that was ripe first, and sent someone to send it pretending to be the people, in order to oppose the Great Witch.

Jin Jinggong wanted to try the new wheat, and ordered the chef to peel the new wheat and grind the noodles and make a mature meal.

Tu Anjia said: "The former, the great witch said that the lord cannot taste the new wheat, and today it has been proved to be a bully's nonsense, and it should be summoned for questioning." ”

Jing Gong summoned the Sangmen Grand Witch into the palace, and Tu An Jia asked, "The new wheat is here, why can't you taste it?" ”

The witch still had no expression on his face and said, "I don't know yet." ”

After hearing this, Jin Jinggong's face changed drastically, and Tu'an Jia sharply commanded: "Curse the monarch, be chopped!" "Immediately pull out left and right and behead."

The great witch did not panic, but simply sighed softly, "Because I am proficient in witchcraft, I am in trouble, sad!" ”

It wasn't long before someone offered the First Rank of the Great Witch.

It just so happened that the chef brought the new wheat to make the rice, at this time it was already noon, Jin Jinggong sat up and was about to eat, suddenly his lower abdomen was swollen to go to the toilet, calling Jiang Zhong to "carry me to the toilet." ”

When I got to the toilet, Jing Gong just put him down, Jing Gong was distressed, his feet were unstable, he fell into the toilet, JiangZhong could not care about filth, picked him up, and looked again, he had lost his breath.

In the end, he did not taste the new wheat, and he killed the Sangmen Witch.

These mistakes were all counted on Tu Anjia's head.

Everyone talked about jiang zhong dreaming that he carried Jing Gong to heaven, and later carried Jing Gong to the toilet, fulfilled his dream, and used Jiang Zhong as a martyr. At that time, if you did not say this dream, you could save your life, and the disaster came out of the mouth, and you must not be cautious.

The chancellor Luán (luán) led the hundred officials to raise the throne in mourning, and called it Li Gong.

Because Jin Jinggong was killed by Li Ghost, many people in the Jin Dynasty said that the Zhao family was wronged, only because the Luan and Què families were closely related to Tu Anjia, and there was only one Han Yue, who was lonely and did not dare to seek revenge for the Zhao family.

The king of Chu had been recuperating for many years, and when he heard that the Jin state was troubled, he established a new monarch, judging that the Jin state was busy with domestic affairs and would not send troops, so he ordered the prince to marshal Shi Zheng.

Zheng Guo was a wall-headed grass, and there was a strong wind over there, and he ran and surrendered to the Chu State.

Jin Ligong was furious, this paid off, I just came to power, you Zheng Guo greeted and did not fight to surrender to the Chu State, the Chu State beat you, can't I beat you or not!

Summoning the group of ministers to discuss the dispatch of troops to fight Zheng.

Although Luan Shu was in charge, the three què (三郤) were in power.

Which three? He was a lieutenant general of the Shangjun Army, a deputy general of the Shangjun Army, and a deputy general of the New Army. Hao Yi's son, Hao Yi," and Hao Zhi's younger brother Di Yi (郤郤乞), were both important members of the court.

  Bozong was an upright man, dared to tell the truth, and repeatedly suggested to Jin Ligong: "The power of the Hao family is too strong, it should distinguish between the wise and the foolish, it should be selected for the appointment of the wise and the able, and their power should be appropriately suppressed, and there is no need to make them too powerful and do things out of the ordinary, which is also the protection of the Hao family and the love of the descendants of the heroes." ”

Jin Ligong did not listen, but San hao hated Bozong to the bone and made an excuse, saying that Bozong slandered the government. Jin Ligong believed it and killed Bozong instead.

  Jin Ligong has always been arrogant and lascivious, spoiling Xu Tong, Yi Yang Wu, Changyu Jiao, Craftsman Lishi and a group of young people, the original playmates, all entered the DPRK as officials, played day and night, liked to listen well, against the ear of the loyal words can not listen to it, ignored the government, the ministers gradually disintegrated.

Shi Xie (xiè) saw that the government was in ruins and did not recommend a crusade against Zheng Guo.

Hao Zhi said, "If you don't crusade against Zheng Guo, how can you submit to the princes?" ”

Luan Shu also said: "Zheng Guo's back to Jin and Chu, if not, other princes will follow suit." ”

Jin Li was full of public spirit, decided to cut down Zheng, left Xun Ju to defend the country, and personally led the generals Luan Shu, Shi Xie, Hao Xi, Xun Yan, Han Jie, Hao Zhi, Wei Zheng, Luan Zhen (zhēn) and others, sent a chariot of six hundred, and killed Zheng Guo.

In order to prevent the Chu state from sending troops, he sent chōu to Lu and Wei countries to ask for troops to assist in the battle.

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