
Compare Curry down! Very simple choice! Lillard to join the Heat with Jimmy Butler or stay on the team to pull Dream Green to the championship? Lillard, who has always regarded himself as one person and one city,


Compare Curry down!

Very simple choice!

Lillard to join the Heat with Jimmy Butler or stay on the team to pull Dream Green to the championship?

Lillard, who has always regarded himself as one person and one city, this time there are rumors that he is not satisfied with the Blazers.

Say it's a chance to compete for the championship!

Mainly focused on the two themes of going to the Heat and staying in the team to strengthen!

So which one is better?

I just want to say, Lillard don't go to the Heat, or it's not safe!

After all, now Lillard is still one person and one city, and has the opportunity to compare Curry down, once he leaves, it is impossible!

Then the choice is obvious, Liradella chases dreams, and then wins the championship, you can compare Curry!

Seriously, Lillard can, I trust you!

Hurry up and pull the dream away, Curry will thank you too!

#NBA# #Lillard# #库里#

Compare Curry down! Very simple choice! Lillard to join the Heat with Jimmy Butler or stay on the team to pull Dream Green to the championship? Lillard, who has always regarded himself as one person and one city,
Compare Curry down! Very simple choice! Lillard to join the Heat with Jimmy Butler or stay on the team to pull Dream Green to the championship? Lillard, who has always regarded himself as one person and one city,
Compare Curry down! Very simple choice! Lillard to join the Heat with Jimmy Butler or stay on the team to pull Dream Green to the championship? Lillard, who has always regarded himself as one person and one city,

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