
The first semester of the 2022 senior year of the Hundred Divisions Alliance will review the history of the joint examination (I) (national 1 volume) in September

author:My diary of testimonials

The first round of the 2022 senior high school review joint examination (1) national volume

History exam paper


1. Candidates must fill in their name, examination room number, seat number, and admission ticket number on the answer card before answering the questionnaire.

2. When answering multiple choice questions, after selecting the answer to each sub-question, use a pencil to blacken the answer number of the corresponding question on the answer card. If you need to change,

After erasing it, apply a different answer label. When answering a non-multiple-choice question, write the answer on the answer card. It is not valid on this exam paper.

3. After the exam is over, return the exam paper and the answer card.

The duration of the exam is 90 minutes and the score is 100 points

1. Multiple choice questions: This question has a total of 25 sub-questions, each sub-question is 2 points, a total of 50 points. Of the four options given to each sub-question, only one of them meets the requirements of the question.

1. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, in order to make the princely states adhere to the loyalty and trustworthiness at the beginning of the division, the King of Zhou used Yurui (a ceremonial instrument made of jade) to formulate a series of cumbersome ceremonial activities to form the Yurui system as a means and basis for controlling the princely states. It can be seen that during the Western Zhou Dynasty

A. Centralization of power has been strengthened

B. Local governance has been strengthened

C. The patriarchal system is recognized

D. The situation of the integration of the family and the country is formed

2. During the Warring States period, the system of county unification over counties was first practiced in the Three Jins. For example, Wei's Shangjun has fifteen counties; Zhao's Shangdang County has twenty-four

county. The county system of Qin, Chu, and Yan was modeled after the Three Jins. Only the State of Qi has never set up a county, but there is a similar county.

The head of a county is called Shou ( Shou ) , also known as " Tai Shou " ( Tai Shou ) , and is appointed as a military attaché. It can be seen that during the Warring States period

A. The sub-sealing system is towards disintegration

B. The control of the local area tends to weaken

C. The centralized power system is perfect

D. Military and administrative organizations are gradually becoming one

3. The han dynasty's method of electing officials was based on the system of inspection and removal, and also included removal, conscription, private recommendation, doctoral disciple examination, Renzi (who won the official position by virtue of his father and brother), nazan, and many other methods of electing officials. Among them, expulsion is a system in which senior officials appoint subordinates, which must be carried out in two steps: first as a subordinate (an official of George); and then from a subordinate to a subordinate. According to this, the Han Dynasty

A. Relying on blood to elect officials has been abandoned

B. The Central Committee loses the power to elect officials

C. There are certain hidden dangers in the bureaucracy

D. Changes in the selection criteria for officials

4. During the Wei and Jin dynasties of the Two Han Dynasties, as an independent supervision system, the inspection powers of the lieutenants included the power of public security, the right to patrol, the right to punish, and the right to settle unjust prisons, etc. The objects of supervision involved relatives of the emperor and the state, eunuchs and courtiers, the seven counties of Kifu and the hundred officials of the Beijing Division, and the two thousand stone chief officials, etc., and the supervision functions basically covered all aspects of social politics, economy, and life. It can be seen that during the Wei and Jin dynasties of the two Han Dynasties, the lieutenants were set up

A. The mechanism of checks and balances on power has been improved

B. The authority of the Imperial Doctor was vacated

C. Restricts the administrative power of the Prime Minister

D. Adapted to the needs of authoritarian centralization

5. The Central Committee of the Sui and Tang Dynasties implemented a three-province system, in which the governors of the three provinces jointly discussed the state and held the post of prime minister. Emperor Taizong of Tang often slaughtered officials of lower rank

Phase name, expand the scope of appointment of prime ministers. This shows

A. Improve the democratic mechanism of checks and balances of power

B. The emperor's autocratic power is strengthened

C. The contradiction between the monarchs and the two sides was resolved

D. The centralized system is increasingly consolidated

6. The Yuan Dynasty centrally set up the Imperial History Platform. Yushitai also established two local platform institutions, namely, jiangnan provinces in the southeastern provinces

Xing Yushitai and the Shaanxi provinces in the southwest region of the Yushitai. There is no separate platform in the northern and central plains. Set a solemn above the road

The Department of Honest Administration and Honesty regularly checks the accounts of various cases and supervises the correction of officials at all levels. This can be used to illustrate the Yuan Dynasty

A. The authority of local officials is weakened

B. Strengthening of the administrative power of the Imperial Observatory

C. The supervision system is strict

D. Separation of powers and checks and balances between the central and local governments

7. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang set up the Department of Communication and Administration in the central government, so that the Four-Square Song Shu could be reached without going through Zhongshu Province, and later ordered that the Song did not pass through Zhongshu Province, and finally simply abolished Zhongshu Province, increased the rank of the six ministries, and scattered the Governor's Mansion into the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, all of which were directly subordinate to the emperor. This reflects the beginning of the Ming Dynasty

A. The degree of centralization has been increased

B. Alienation of central power

C. The effectiveness of authoritarian rule has been unprecedentedly strengthened

D. The contradiction between the monarch and the emperor intensified unprecedentedly

8. It is recorded that in the process of subjugating the Mongol ministries, the Qing court gradually established the alliance flag system in accordance with the organizational principles of the Eight Flags system and combined with the original social system of Mongolia. Major military and political matters of the Alliance Banner were decided by the Imperial Court's Court of Jurisdiction, and major local events were reported to the relevant regions

The General, the Metropolitan Government, and the Minister of Affairs will do it. It can be seen that the alliance flag system

A. Conducive to the consolidation of a unified multi-ethnic State

B. Expanded local executive powers

C. Implement the principle of ethnic equality

D. The contradiction between the central and local governments has been intensified

9. During the two Opium Wars, the relations between the Qing Dynasty government and the countries of the world changed, and three types of state relations appeared: one is the traditional tributary relationship, such as Korea, Vietnam and other countries belong to this type; the second is the traditional mutual market relations, such as Japan and other countries belong to this type; third, modern treaty relations, Western invaders belong to this type. This shows that china at that time

A. The concept of modern diplomacy began to germinate

B. Facing a complex and changeable domestic and international situation

C. The traditional diplomatic landscape has been impacted

D. It still has a dominant position in the Asian region

10. During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, Yang Xiuqing composed the ballad of the "Good Constitution of the Taiping Army": Taiping Army, Good Regulations; Distribute grain and divide the fields equally; beat officers and soldiers, beat foreigners; opium and gambling money are banned at the same time, and everywhere is peaceful. This illustrates the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

A. The form of public opinion propaganda is single

B. Eradication of feudal hierarchies

C. Land policy has achieved remarkable results

D. Attention is paid to consolidating the mass base of the revolution

11. In 1882, Deng Chengxiu, the "Nihon Tong", wrote to the Qing court: "Fuso (Japan) piece of soil, ... The marine division was less than 8,000, the ships and ships were half destroyed, and the army was divided into six towns, and the statistics were not 40,000. However, those who dare to brazenly disregard each other are not ignorant of China's greatness, they are not ignorant of China's wealth and strength, those who are intimidated by China are afraid of things, and China's re-issuance is difficult to hear. "That speaks to the time

A. Government officials are dimwitted about the situation at home and abroad

B. Resistance to Japan dominated Qing court diplomacy

C. The Foreign Affairs Movement achieved the goal of self-improvement and prosperity

D. The effect of Japan's military reform is not obvious

12. After the establishment of the Hubei military government, a series of policy decrees were promulgated: it was announced that all prefectures and counties in Hubei would be restructured into a republic and that officials would be reappointed by the revolutionary government; civil and criminal cases should be tried according to law, and the people should be allowed to appeal and tried in public; and it was clearly stipulated that there should be no special disparity between officers and soldiers. The Hubei military government issued these decrees

A. Demonstrates the revolutionary and progressive nature of the regime

B. Ended the decadent rule of the Qing government

C. Achieving democratic equality in the true sense of the word

D. Smashed the restoration plot of the old bureaucracy

13. The victory of the Long March of the Red Army made the Comintern realize the transformation of the Communist Party of China from infancy to adulthood, and to reflect on its mistake of commanding the Chinese revolution far from China's reality, thus recognizing the line, principles and policies put forward by the Communist Party of China from reality, and recognizing that the Chinese revolution should be led and commanded by comrades who understand China's reality. These realizations of the Comintern

A. Push the CCP from naivety to maturity

B. Actually corrects the mistakes of right opportunism

C. Negated the path of social revolution in Soviet Russia

D. Embodies the Marxist spirit of seeking truth from facts

14. Table 1 shows the formation process of the concept of "protracted war" during the War of Resistance Against Japan. According to this, it can be seen that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at that

The first semester of the 2022 senior year of the Hundred Divisions Alliance will review the history of the joint examination (I) (national 1 volume) in September

A. Corrected the capitulation tendencies of the National Government

B. Enlisted the support of the World Anti-Fascist League

C. Affirmed the important role of the Northeast War of Resistance

D. Have a clear understanding of the situation in the War of Resistance Against Japan

15. From the end of June 1946 to the beginning of 1947, the People's Liberation Army annihilated more than 710,000 enemy personnel. Although the Liberated Area lost 105 small and medium-sized

Cities, but the Nationalists paid a price of nearly 3,000 casualties for each city they occupied, and they also had to send troops to garrison it, which was enormous

Dispersed its forces. From this we know

A. The Kuomintang and the Communists were evenly matched at the beginning of the war

B. The Kuomintang's key offensive has been completely crushed

C. The struggle tactics of the CPC Central Committee have been effectively carried out

D. The War of Liberation is about to enter the stage of stalemate

16. In September 1963, Deng Yingchao (Mrs. Zhou Enlai) and Zhang Qian (Mrs. Chen Yi) summarized the work experience of the wives of embassies abroad, as shown in Table 2. These work experiences

The first semester of the 2022 senior year of the Hundred Divisions Alliance will review the history of the joint examination (I) (national 1 volume) in September

A. It is conducive to promoting the smooth development of China's diplomacy

B. A new approach to non-aligned foreign policy

C. Promote the maturity of New China's foreign policy

D. Reflects the increased status of women in the diplomatic service

17. On June 10, 2014, the Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper pointing out that since 1997, the degree of democracy in the election of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has been continuously improved, and the factor of direct election in the Legislative Council election has been increasing. In addition, the white paper has also been sorted out

Timetable for universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council. this

A. It embodies the main spirit of the "1992 Consensus"

B. It marks the completion of the great cause of the reunification of the motherland

C. Affirmed the great achievements of "one country, two systems"

D. Provides a basic example for Macao's return to the motherland

18.In ancient Athens, speeches were studied mainly by nobles or wealthy, and the populace had neither money nor time to learn the craft; and those who often gave presentations at citizens' assemblies and those who frequently prosecuted cases in citizens' courts were mainly political leaders

And not ordinary citizens. According to this, Athens at that time

A. Democratic politics is only a formality

B. The consciousness of ordinary citizens to participate in political activities is not high

C. Political leaders become the decision-makers of the country

D. The elite had an important place in the political life of the city-state

19.In 11 BC, the Roman Empire promulgated the Senate Resolution on Waterways, which stipulated that if it was proved (in the city of Rome) that the waters of public aqueducts were illegally used to irrigate private land, the land would be confiscated; These provisions

A. Damage to private property

B. Embodies the principle of democracy and the rule of law

C. Exacerbate social contradictions

D. Adapted to the needs of social governance

20.In 1833, the British Privy Council formed the Judicial Council to replace the original "Appeal Board" system, whose main function was negative

Responsible for the appellate jurisdiction of overseas places to provide overseas judicial remedies on the grounds of "king's justice". Commission of Justice

Establishment of the Membership Committee

A. The hidden dangers of the national liberation movement have been eliminated

B. Demonstrates the supremacy of justice

C. Adapted to the needs of colonial management

D. Strengthened the power of the monarch

21. "The Communist Manifesto is the real petrel", during the lifetime of Marx and Engels, "the Communist Manifesto has spread widely among the workers of all countries in the world". From 1850 onwards, the German version of the Declaration was reprinted in Switzerland, England and the United States

Several times. After 1869, it was translated into Russian, English, French, Spanish, Armenian, etc. This illustrates the Communist Manifesto.

A. Realized the unity of science and revolution

B. The fusion of various schools of utopian socialism

C. Flogged the backwardness of the feudal autocracy

D. became the main statute of the International WorkingMen's Association

22.Under the Constitution of 1875, both the Senate and the House of Representatives of France have the power to pass laws, of which the House of Representatives has priority in financial legislation and has the power to overthrow the Cabinet, while the Senate has the power to form the High Court to prosecute and try the president who has committed a crime. This one

Institutional arrangements indicate France

A. Absorbed the lessons of the Paris Commune

B. The principle of separation of powers has been practiced

C. Effectively became a parliamentary republic

D. Copied the practice of the U.S. presidency

23. According to one scholar, the October Revolution, completed under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, marked the end of capitalist power. The Soviet government nationalized banks, factories, infrastructure, etc., and carried out radical changes extensively over the lands of the former Tsar. The scholar

It is intended to emphasize the October Revolution

A. The task of the bourgeois-democratic revolution was accomplished

B. It is of a socialist revolutionary character

C. The social foundations of tsarist autocracy were dismantled

D. The climax of the world revolution was promoted

24. Figure 1 is a propaganda poster made by the Soviet Union after World War II depicting the image of the United States in Europe. This poster was introduced on the historical back

The scenery is

The first semester of the 2022 senior year of the Hundred Divisions Alliance will review the history of the joint examination (I) (national 1 volume) in September

A. The United States succeeded in occupying the Middle Ground

B. Rapid globalization

C. European integration is developing in depth

D. Intensification of confrontation between major powers

25. Since the 1960s and 1970s, third world countries have pursued a broader range of goals, including economic growth, autonomy and economic independence, and dissemination of their views on world affairs. They use a variety of means to pursue their objectives, such as the establishment of a number of States

International commodity organizations (OPEC, etc.), the establishment of regional organizations (G77, etc.). this

A. The unity of the socialist camp has been strengthened

B. The influence of hegemonism and power politics has been eliminated

C. The development of the Non-Aligned Movement has been hampered

D. It is conducive to the trend of multipolarization of the world political structure

2. Non-multiple choice questions: 50 points in total.

26. Read the material and complete the following requirements. (14 minutes)


In the 320th year of the Eighteenth Emperor of the Song Dynasty, the names of the officials of the prime minister changed five times before and after: Tongping Zhangshi, left and right servants, Dazai, Shaozai, left and right

Servant, left and right. The official system of the Song Dynasty, which inherited the Sui and Tang dynasties and the Later Qi, Ming and Qing dynasties, was complex in content and separated in name from reality, and was the most complicated dynasty in the bureaucratic setup of previous dynasties, and it was also a dynasty with a highly developed civilian official system. The special separation of officials was particularly evident in the Song bureaucracy. While the imperial examination system was further improved, the military generals were also suppressed as never before. Because the local organizations at all levels in the Song Dynasty were mutually restrained, especially the road-level organizations were decentralized, the divisions intersected, and the centers were separated, there was no single circle of power and a single power center, and the geographical basis of the divided side was lost. At the same time, the administrative divisions of the Song Dynasty were divided areas of central officials, rather than local officials, and the officials of roads, prefectures, and counties were held by central officials, which weakened the personnel basis for the division of local powers.

——Excerpted from Zhou Zhenhe's "Sixteen Lectures on China's Historical and Political Geography" and so on

(1) According to the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, summarize the main factors of the highly developed civil official system in the Song Dynasty. (6 minutes)

(2) Based on the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, briefly evaluate the civil official system of the Song Dynasty. (8 minutes)

27. Read the material and complete the following requirements. (14 minutes)

Modern Western representative democracies include constitutional monarchies and democratic republics. Modern Western constitutional monarchies originated in Britain, and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the Bill of Rights of 1689 were key events in the development of the British constitutional monarchy. The German constitutional monarchy borrowed formally from Britain, but also had its own characteristics. The modern Western democratic republic originated in the United States, which pioneered the establishment of a democratic republic in a vast country and the implementation of a political system of separation of powers, which was later imitated by other countries and had a far-reaching impact.

——Excerpt from Mark Yao's "History of World Civilization" and so on

Combining the materials and the relevant knowledge learned, formulate a specific topic by yourself and briefly expound the proposed topic.

(Requirements: Clearly write out the proposed topic, and the exposition must have a historical basis.) )

28. Read the material and complete the following requirements. (12 minutes)

Material 1

From 1930 to 1931, the National Government proposed that all places in the southwestern provinces that could be directly changed to counties should be directly administered by counties. In 1931, the Kuomintang proposed to reclaim and relocate to the border area. Yunnan has successively built the Yunnan Burma Highway and the China-India Highway, and the Yunnan-Qianqian Highway has been opened to traffic. The Ministry of Education asked the three provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan and Xikang to formulate a three-year plan for frontier education. However, there are various border administrative institutions set up in the southwestern provinces, such as the Yunnan institution called the "Frontier Administrative Design Committee", the Guizhou institution called the "Border Compatriot Culture Research Association", and the Chuankang institution called the "Border Affairs Design Committee of the Border Regions of the Three Provinces of Sichuan, Kang and Yunnan". These institutions are independent in action, decrees are more difficult to penetrate, and other factors have greatly reduced the effectiveness of the National Government in governing the southwest.

——Excerpt from Ma Yuhua's "On the Governance of the National Government on the Southwest Frontier and Frontier Nationalities"

Material 2

Since 1949, the system of regional ethnic autonomy has been promoted nationwide, and ethnic autonomous areas have been established. By 1965, five autonomous regions had been established, and a number of autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties (banners) had been established. In May 1984, the Second Session of the Sixth National People's Congress deliberated and passed the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy. On February 28, 2001, the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress amended the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, marking the maturity of the system of regional ethnic autonomy. This maturity is prominently manifested in two aspects: First, the system of regional ethnic autonomy has been fully implemented; second, the institutional function of regional ethnic autonomy has been effectively brought into play.

——Excerpted from Zhou Ping's "The Formation and Evolution of the Regional Ethnic Autonomy System in China" and so on

(1) Based on the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, briefly evaluate the National Government's governance of the border areas of ethnic minorities in the southwest. (6 minutes)

(2) Based on the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, briefly explain the main values of the full implementation of the system of regional ethnic autonomy. (6 minutes)

29. Read the material and complete the following requirements. (10 minutes)

On August 7, 1948, the North China Provisional People's Congress opened. Delegates to the congress were workers, peasants and the revolutionary army

There were 542 people, women, industrialists, freelancers, new-style peasants, social elites, enlightened gentlemen and members of the Democratic League, ethnic minorities, and representatives of people's organizations in areas ruled by the Kuomintang. In his opening remarks, Dong Biwu pointed out that this congress is the calendar of China's democratic revolution

An epoch-making meeting in history will become the prototype of the National People's Congress. The congress unanimously adopted the "On the People of North China."

Government Policy" and other important documents. On September 26, the North China People's Government was formally established, and then withdrawn on October 31, 1949

pin. It not only mobilized all human, material and financial resources to accomplish the task of unifying North China and supporting the national liberation war

Moreover, it has explored and accumulated experience for the construction of political power and economic construction in New China, and has made democratic consultation and people's congress system for New China

Du made a powerful attempt and laid the foundation, and became the prototype of the Central People's Government of New China.

——Excerpted from Zhai Huipan's "Political Power Construction of the North China People's Government and Its Historical Significance" and so on

(1) Summarize the characteristics of the political power construction of the North China People's Government according to the materials and combined with the knowledge learned. (4 minutes)

(2) Based on the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, briefly analyze the significance of the political power construction of the North China People's Government. (6 minutes)