
Musk targeted the transgender mafia

author:Calm and calm heart

#June Punch Raid Campaign#

Musk targeted the transgender mafia

Twitter boss Elon Musk, who has had enough of the far-left "awakened" transgender mob dictating language tasks on his platform, is taking action to stop it.

According to Post-Millennials, Musk has now announced that using the words "cis" and "cisgender" to describe non-transgender people, which is almost everyone on the planet, is considered a smear on his platform.

Musk targeted the transgender mafia

"Repeated, targeted harassment of any account will result in at least a temporary suspension of the harassing account," Musk said. "The words 'cis' or 'cisgender' are considered defamatory on this platform.

Repeated, targeted harassment of any account will result in at least a temporary suspension of the harassing account.

The term "cis" or "cisgender" is considered defamatory on this platform.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)

Musk's warning came in response to a tweet from commentator James Esses who said he was harassed online and named after saying he didn't like being labeled "cis."

"Yesterday, after posting a tweet saying I reject the word 'cis' and don't want to be called it, I received a flood of messages from transgender activists calling me 'cis' and telling me I was 'cis' 'whether I liked it or not'. Just imagine if the roles were reversed," he noted.

Essés' initial tweet said he simply refused to be labeled "cisgender" because he refused to accept the linguistic demands of the awakened left that pushed gender ideology.

Musk targeted the transgender mafia

"I officially and publicly declare that I reject the label 'cis'. I don't believe in gender ideology. I do not self-identify as "cis". Using this word makes me feel insecure and shows your hatred for me. Anyone who uses the word 'cis' to describe me is paranoid," he wrote.

The term denotes the creation of a new binary: transgender and cis, and makes judgments about non-transgender people. Many people who hold views critical of gender ideology, that is, those who know that biological sex is immutable in reality, often reject the term as pejorative.

The person who coined the term in 1994 told HuffPo that the only problem with the word was those who disagreed with the word.

"The word is a threat because it linguistically distinguishes biological sex from the socially constructed categories of 'woman' and 'man'. Gender is a social construct that undermines heterosexuality, which is essential to defend patriarchal gender roles and procreation. Not surprisingly, those who derive dominance and privilege from traditional gender roles feel threatened and forced to lash out," Dane Deforth wrote.

Before Musk took control of Twitter, the platform's terms of service prohibited "gender error," the use of gender terms based on an individual's biological sex rather than self-identified gender. As a result, commentator Meghan Murphy and others were suspended for violating the policy. However, referring to someone as "cis" has no effect, even if the person does not consider themselves to be "cis."

Musk targeted the transgender mafia

In short, "transgender" was allowed to be a chosen identity, but under the old rules, "CIS" could be assigned to someone without their consent.

In Republican-led states across the country, lawmakers and governors are taking action to protect children from transgender ideologies and permanent damage to the body by banning health care providers from administering puberty blockers and undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

Meanwhile, Democrats all but support the transition of children to "transgender" and claim it's "fair" to allow biological males to compete with biological females in sporting events, while labeling opponents as narrow-minded bigots.

About 20 minutes ago, Democrats were protecting women and women's rights, but now it's time to create another group of victims to support their core voting bloc.