
Choose the most suitable fertilizer for the orange tree, teach you to apply fertilizer correctly, and let the orange tree grow healthy and harvest!

author:Ai Sannong loves life
Choose the most suitable fertilizer for the orange tree, teach you to apply fertilizer correctly, and let the orange tree grow healthy and harvest!

Oranges are a common fruit loved for their unique taste and nutritional value. The growth and development of orange trees are closely related to fertilizer. Choosing the right fertilizer can promote healthy growth and a bumper harvest of orange trees. So, what is the best fertilizer for orange trees? This article will introduce the most suitable types of fertilizer for orange trees and how to apply them.

First, the common type of fertilizer for orange trees

1. Organic fertilizer Organic fertilizer is a very good fertilizer choice, which can promote soil fertility and improve soil machine

It improves the water retention and oxygen supply of the soil, so as to provide a suitable growth environment for orange trees. Common organic fertilizers include livestock and poultry manure, well-rotted compost, humic acid, etc.

2. Fertilizer

Chemical fertilizer is a commonly used type of fertilizer that can provide sufficient nutrients for orange trees to promote their growth and development. Common fertilizers include nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, etc. Among them, nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of leaves and branches of orange trees, phosphate fertilizer can promote the root growth and fruit development of orange trees, and potassium fertilizer can increase the sugar content of oranges and the sweetness of fruits.

Choose the most suitable fertilizer for the orange tree, teach you to apply fertilizer correctly, and let the orange tree grow healthy and harvest!

3. Bio-organic fertilizer

Bio-organic fertilizer is a new type of fertilizer, which decomposes and transforms organic matter through biotechnological means to form an efficient fertilizer. Bio-organic fertilizer can increase the number of microorganisms and organic matter content in the soil, improve the fertility of the soil, and thus provide a more suitable growth environment for orange trees.

Second, the method of applying fertilizer to orange trees

1. Organic fertilizer application method Organic fertilizer can be applied by composting, which can classify and stack organic wastes such as livestock and poultry manure and kitchen waste, and after a period of fermentation and decay, it can be directly applied to the soil. Organic fertilizer substances can also be sprinkled directly around the roots of orange trees, and then covered with soil, so that organic fertilizer can quickly penetrate into the soil.

2. Fertilizer application method

Fertilizers can be applied by spreading them directly on the surface of the soil, or they can be dissolved in water and then applied by irrigation. When applying chemical fertilizer, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and amount of chemical fertilizer to avoid excessive burden on the soil.

Choose the most suitable fertilizer for the orange tree, teach you to apply fertilizer correctly, and let the orange tree grow healthy and harvest!

3. Bio-organic fertilizer application method

Bio-organic fertilizer can be applied by mixing with organic fertilizer substances or directly on the soil surface. It should be noted that the validity period of bio-organic fertilizer is relatively short and needs to be applied regularly to ensure that orange trees receive sufficient nutrient supply.

III. Summary

In summary, the most suitable types of fertilizers for orange trees are organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, and bio-organic fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, it is necessary to choose according to the growth and development stage of orange trees and the fertility status of the soil to avoid excessive burden on the soil. At the same time, when applying fertilizer, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and amount of fertilizer to avoid adverse effects on the growth of orange trees. Only by choosing the appropriate fertilizer type and application method can we provide a good guarantee for the growth of orange trees.