
Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

author:Qinglin Zhiqing
Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > yellow leaves flutter like butterflies</h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Mr. Gu Hongming can be described as erudite, he has received 13 doctorates in disbelief, is a prodigy who has studied both Chinese and Western, and there are not many people who want to admire him, but he said: China has had three wise people since ancient times, namely Zhou Gong, Ji Xiaolan and Shen Zengzhi. </h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the first two people needless to say, is Chinese know, but this Shen Zengzhi is who, for this, I often like to use a few no one knows the word, but for Shen Zengzhi, it can be said that no one knows, but this does not include a type of person, that is, calligraphers and senior enthusiasts. </h2>

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > check the information of Shen Zengzhi on the Internet, in addition to the official introduction, it is all a lot of information about his calligraphy auction and price, and there is no trace of his life trajectory. </h2>

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Shen Zengzhi, Zi Pei, Xun Zhai, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Qing Guangxu Nian Jinshi, served as the chief of the Guizhou Department of the Ministry of Punishment, the prime minister of state affairs Yamen Zhangjing, Jiangxi Guangxin prefect, Anhui Tixue envoy and other positions. He is the grandson of Shen Weijun, a scholar, calligrapher, historian, and poet of the Same Light Body, he is a scholar of ancient and modern knowledge, learning through Both China and the West, and "Master learning and Confucianism" to promote China and foreign countries, "YuXue omnipresent", he is also the master of Pu Xue. He is known as the "Great Confucian of China". </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > his grandfather Shen Weijun was once a servant of the Qing court, not very famous, of course, few people know, but he has a student who is famous, that is, the late Qing Dynasty minister Zeng Guofan. Under the influence of such a family, Shen Zengzhi's foundation in traditional Chinese studies is conceivable. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > calligraphy is Yu Xue for Shen Zengzhi, he did not deliberately learn it, Mr. Wang Yuchang said in "Remembering Shen Yu ShuShi" that "Mr. Wang first took calligraphy as a residual matter before his death, but deliberately operated, did his best, and began to write after the age of sixty-four." When he died at the age of seventy-three, he worked extremely hard and became everyone. ”</h2>

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > I didn't study calligraphy much, and I didn't understand a bunch of praise, but I knew that Kang Youwei's calligraphy was something that few people could compare with at that time, and he was proud, especially calligraphy, which few people could get into his eyes, but once when he talked about calligraphy with Shen Zengzhi, because he hated Kang Youwei too much to talk big, Shen Zengzhi said to him, the little brother Kang Youwei, who had rewritten Chinese history: You read another ten years of books and talk to me about calligraphy!" Kang Youwei was not annoyed, but "ashamed to retreat." </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the epitaph of Wu Baochu, one of the "four princes" of the late Qing Dynasty, Zhang Shizhao originally wanted to ask Kang Youwei to write, and Kang Youwei, who has always regarded himself as very high, refused to say: "Sleepy Soo is alive, how dare a certain person do it?" Finally, Kang Youwei wrote an article, shen Zengzhi Shuzhi, which shows his position in Kang Youwei's heart. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Shen Zengzhi's works, and has made achievements in all aspects of scholarship. Later, he specialized in the history of Liao, Jin, and Yuan, and made unique achievements in the history and geography of frontiers and the history of Chinese and foreign transportation, opening up new fields that had not been seen before, and concentrating on the study of ancient and modern laws. Wang Guowei praised him as "sent by scholarship" and "the light of the state"</h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > his achievements are particularly prominent in the examination and research of China's frontier geography, especially the geography of the northwest, his "Northwest Public Opinion Examination", that is to make up for a gap in China's historical geography, in the difficult situation of "race is not easy to know, the territory is not easy to examine", he carried out pioneering discussion and excavation of geographical evolution, and made proofs or notes on fifteen kinds of historical books, which was called a kind of "unissued by predecessors" by posterity. Academic Engineering. </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Shen Zengzhi's deeds in his career can be described as lackluster, and although he was also a political envoy in Anhui at the end of the Qing Dynasty, although he was also ranked as a feudal official, it seems that he did not have any outstanding political achievements. But at that time of turmoil, it seems that there are his figures everywhere, he appeared on the stage of history in the form of supporting roles, and naturally few people can know his name now. However, he was also known for him to run a strong society with Kang Youwei and Xu Shichang; he was also involved in the Boxer Rebellion, and he was also a secret merchant with Li Hongzhang and Liu Kun. Later, he was also enshrined as the fifth president of Shanghai Nanyang Public School, now Shanghai Jiao Tong University. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > his thinking is actually not very conservative, he has been to Japan to investigate academic affairs, contact with many new ideas; he is quite appreciative of Ito Hirobumi's constitutional theory, and praises it as "smelting old and new ideas in one furnace". Even after the failure of the Penghu Reform, some people were worried about the consequences of the New Deal, and Shen Zengzhi, who was familiar with the law, emphasized "pursuing the New Deal" in his four suggestions in a letter to Zhang Zhidong in 1901. Therefore, it seems inappropriate to say that he is a person who holds a cripple, and he describes himself in the Collected Poems of Hai Ri Lou: "The Tao is indulging in business, and it is not a question to ask a pedantic Confucian hug." ”</h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > if Shen Zengzhi's political career is lackluster, then the most worthwhile book is his participation in Zhang Xun's restoration, he "traveled north between the passes, participated in his service", conferred the Shangshu of the Academy, he was like Kang Youwei, was an active planner and promoter of the restoration, and finally like Kang Youwei, he was wanted by the whole country. </h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the world describes Kang Liang's party as a royalist, but they do not know that there is a fundamental difference between this royalist and conservative, the emperor wants to reform, in fact, the empress dowager Lafayette also wants reform, otherwise he would not have sent any five ministers to the West to investigate, Kang Liang They only want a constitutional monarchy, the Western parliamentary system, at that time there was still a positive significance, and it was still inappropriate to classify them all as the widows of the Qing Dynasty. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > I always feel that the word old is pejorative, and its subtext is nostalgia for the old dynasty and holding on to the defects. Whenever a new dynasty is established, there is always such a group of people who adopt a non-cooperative attitude with the new dynasty, and their views on this group of people will come to very different conclusions depending on their positions. </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > is also uncooperative, feeling that the Republic of China is not as good as the previous Qing Dynasty, Shen Zengzhi was identified as a widow; but such as Gu Yanwu and Wang Fuzhi, no one regarded them as the widows of the Ming Dynasty, they had another special term, called the widows. This word is no different from the clouds, and the height is immediate. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > but it is undeniable that Shen Zengzhi still has a nostalgia for the old, when the new Republic of China does not have the beauty of imagination in their hearts, the newly deceased dynasty has become the basis for comparison in their hearts, and all the dissatisfaction will be transformed into nostalgia for the old dynasty. He said in the poem: "All the emptiness is shattered, and the Song of Death is weeping and silky" "The nine days of ascension have a common time, and I don't know where it is my hometown" I don't know that hometown is a feeling of homelessness, which is clearly saying that he can't find his hometown feeling, but in fact, he is nostalgic for the old dynasty. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Shen Zengzhi had close contacts with Kang Youwei and had made suggestions for him to start the bus, but the two had many disagreements in action and personality. Shen Zengzhi was more pragmatic in his thinking and had the style of a Confucian scholar, advocating gradual progress and opposing soaring social change. He once advised Weng Tonggong to open a school to teach new learning, advocated opening banks, mining and mining coal, sending students to study abroad, and running gun factories, all of which were in favor of the measures of the New Deal. </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > people say that they are afraid of the two nodes of 73 and 84 when they are old, as if they are related to the age of the two saints of Kong and Meng. In 1922, when Shen Zengzhi was 73 years old, he seemed to be vaguely aware that the limit was approaching, and he said in a poem to Kang Youwei: "Yu is very sick, the years are not with me", a phrase into a proverb, on the second day of the first month of October, he had a specific look, wrote a poem of his "excellent dreams" and left. The beginning of the poem is a sentence "The yellow leaves are like butterflies, and the green and the dark are gone", even his dreams are desolate autumn winds, blowing the yellow leaves to the sky and falling, this autumn scene does not seem to be a good omen, foreshadowing the end of his slaughter. </h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > his life experienced a series of historical events such as the Penghu Reform Law, the Western Affairs Movement, the Zhang Xun Restoration, the Xinhai Revolution, and the New Culture Movement, and witnessed all the major events and regime changes in the late Qing Dynasty. Ideologically, although he is not conservative, his criterion is who is good to the people, who is a good government. </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wang Guowei praised his achievements as comparable to Gu Yanwu; Naito Hunan, the founder of modern Japanese sinology, called him "a great man with insight who has access to all chinese learning"; the Russian philosopher Kaisarin called him "a typical example of Chinese culture" and "the perfect man of China"; the Qing scholar Jin Rongjing called his cursive "the first person in three hundred years"; Sha Menghai praised his calligraphy as "a dragon dancing phoenix, full of fun"...</h2>

<h2 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > was famous before his death, and he was lonely behind him, "the black wind blew away from the sea, and there were no Slovaks in the world", he had foreseen how he would be treated in the future, and his achievements in academic history were "difficult to say with the king", but he was born a scholar, perhaps at this time he had already looked down on all the rights and wrongs of participating in politics, and he had become a smoke cloud, and he walked away lonely. </h2>

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > but in today's active market economy, his Yuxue, that is, calligraphy, has brought him a great reputation, as a "thesis" palace army figure, his works are popular, which he must not have thought of. </h2>

Shen Zengzhi: He was famous before his death, lonely behind him, formally learned calligraphy at the age of 64, and now enjoys a high reputation