
Wu Jing: Practical actions have proved that no matter how busy you are, you have time to accompany your children,

author:Tianyi Bao IVF

#33岁生小孩晚不晚呢, I still want to have a second child#

Children are the hope of the family and the future of the motherland. The healthy and happy growth of children is believed to be the most ardent expectation of every parent. Of course, "health" not only refers to their strong body, but also to have good psychological quality and sound development of personality.

The family is the cradle of children's growth and the harbor of the soul. Children's happiness is the source of family happiness, and a happy family is also the cornerstone of children's happiness.

"Time is too tight and companionship is hard." Many young parents are busy with work and need to relax when they return home, so they start to use modern technology: throw an iPad or mobile phone to their children, let Peppa Pig, Wangwang Team... Accompany the child instead of yourself.

Wu Jing: Practical actions have proved that no matter how busy you are, you have time to accompany your children,

Image from the Internet

Perhaps many parents are either helpless because they don't have a way to accompany them, or they can't help themselves because they don't have the skills to do so.

Parents are already doing their best to "accompany" their children, but we must understand that "accompany ≠ accompany".

To accompany with your heart, it is indispensable to be "childlike".

In the company, parents often habitually communicate with their children from an adult perspective and language, bringing their children into the world of adults, forgetting to enter the child's world with a childlike heart and listening to the child's childlike imagination.

Wu Jing: Practical actions have proved that no matter how busy you are, you have time to accompany your children,

Image from the Internet

The "tough guy" on the screen - Wu Jing is also the most naughty "child king" in the family.

The reason why I thought of him, in addition to the recent "Megalodon 2" hit, and behind the scenes, hurriedly rushed to the publicity notice, and did not forget to bring the child with him, although he also explained that it was because his wife Xie Nan had a host job and no one watched the children.

But this can't help but remind the editor that Wu Jing once said that he often took rubber weapons from the crew, such as "three eight big covers" and "box cannons", to fight with children at home, so that children can feel the ease and happiness of parent-child companionship.

Like Wu Jing, parents with a childlike heart are closer to high-quality companionship, and the common skill is "childishness". "Childishness" is not the same as childishness, but putting yourself at the same height as the child, using the child's perspective to experience the child's needs.

Wu Jing: Practical actions have proved that no matter how busy you are, you have time to accompany your children,

(Image from the Internet)

Children are the "works" of a family, preaching is better than teaching by example, parents' own stable emotions, peaceful mentality, and mental maturity can not only make children more secure, but also the sunshine and rain on the road to children's growth.

As parents, if we give less orders to our children in the name of "love", use more "love" to express love, and gradually become trusted friends of children, children will be willing to communicate with us and listen to our suggestions, so that we can truly care for the healthy growth of children.

Some of the pictures and texts in this article come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

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