
History of the Liu surname 4

author:Central Plains Peking University

The historical origin of the surname Liu

Author: Liu Shuilong

7. Revival of the surname Liu in modern times

1. Revival trajectory

Corresponding to the development of the entire Han nation, the history of the modern Liu surname is also a history of rejuvenation, and it can even be said that it is a history of recreating the glory of the Liu surname. The Taiping Army, represented by Hong Xiuquan, and the Xiang Army, represented by Zeng Guofan, which was formed as a result of the suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, served as the vanguard of the rejuvenation of the Han nationality in modern China.

  What opened the prelude to the revival of the modern Liu surname was also the Liu clan of Xiangxiang in Hunan and the liu clan of the entire Huxiang that rose up with Zeng Guofan. Many members of these families won honors for their families for their suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the death of the Twist army, while many successful people rose up in the war and became important officials in the late Qing Dynasty, such as Liu Changyou and Liu Kunyi of Xinning, Hunan.

When foreign powers brutally invaded China, the vast number of Liu members once again embodied the spirit of "descendants of Han" and actively threw themselves into the war against aggression. Therefore, in the east, there were Liu Mingchuan who spread the word of Resistance against Japan in Taiwan, and there was Liu Butou who sacrificed his life for the country in the Battle of Jiawu in the East China Sea; in the south, there was Liu Yongfu's "Black Flag Army" who heroically resisted the Law, echoing Liu Mingchuan; in the northwest, there were Liu Jintang, Liu Dian, Liu Changyou, and other generals from the Xiang Army, who led their troops to accompany Zuo Zongtang on a western expedition to Xinjiang to resist Tsarist Russia and quell the rebellion. The first inspector after the establishment of Taiwan province and the first inspector after the establishment of Xinjiang province were both served by members surnamed Liu.

  In the struggle to pursue people's freedom and democracy and create a new society, Liu surnamed Liu consciously came to the forefront of history. While defending Taiwan, Liu Mingchuan also acted as a "pioneer of Taiwan's modernization." In the "Six Gentlemen of Pengshu" directed by the "Hundred Days Restoration", there is another Liu Guangdi, who has won a place for the surname Liu. As the elder of the "Xinhai Revolution", Liu Yi's status was second only to Sun Yat-sen, Song Jiaoren, and Huang Xing. His younger brother, Liu Daoyi, died heroically in the war to establish a new system.

  The special historical reasons of the first half of the 20th century caused the division of warlords and civil strife in China, and the surname Liu seems to have formed an indissoluble relationship with Sichuan in southwest China from the beginning of the Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, so there was the rise of the Liu Xiang and Liu Wenhui families, playing the role of "King of Sichuan".

In the process of the continuous rise of comunist in China and the protagonist of modern Chinese history, the Liu clan surname once again gave birth to one of the most outstanding military figures, Liu Junshen, and the most outstanding leader. Of course, it also contributed to the martyrs represented by Liu Hulan and Liu Zhidan.

2. Huxiang Liu clan - the pioneer of the revival of the modern Liu surname

 In modern history, the Hunan people, represented by Zeng Guofan, have served as the vanguard of the revival of the Han nationality. The Surname of Liu in Hunan also rose to prominence with the Xiang Army of the Zeng clan and served as the vanguard of the revival of the Liu surname. The Huxiang Liu clan is not a clan, but includes many tribes, but these Liu clans all have a common characteristic---- they all rose to the world with the emergence of the Xiang Army.  The famous Huxiang Liu clan in modern times mainly includes: the Xiangxiang Chengjiang Liu clan represented by the famous Xiang army general Liu Jintang; the Xiangzhong Xinning Liu clan represented by Liu Kunyi, the governor of Liangjiang in the late Qing Dynasty; the Ningxiang Gray Tang Baishifeng Liu clan represented by the scholar-type Xiang army general Liu Dian; and the Xiangxiang Queshan Liu clan represented by the famous Xiang army general Liu Rong.

  The Xiangxiang Chengjiang Liu clan was one of the earliest revived Han Liu clans in modern times. The family is famous at home and abroad for producing Liu Songshan, a general in the Xiang Army, and Liu Jintang, a hero who defended Xinjiang. The Xiangxiang Chengjiang Liu clan was formed in the Ming Dynasty, moved from Jiangxi, originated from the Jiangxi Ancheng Qianxi Liu clan, with Liu Zhuang, the commentator of the Southern Tang Dynasty Dali, as the distant ancestor, and Liu Yisheng as the ancestor of the Xiang Dynasty. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out, and a large number of members of the Xiangxiang Liu clan joined Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army. Liu Songshan accompanied Zeng Guofan in attacking the Taiping Army, and was later ordered to pursue the Western Road Twister Army and was promoted to the post of Land Governor of Guangdong. In the seventh year of Tongzhi, he accompanied Zuo Zongtang to suppress the rebellion of the Hui people in Shaanxi and Gansu, and was shot and killed while besieging Ma Wuzhai. Liu Songshan's son Liu Nai (鼒鼒), a hereditary first-class light vehicle lieutenant, later served as an envoy to Shanxi. Liu Jintang was Liu Songshan's nephew, and after Liu Songshan's death, Liu Jintang took over the Old Xiang army, defeated the Jinjibao Hui army, hunted down Ma Hualong, and avenged his uncle's killing. Later, Liu Jintang accompanied Zuo Zongtang on his western expedition to Xinjiang and annihilated the rebels of the Agubai tribe in one fell swoop. The war, commanded by Liu Jintang, is listed by historians as one of the "100 wars that affected China." Later, Liu Jintang was promoted to the right hand man of the Qing government's military department for his merits. In 1884, the Qing government established Xinjiang Province, and Liu Jintang served as the first governor of Xinjiang and minister of Chincha, but later died at the office.

The Liu clan of Xinning became famous throughout the country because of the production of Liu Kunyi, who supported the restoration and reform of the law, and because of the "two viceroys of the wall" produced by the same clan, it became famous in the Liu family. Liu Kun belonged to the surname of Liu shitian, and the ancestor Liu Shixian moved from Anfu County, Jiangxi to Jincheng in Xinning County during the Ming Zhengde period, and passed it on to Liu Kunyi for 11 generations. Liu Kunyi was of the same sect as Liu Changyou, and he was Liu Changyou's uncle, but he was younger than Liu Changyou. Liu Kunyi, who accompanied Liu Changyou to join the Xiang Army and aid Jiangxi, was promoted to zhizhou directly under the rule of many great merits, and then successively served as the prefect of Linjiang, the envoy of Guangxi, the envoy of Guangxi, and the inspector of Jiangxi. In 1875, Liu Kunyi was promoted to viceroy of Liangguang, and five years later he was made governor of Liangjiang. After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, Liu Kunyi was stationed at Shanhaiguan as a minister of Chincha to control the army inside and outside the customs, and was defeated in the first battle. In 1889, when Empress Dowager Cixi conspired with Rong Lu to depose the Guangxu Emperor, Liu Kunyi wrote a letter firmly opposing it. After the outbreak of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, Liu Kunyi, Zhang Zhidong and others jointly advocated "southeast mutual protection". In 1901, together with Zhang Zhidong, he went to the court for three consecutive petitions to change the law, advocating that Xingxue should be the first priority, rectify the old Chinese law, and adopt Western law at the same time. At this point, Liu Kunyi had evolved from a Han feudal official to a reformer and law changer at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Liu Changyou belonged to the brick house Liu surname (Liu Zizai, vice minister of higher education of the New China, also belonged to this clan), and the ancestor Liu Yanren moved from Anfu County, Jiangxi Province, to Youtou Village, Xinning County, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the four generations moved to the east gate of Xinning County. Liu Changyou and his neighbor Liu Kun's family belonged to the same clan and were not of the same faction, and the latter two officials served as governors, known locally as the "two viceroys of the wall". Liu Changyou was born in 1849. In 1852, he accompanied Jiang Zhongyuan to Guangxi to conquer the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Later, due to his meritorious efforts in suppressing Shi Dakai and the "DachengGuo" rebel army, he was promoted to the viceroy of Liangguang, and later promoted to the viceroy of Zhizhi. In 1867, he was dismissed from his post for suppressing the Yanmin people in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, and four years later he was reinstated as the Inspector of Guangdong and the Governor of Guangxi, and in 1873 he led his troops into Vietnam to suppress the Huang Chongying Rebellion. In 1875, he became the Governor of Yungui. During Liu Changyou's tenure as governor of Yungui, he guarded against the French invasion of Vietnam and recommended Liu Yongfu.

The Xiangxiang Queshan Liu clan was formed in the early Northern Song Dynasty, moved from Guilin, Guangxi, and was born in Pengcheng, Fengpei, with Liu Yuangui as the ancestor of the Xiang dynasty. Liu Yuangui was originally from Pengchengyi, Feng County, Xuzhou Prefecture, Jiangnan Province, and was the son of Liu Taijia. In 924, due to the war in the Central Plains, Liu Yuangui moved from Feng County to Lingui County, Guilin Province, Guangxi, to avoid chaos. In 960, Liu Guiyuan once again migrated from Guilin to Hunan and settled in Laoqi Mountain, Wanbaoping, 120 miles south of Xiangxiang County, Hunan. Liu Rong is the 27th generation of the Liu clan of Queshan Mountain. After the Taiping Rebellion, he and Zeng Guofan and others held regimental training in Xiangxiang, and fought with the Taiping Army in Jiangxi with Zeng. In 1860, he entered Sichuan with Luo Bingzhang, and served as a military counselor within the Luo clan, and two years later he became a political envoy in Sichuan. He was ordered to lead his troops to pursue Shi Dakai, and engaged in a fierce battle with the Taiping Army at the Dadu River, executing Shi Dakai. A year later, Liu Rong was transferred to shaanxi and supervised the military affairs of shaanxi. In the fifth year of Tongzhi, he was defeated by the Twist army while fighting Zhang Zongyu's Twist Army at Baqiao, and was dismissed from his post and returned home. Liu Rong's eldest daughter married Zeng Jize, the son of Zeng Guofan, a reformist.

During the Yuan Dynasty, the ancestors of the Liu clan migrated from Jishui, Jiangxi to Hengshan in Hunan, with Liu Rongzhang (1384--1454) as the founding father. In 1420, Liu Rongzhang, together with his sons Liu Huaguo and Liu Huashan, moved from Hengshan to Ningxiang County, and settled in Zhushan Bay, Xintang Bay, under the Baishi Peak in the Qidu Ninth District of Ningxiang. The descendants of Liu Rongzhang multiplied and developed, forming the Ningxiang Wang clan Ash Tang Baichangfeng Liu Clan. After that, the lineage was Liu Rongzhang→ Liu Huaguo→ Liu Fu→ Liu Guide→ Liu Juncai→ Liu Xiuzhi→ Liu Xianwen→ Liu Liangzhong→ Liu Zonglin→ Liu Zuyin→ Liu Xian, → Liu Yingda→ Liu Renshu→ Liu Yixuan→ Liu Litai→ Liu Zhixin→ Liu Dian→ Liu Benjian→ Liu Yiqian→ Liu Xianzhi → Liu Lineng. With the rise of the Xiang Army, the Liu clan of Ningxiang became famous all over the world because of the production of the general Liu Dian of the Xiang Army, and became one of the prominent clans of the Liu clan in modern China.

After the outbreak of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Liu Dian held a regiment training in his hometown of Ningxiang County, and later joined Zuo Zongtang's military curtain, generally in charge of the camp, and soon became a member of Zuo Zongtang's tiger generals. Later, he moved to Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. At Fuliang and Leping in Jiangxi, he defeated the Taiping Army's Li Xiuchengbu and was promoted to Zhizhou (知州) for his merits. In 1862, he was appointed prefect, and later changed to Zhejiang as an envoy. For three years, he was ordered to assist in the military affairs of SuWan, and later changed to deputy to the military affairs of Fujian. In the fifth year of Tongzhi, Zuo Zongtang served as the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and Liu Dian led his troops to follow Zuo shi into Shaanxi, stationed at Tongguan, and served as an envoy to Gansu. He was then made a Sanpinqing by the Tongzhi Emperor and an assistant to the Shaanxi-Gansu military. In the seventh year of Tongzhi, Liu Dian was again promoted to the position of Inspector of Shaanxi. In the first year of Guangxu (1875), Liu Dian was ordered to lead his troops to Zuo Zongtang's camp to assist in the military affairs of Shaanxi and Gansu. As the deputy commander of zuo's western expeditionary army, he led his troops to Xinjiang to participate in the suppression of the Agubai rebellion, and made immortal contributions to the defense of Xinjiang. After that, Liu Dian ran Xinjiang for 3 years until his death in the Gansu military camp in 1879.

3. Xiangtan Eight Bucket Chong Liu Clan

Xiangtan Baishipu Badou Chong Liu clan is from Hengshan, Hunan, and above Hengshan is from Jiangxi Ancheng Bridge. The ancestor of the Badou Chongzhi Liu clan was named Liu Hanzong, and he was the 46th grandson of Liu Xi, the ancestor of the Liu clan in Duqiao, Jiangxi. During the Kangxi period of Emperor Liu Hanzong, he moved from Hengshan to Xiangtan KaijiTuoye, and his descendants stayed in Xiangtan for generations, forming the Liu clan of Hengshan Qianxiangtan. After that, the lineage was: Liu Hanzong - Liu Meishi - Liu Meisun - Liu Zihuang - Liu Ziyang - Liu Fangyao, Liu Fangyao was the father of the democratic revolutionary martyr Liu Daoyi - Liu Yiyi. In 1904, Liu Daoyi participated in the Xingzhong Association organized by his brothers Liu Yiyi and Huang Xing in Changsha, and successfully persuaded Ma Fuyi, the leader of the Brotherhood, to join the anti-Qing revolution. After the failure of the Changsha Uprising, Liu Daoyi traveled east to Japan, organized a ten-member meeting with Qiu Jin, advocated violent revolution, and participated in the Hongmen Heaven and Earth Association organized by Feng Free in Yokohama. In 1905, Liu Daoyi joined the Chinese League organized by Sun Yat-sen and was one of the founders of the League. In 1906, Liu Daoyi was ordered by the League to return to Hunan and launch the Pingxiang, Liuyang, and Liling uprisings in Hunan. After the uprising broke out, Liu Daoyi was arrested by the Qing Dynasty in Changsha for leaking his identity, and he heroically rebelled. If Liu Daoyi is a martyr of the modern democratic revolution, then his brother Liu Yiyi is a practitioner of the democratic revolution. In 1903, Liu Yiyi crossed east to Japan and became acquainted with Huang Xing. In 1903, Liu Yiyi returned to China, met with Huang Xing in Changsha, and established the first bourgeois revolutionary group in China, the Huaxing Society, with Huang Xing as the president and Liu Yi as the vice president, and Song Jiaoren and Chen Tianhua were also the backbone of the Huaxing Society.  After that, Liu Yiyi failed to plan the Changsha Uprising and the Hubei and Ning Uprisings, and fled to Japan again in 1904. After Liu Daoyi's death in 1907, Liu Yiyi decided to join the Chinese League and became one of the leaders of the League. After that, Liu Yiyi presided over the headquarters of the League in Tokyo for four or five years, until the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution. After the Outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Liu Yiyi immediately returned to China and organized the Hunan Revolutionary Army to support Wuchang in batches. In August 1912, Liu Yiyi was appointed by Yuan Shikai as the chief of industry and commerce in the cabinet of Lu Zhengxiang of the Republic of China, and soon Zhao Bingjun succeeded Lu Zhengxiang as the premier of the cabinet, and Liu Yiyi remained as the chief of industry and commerce. In November 1950, Liu Yiyi died of illness in Xiangtan City.

4. Jianghuai Wang clan - Anhui Feixi Liu Mingchuan family

  The Feixi Liu clan was formed in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, and the ancestor of Kaiji was named Liu Sai, who was originally from Zixi Village, Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province. By the late 19th century, the Feixi Liu clan was a hit because the fourteenth generation produced the biography of Liu Ming. Liu Mingchuan participated in the military activities of the imperial court to suppress the Twist Army and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and became a tiger general in Li Hongzhang's Huai military system. In 1864, Liu Mingchuan was promoted to governor of The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom for his meritorious service in capturing Changzhou, capturing and executing Chen Kunshu, the protector of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. In the seventh year of Tongzhi, the Qing government pacified the Twist Army, and Liu Mingchuan was awarded the title of First Class Baron by the Qing Government for his first merit in suppressing the Twist, and the Liu clan of Feixi became famous in the world.

In 1884, Liu Mingchuan supervised Taiwan's defense with the title of inspector, and all the town and provincial officials in Taiwan were subject to his control. When the French first shelled the port of Keelung, Liu Mingchuan severely defeated the French army, and the Qing government also declared war against France. Later, when the French general Guba led the fleet to attack Keelung again, Liu Mingchuan adopted the strategy of taking the initiative to abandon Keelung and focus on assisting the port of Huwei. Then, Liu Mingchuan's lone army was stationed in Taiwan for 8 months, repeatedly crushing the attacks of the French invading army, and defeating the French army in Huwei, achieving a decisive victory in resisting France and defending Taiwan. In 1885, the Qing government elevated Taiwan from a province in Fujian Province to Taiwan Province, and appointed Liu Mingchuan as the first governor of Taiwan Province. After that, Liu Mingchuan served as an inspector in Taiwan for 6 years, until he retired to his hometown due to illness in 1891. Liu Mingchuan's series of reform measures in Taiwan laid the foundation for Taiwan's modernization and was called "the pioneer of capitalist development in modern Taiwan".

5. Zhoukou people Liu Hao and Liu Yongqing

⊙ Liu Hao paste

Zi Songyan, a native of Taikang County, was born as a jinshi, and in 1851 he was appointed to Zhi County, Lou County, Jiangsu Province (now Kunshan), and in 1858 he was transferred to Zhi County, Shanghai County. Liu Haoyao attaches great importance to county border planning, and divides the inside and outside of Shanghai into more than 20 shops, and the four townships are divided into six roads. Since then, although the administrative area of Shanghai County has been adjusted repeatedly, it is based on Liu's planning. Undaunted by rape, Liu Haoyao searched on a foreign ship and found Chinese kidnapped by foreigners. The Qing court was afraid of offending the foreigners, and removed Liu Gao from his post. After the outbreak of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Qing court used Liu Hao to paste, and still served in Zhi County, Shanghai County. Liu Haoyao trained the vigilante group and vowed to coexist and die with Shanghai. In the winter of the eleventh year of Xianfeng, the Taiping Army captured Pudong, and Liu Haoyao went to the rescue, but was defeated by the Taiping Army, and Liu Haoyao could not hold out from then on. However, he rose step by step until he was the inspector of Jiangsu.

Liu Haoyao inspected Suzhou one day, and when the poor gathered to rebel, the army stationed in Suzhou at that time had been transferred elsewhere, and the defense of the city was empty. Liu Haoyao opened the city gates, single-handedly came to the rebel people, promised to open a warehouse to release grain, and gathered the rebellious peasants to thank them. Liu Haoyao returned to his hometown in 1865, and died of illness in his hometown in 1866, and the Qing court posthumously awarded him the title of Right Capital Imperial History.

⊙ Liu Yongqing

Born in 1862, Zi Yannian, a native of Liu Xinzhuang, Dingji Town, Xiangcheng County, his aunt was Zhang Zhenfang's mother, Liu Jingzhai (劉静斋). Born in a family of cultivators and readers, he has been intelligent and studious since childhood, has great ambitions, and has learned martial arts in his old age.

In 1885, he accompanied Yuan Shikai to the DPRK to do affairs, and in 1893 he was transferred back to China. In 1902, he presided over the Beiyang Military and Political Department. In the winter of 1903, the Beijing Division set up a special military department, divided into three divisions to oversee the national military affairs, and Yongqing was ordered to add the title of deputy capital and serve as the military and political secretary. Not long after, he was specially awarded the deputy capital of the Han Army with a white flag, which was the first time in the nearly three hundred years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty that a Han person served. In 1905, he was appointed as the acting viceroy of Jiangbei, who was also in charge of water transportation and salt affairs, and added the rank of military attendant. In the spring of 1906, he asked the imperial court to set up a special army accelerated school, and personally visited the examination school to persuade all students to take the determination and establishment of products as the priority. It was the summer of that year, and the jianghuai area was plagued by torrential rains. He said: "But tens of thousands of people in the north of the river have been saved from displacement, so why should I be sorry for my exhaustion?" He died in the line of duty.

6. Tianfu Magnate - Liu Shi of Dayi, Sichuan

Originally from Huizhou, Anhui, the Dayi Liu clan immigrated to Sichuan in the early years of the Qing Dynasty. After Liu came to Sichuan, he initially settled in Mingshan County, Sichuan Province, and later moved to Dayi County. The ancestor who moved to Kaiji, Anren Town, Dayi County, was named Liu Yingliang. Liu Yingliang's only son, Liu Chaohuai, married the only daughter of Hu Ronggui, a villager in Anren, and entered the Hu family and gave birth to a son, Liu Fangbo. After 5 generations, the descendants of the Liu family prospered, but the Hu family was thin, so the locals renamed the "beard dun" where the Liu family lived was "Liu Zi Dun". Since then, the Liu family has lived in Dayi for generations, making a living from farming and reading. Liu Fangbo's grandson was named Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi's son Liu Shizhi, and Liu Shizhi gave birth to a male son, Liu Zongxian. Liu Zongxian studied hard and wanted to pass the imperial examination to obtain a meritorious name. In the end, although he did not win the lift, he only became a prisoner, but he was already the most learned person in the local area, so he was respected by the township as a lifter and promoted by the clan as the patriarch, which was the middle of the 19th century. Liu Zongxian married his wife Chen and had 3 sons: Liu Gongjing, Liu Gongjing, and Liu Gongzan.

Liu Zongxian's eldest son, Liu Gongjing, had only 1 son, named Liu Wenzhong. Liu Wenzhong gave birth to 4 more sons: Liu Yuanbi, Liu Yuanzheng, Liu Yuanyu, and Liu Yuandu. Liu Gongjing's clan was the weakest of the Liu clan in Dayi, and most of his descendants were unremarkable.

Liu Zongxian's second son, Liu Gongjing (劉公敬), also known as Yulin (玉麟), had won the Rank of Wuju and had four sons: Liu Wengang, Liu Wenyu, Liu Wenfu, and Liu Wenli. Among them, the eldest son, Liu Wengang, was the most prosperous. Liu Wengang specialized in the grain sales business, which later developed to more than 40 acres of paddy fields. Liu Wengang also had three sons: the eldest son, Liu Xiang, whose real name was Liu Yuanxun (劉元勋), the second son, Liu Yuanshu (劉元树), also known as Liu Qianyi (劉乾益), the third son, was self-strengthening.

Liu Zongxian's third son, Liu Gongzan, had 6 sons, named Liu Wenyuan, Liu Wenyuan, Liu Wenzhao, Liu Wencheng, Liu Wencai, and Liu Wenhui. Among the Liu clan in Dayi, Liu Gongzan was the most prosperous and developed.

When the Dayi Liu clan passed down to the 9th generation of Liu Wenhui and the 10th generation of Liu Xiang's uncles and nephews, the family rose to prominence and flourished, becoming the most prominent Liu family in China in the first half of the 20th century. Liu Xiang's prominence in Sichuan brought great honors to the Liu clan of Dayi, Sichuan, and the sons of Liu Xiang of Sichuan Dayi who followed Liu Xiang were: Liu Wenyuan, member of the Sichuan Provincial Consultative Bureau and director of the Sichuan Provincial Trial Hall; Liu Wenhui, chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Government of the Republic of China and minister of the Forestry Department of the New China; Liu Wencheng, director of the Sichuan Provincial General Anti-Smoking Administration, director of the Sichuan Machinery Repair Factory (Arsenal); Liu Wencai, general tax office of southern Sichuan and commander of Qingxiang in southern Sichuan; Liu Yuanyao, successive brigade commanders, division commanders, and military commanders during the Republic of China; Liu Yuanxuan, who served as brigade commander during the Republic of China. Division commander and army commander; Liu Yuanzhang, commander of Lei, Ma, Ping, Etun and Ning during the Republic of China; Liu Yuanzhang, who served as brigade commander and division commander during the Republic of China; Liu Shucheng, successively served as division commander and commander during the Republic of China.

In 1906, Liu Xiang threw himself into the Pen and was admitted to the Sichuan Wubei Academy, and later to the Sichuan Army Training Institute and the Sichuan Army Accelerated School, graduated in 1909, and was assigned to the 65th 33rd Mixed Brigade of the Qing Dynasty New Army as a probationary officer. After the Xinhai Revolution, Liu Xiang's unit was changed to the First Division of the Sichuan Army, and by the time of the French Protectorate War in 1918, Liu Xiang was promoted to the commander of the First Division of the Sichuan Army. During the Beiyang warlord melee, Liu Xiang strengthened his position through contests and melee battles with various warlords of various factions in Sichuan, and was promoted from the commander of the First Division to the deputy commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army, the commander of the Second Army of the Sichuan Army, and the commander-in-chief of the former enemy armies of the Sichuan Army. In 1920, Liu Xiang and other Sichuan warlords expelled the Yunnan Dian warlords and declared Sichuan autonomous, and Liu Xiang was promoted to commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army and in charge of civil affairs. At the same time, President Xu Shichang of the Beiyang government also appointed Xiong Kewu as the governor of Sichuan Province and Liu Xiang as the envoy of chongqing. In 1921, Liu Xiang was elected by the Sichuan army as the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan armies, and was elected by the Sichuan Provincial Council as the governor of Sichuan. By this time, Liu Xiang had developed from a professional soldier to the supreme ruler of the Sichuan region. In 1926, the Nationalist government in Guangzhou organized the Northern Expedition, and Liu Xiang also announced his participation in the Northern Expedition and sent a telegram to attack Wu Peifu. Soon after, Liu Xiang was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the commander of the 21st Army and the chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Government. During the Period of the Nationalist Government, Liu Xiang, on the one hand, united with Chiang Kai-shek to create the 1927 "3.31" massacre and carry out a great encirclement and suppression of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army; on the other hand, he fought a civil war in Sichuan, successively launched the Sichuan-Dong War, defeated Yang Sen and Luo Zezhou, defeated his uncle Liu Wenhui, and finally dominated Sichuan and became the "King of Sichuan"; at the same time, Liu Xiang also fought openly and secretly with Chiang Kai-shek's central government to maintain his own division of Sichuan. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Xiang conformed to the trend of the times, actively participated in the anti-Japanese war, and transformed from a feudal warlord into a patriotic general.

  Liu Wenhui is another outstanding figure who made the Liu clan of Dayi in Sichuan famous again at home and abroad after Liu Xiang. Liu Wenhui is Liu Xiang's cousin, but he is 6 years younger than Liu Xiang. Liu Wenhui received a good education since childhood, and at the age of 13, he was admitted to chengdu army primary school with excellent results, and later entered the Baoding Officer School. In 1917, Liu Wenhui graduated from the Baoding Military Academy and returned to Sichuan to join the army and defected to Liu Xiang. In 1920, Liu Wenhui occupied the important town of Xufu in eastern Sichuan as the commander of the Independent Brigade of the Sichuan Army, and began his warlord career from then on. In 1922, Liu Wenhui was promoted to commander of the 9th Division of the Sichuan Army, and after defeating Yang Sen, Liu Wenhui took the title of Deputy of Sichuan, and in 1928 he became the chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Government. At this point, Liu Wenhui and Liu Xiang became the supreme ruler of Sichuan, and Sichuan completely became the domain of the Liu clan of Dayi. In October 1932, Liu Wenhui, who was also a descendant of Liu Ofi, and Liu Xiang launched the last warlord civil war in Sichuan's history in order to compete for full rule over Sichuan, and in September 1933, Liu Wenhui was defeated. However, Liu Wenhui did not completely collapse, and after he withdrew from Sichuan, he led the rest of his troops into Xikang, still serving as the commander of the 24th Army and the commander-in-chief of the border defense of Chuankang. In 1935, the Kuomintang planned to appoint Liu Liu Wenhui as the "chairman of the Xikangjian Provincial Committee" in Xikangjian Province. In 1939, Xikang Province was established, and Liu Wenhui took office as the first chairman of the Xikang Provincial Government. At this point, Liu Wenhui once again stepped onto the stage of history and became the highest military and political ruler in 530,000 square kilometers of Xikang 33 counties. Since then, Liu Wenhui has also expanded his sphere of influence to the whole of Sichuan through various channels. In December 1949, after serving as chairman of Xikang Province for 10 years, Liu Wenhui was appointed vice chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee in pengxian Uprising, and later appointed vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Liu Wencai is Liu Wenhui's fifth brother and Liu Xiang's cousin. Among Liu Wencai's brothers, the eldest brother Liu Wenyuan studied and became an official, the second was a farmer, the third was a tailor, the fourth was a businessman, the sixth Liu Wenhui was a soldier, and Liu Wencai was also engaged in business.  In 1922, Liu Wencai came to Xufu and defected to his younger brother Liu Wenhui, who was a brigade commander there. Soon, Liu Wencai took over as the director of the Xuzhou Ship Donation Bureau and began a career of half-official and half-businessman. After that, Liu Wencai served as the director of the Xufu Department Store Unified Donation Bureau and the director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Monopoly Bureau of the 42nd District. By 1925, when Liu Wenhui took office in Chengdu, Liu Wencai became the de facto ruler of Xufu City. During his reign in The Syrian Government, Liu Wencai wantonly plundered the people and engaged in the ransom of opium, developing into a large landlord on the rich side of Sichuan. In march 1949, Liu Wencai ranked 33rd in the "List of Rich Households in Sichuan Province" published in the Ta Kung Pao. At that time, Liu Wencai owned more than 12,000 mu of land in various parts of Sichuan Province, and owned a number of properties in Dayi, Xufu and other places. In 1933, the Second Liu War ended with Liu Xiang's monopoly on Sichuan, Liu Wenhui was defeated and retired to Xikang, Liu Wencai completely ended his rule in Xufu, and stayed in his hometown of Dayi Anren to continue to be his big bully landlord until his death on the eve of the liberation of Sichuan in October 1949. Liu Wencai did many things in his life that hurt nature and reason, and was a famous bully landlord in Sichuan. After the founding of New China, many of his bad deeds were criticized by the people of the whole country as typical examples of bully landlords. Liu Wencai's landlord's manor became an educational base for the class struggle throughout the country.

7. Liu Yongfu

Liu Yongfu (1837-1917), ziyuanting, was the 20th grandson of Liu Kaiqi, a descendant of Liu Guangchuan's sixth son Liu Julang, and was the 12th generation grandson of Liu Qianyi, the ancestor of Bobai, who had been living in Fuxin Village, Dongping Town, Bobai County, Guangxi, and his great-grandfather Liu Bangbao and grandfather Liu Yinghao, who had been farmers for generations. Liu Yongfu was born in Xiaofeng, Fangcheng City, and moved with his parents and family at the age of 8 to Gui Xiaotun in Pingfu Township, Shangsi County. From the age of 13, he worked as a water diverter on the Zuo River Waterway, and later worked in Mong Cai, Vietnam. In 1857, he participated in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, and after the defeat, Liu Yongfu joined the anti-Qing forces of the Guangxi Heaven and Earth Society in 1864. Because of the use of the Seven Star Ink Flag as the military flag, it is called the Black Flag Army. Liu Yongfu led about 300 people of the Black Flag Army to the borders of Guangxi, Yunnan and Vietnam, which were not controlled by the Qing Dynasty, and the team gradually expanded to more than 2,000 people.

On November 5, 1873, the French governor in Saigon, Le Mui, sent the general An Ye to invade Hanoi and push straight to the Chinese border. At the request of the Vietnamese government, in December 1873, Liu Yongfu led the Black Flag Army, together with the Vietnamese general Huang Zuoyanbu, to march to the outskirts of Hanoi, killing An Ye and Li Weiye, annihilating more than 2,000 French troops and recapturing Hanoi in one fell swoop. Liu Yongfu was awarded the official position of deputy vice governor of San Xuan by the King of Vietnam for his meritorious service, and had jurisdiction over the three provinces of Xuan Quang, Xinghua and Shanxi in Vietnam. After the Sino-French War, the Qing government, under pressure from France, lured Liu Yongfu back to China in 1885. Liu Yongfu led 3,000 Black Flag Troops into the customs to return to China, Liu Yongfu served as the commander-in-chief of Nan'ao Town, and the Black Flag Army was reduced by the Qing court to only more than 300 people.

In July 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out. Because of Taiwan's geographical importance, the Qing government ordered Liu Yongfu to go to Taiwan to help Shao Youlian, the inspector of Taiwan, handle defense affairs. In August, Liu Yongfu led two battalions of black flag troops to Taipei, and then was ordered to move to Tainan, increasing the number of troops to eight battalions, still called the black flag army. In April 1895, the Qing government was defeated and ceded Taiwan to Japan. In early June, the Japanese army landed in Taipei from the Three Sable Points. Liu Yongfu drafted the "Covenant" in Tainan and issued a call for joint resistance against Japan. On June 7, the Japanese army fell in Taipei, and on June 28, the local gentry of Taiwan elected Liu Yongfu to succeed him as president of the Democratic State of Taiwan and lead the anti-Japanese resistance. Liu Yongfu was not accepted, and still served as a deputy and entered the capital city to lead the Taiwan people in the War of Resistance. Hundreds and dozens of battalions of all armies in Taiwan and the rebels in various localities were dispatched to patrol and defend each key pass, and sent people to take over the posts of civil and military officials of the "Neidu" and the large and small.

On October 19, Liu Yongfu returned to the mainland on the British ship "Dollyce". At this point, the Taiwan War of Resistance led by Liu Yongfu was declared a failure, and although the Taiwan War of Resistance failed, Liu Yongfu led the Taiwan military and people to fight a bloody battle for more than 4 months under the extremely difficult situation of no rescue outside and no food and pay at home, heroically resisted the attack of two modernized divisions and a naval fleet of the Japanese army, and dealt a heavy blow to the aggressors. The Japanese army invaded Taiwan with a total of 50,000 people, and 32,000 people were reduced due to casualties and diseases, of which 4,600 died in Taiwan.

After Liu Yongfu's internal crossing, in 1902, he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Lufeng Jieshi Town in Guangdong Province. After the independence of Guangdong in 1911, he was promoted to the chief of the Guangdong Militia League, and then resigned and returned home. He died at home in January 1917. Liu Yongfu's great-grandchildren are: 2 in Qinzhou, Guangxi, 2 in Kunming, Yunnan, 1 in Jiangmen, Guangdong, 1 in Zhaoqing, 2 in Hong Kong, and 1 in the United States.

8. Sichuan Fuping Liu Guangdi family

Liu Guangdi's ancestor was the Hakka Liu Sanlang (no. 2nd husband), "loyal to the Song, shame Shiyuan", moved from Ruijin in Jiangxi to Liu Wukeng in Tingzhou (Changting), Fujian, and finally settled in Xianghu, Wuping County. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Liu Guang's 8th ancestor Liu Yonglin came to Sichuan from Wuping County, Fujian Province, with a great tide of immigration, and settled in Lujiazui, Du Kuaipu (present-day Pipa Town), Fushun County (present-day southeast of Zigong City) in Xuzhou Prefecture (present-day Yibin), and moved to Guanyin Beach more than a hundred years later, and then to Zhao Hua Town on the west bank of the Tuo river for another 20 years. After moving to Sichuan, Liu Yonglin's descendants still spoke Hakka and practiced Hakka customs.

Guangdi's great-grandfather Liu Zuhu, when the brothers of each house were separated, he did not get a single share of the land, so he took 700 strings of money from Lu Jiazui to move to Guanyin Beach to rent a field for a living. By the time of his grandfather Liu Liangui, the family was even poorer. Guangdi's father, Liu Zongzhun (劉宗準), was a young man who was poor enough to be a "shaver". Guangdi's uncle Liu Zonghui, Quanxi, asked people to learn and slowly accumulated some money. When Liu Zongzhun grew up, he followed his brother to do business in the city.

On June 12, 1859, when Liu Zongzhun was 37 years old, his first son Liu Guangdi was born in Zhaohua Town. Liu Guangdi's mother's surname was Wang, and his hometown lived in the five buildings of Shuanglupu (now part of Wanshou Town). Although she did not read much, she liked to read the most, and supported the family during the most difficult period of the Liu family. Because Guangdi is the eldest grandson of the Liu family, he is especially loved by his grandmother, Mrs. Liao.

In 1860, when Li Yonghe (Li Short-braided) and Lan Zhaoding (Lan Ershun) rebels invaded and occupied the area around Artesian Well, the family moved into Pu'an Village outside the town and lived in Sanxingtang in Zonghui, uncle Zonghui. Guang began to study at the age of four, and the teacher was Liu Feiyun in the town.

At the age of 13, his father died, and his family was in a difficult situation. Helplessly, he took a leave of absence from school to get a haircut for 3 months, and was dissuaded by the master to repeat the study. At the age of 18, he entered the Heiyun Temple to study under Zeng Huchen. The following year, he participated in the Fushun County Examination and ranked among the best. In 1880, he entered Chengdu Jinjiang Academy. In 1882, he participated in the township examination, and the following year he was selected in the Beijing Examination, and the temple test was jointly used as a second-class jinshi, and he was appointed as the alternate chief of the Punishment Department. In the autumn of the same year, he returned to Fushun Province and wrote the famous "Southern Spiral" in the style of a diary, issuing a cry of "who has the ability to turn the tide when the rivers are falling". In March 1885, his mother died of illness and was at home. In 1888, Liu Fuman returned to Beijing to serve. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War in 1894, he risked losing his official position and killing his head, and resolutely presented the "Jia Wu Tiao Chen" to the Guangxu Emperor. He believes that the fundamental way to get rid of external regrets lies in reform and flexibility. In 1898, Liu Guangdi, Yang Rui and others founded the "Shu Society" in Beijing to advocate the change of law. On June 11, the Guangxu Emperor officially announced the change of law. When the Guangxu Emperor summoned Liu Guangdi, he was quite detailed and straightforward, and was deeply appreciated by the emperor. The Guangxu Emperor gave him the title of Sipinqing (四品卿) and conferred the post of Military Aircraft Zhang Jing (張京) to participate in the New Deal.

On September 21, Empress Dowager Cixi staged a coup d'état, imprisoning the Guangxu Emperor Yu Yingtai and ordering a major arrest of the Reformers. On September 28, Empress Dowager Cixi ordered the execution of Liu Guangdi, Tan Sitong, Yang Rui, Lin Xu, Yang Shenxiu, and Kang Guangren at Caishikou in Beijing, known in history as the "Six Gentlemen of Wushu". After Liu was killed, fellow villagers' friend Qiao Shunan and others prepared coffins and clothes and buried them on the spot. Hou Coffin was escorted back to Sichuan by relatives and friends and buried in Pu'an Village on the Tuo River outside ZhaoHua Town. In 1984, the Fushun County government relocated and buried it in the back hill of the Wufu Mountain Martyrs Cemetery next to the West Lake of the county town, and the famous calligrapher Zhao Pu initially inscribed: The Tomb of Mr. Liu Guangdi.

9. Jiangyin Liu Bannong family in Jiangsu Province

In the historical span of more than 60 years from the May Fourth period to the 1980s, the three brothers Liu Bannong, Liu Tianhua and Liu Beimao worked hard to promote and develop national culture with the spirit of scientific and realistic, and were known as the three masters of Liu Clan in Jiangyin.

The grandmother of the three Liu brothers is xia. Xia's husband, Liu Han, died at the age of 32, when she was not yet thirty years old. Keeping the festival means supporting the Lintel of the Liu family alone, enduring the torment of loneliness, and struggling to survive. She wanted to inherit a son and continue the incense of the Liu family. The Xia adopted Liu Baoshan, the cousin of Liu Han (噠汉) in Sanjiali (三甲里) in Jiangyin County (present-day Huaxi Village). Xia also adopted an outcast, and when she was not yet one year old, her young life was wrapped in broken cotton wool and discarded in a frozen river. Xia Shiyang rescued the child and picked up the baby girl and raised her home, she was the mother of the three Liu brothers, Jiang Shi.

Xia shi had two rooms, rented at a very low rent to a poor teacher, Mr. Wang, who was a man of integrity and diligent teaching, and won the respect of xia shi. In this way, Bao Shan could read seriously under Xia's eyes. Bao Shan was brilliant from an early age, and she could study hard and was deeply appreciated by Mr. Wang. After more than ten years of hard study, Liu Baoshan was finally admitted to Xiucai in 1896 and at the age of 26. Liu Baoshan, who had won the Xiucai School, taught private school for several years, and later founded a new-style primary school in her hometown.

At the time of Xia's death, Liu Bannong was ten years old, Liu Tianhua was six years old, and Liu Beimao was not yet born.

Liu Bannong (1891-1934), name Fu, formerly known as Shou Peng. When Liu Bannong was seventeen years old, he left Jiangyin to study at Changzhou Middle School. Liu Bannong and his wife Zhu Hui are both from Jiangyin, and they are an ideal and loving couple who share hardships and hardships. After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Liu Bannong and his second brother Liu Tianhua went to work in the army of Qingjiang, Liu Bannong was a clerk, and Liu Tianhua blew the military trumpet. Later, they found that the internal situation of the revolutionary army was chaotic, their thinking was complicated, and they were psychologically dissatisfied and returned home. Then Liu Bannong and Liu Tianhua went to Shanghai to make a living.

After working as an editor at the Zhonghua Bookstore in Shanghai, Liu Bannong had a stable income to support his family. In 1916, Liu Bannong's daughter Liu Xiaohui was born at No. 1 Minghouli, Tongren Road, Shanghai. When Liu Xiaohui was nearly one year old, Liu Bannong was invited by Mr. Cai Yuanpei to become a professor of Chinese language at the preparatory department of Peking University, and since then Liu Bannong has actively participated in the Chinese literary revolution and become one of the pioneers of the New Culture Movement in China. When the May Fourth Movement broke out in 1919, Liu Bannong bravely threw himself into the ranks of the revolution. In early 1920, Liu Bannong left Beijing with his wife Zhu Hui and daughter Liu Xiaohui and arrived in Shanghai, from where he took a ship to study in Europe.

In the New Culture Movement, Liu Bannong wrote a large number of poems, focusing on imitating folk songs in form, and later published a collection of poems "Yang Whip Collection". At the same time, Liu Bannong also collected a lot of folk songs and compiled them into "Wabu Collection". His self-proclaimed "semi-peasant" shows that his vision is downward. In addition, he has carefully studied linguistics and written many language works, which has made great achievements in the history of modern Chinese language. In 1920, Liu Bannong, who was in London, wrote a famous love poem "Teach Me How not to Miss Her", created "she" for the first time, and for the first time included the word "she" in poetry.

Liu Bannong's first contact with Zhao Yuanren was in 1924, when Liu Bannong was studying for a doctorate at the University of Paris in France, and Zhao Yuanren and his wife specifically visited him when they traveled to Europe. In 1925, Liu Bannong returned to China and gathered with Qian Xuantong, Li Jinxi, Wang Yi and others at Zhao Yuanren's home in Beijing to discuss the study of phonology, and Liu Bannong proposed to launch a "meeting of several people". The two collaborated for the first time to publish the song "Weaving Cloth", which was written by Liu Bannong and composed by Zhao Yuanren. In 1927, Liu Bannong was hired as provost of Fu Jen University. Fu Jen University was founded in the Beiyang government period, initially named Fu Jen Society, when there were many monks and priests among its students, and later changed its name to Fu Jen University, mainly for external enrollment. At that time, the school had not yet filed a case with the Ministry of Education, and Liu Bannong and the principal Chen An planned how to make the school comply with education regulations. In 1928, after the success of the Northern Expedition and the move of the Nationalist government to the south, Liu Bannong personally contacted Nanjing many times, and finally made Fu Jen University officially file a case in the Ministry of Education. Later, Fu Jen University had a great development, which was related to Liu Bannong's efforts. After Leaving Fu Jen University, Liu Bannong successively served as the dean of the Women's College of Arts and Sciences at Peking University and a professor at Peking University. In the summer of 1934, he went to Inner Mongolia to conduct linguistic investigation and research work, contracted relapsing fever, and died shortly after returning to Beijing at the age of 44.

Liu Tianhua (1895-1932), formerly known as Shou Chun, was the second brother of Ban Nong. In 1911, Liu Tianhua went to Shanghai with his brother Liu Bannong to learn pipa from the famous Jiangnan master Shen Shaozhouzhimen, and in 1922 Liu Tianhua went to Beiping to teach pipa at the Institute of Music Transmission of Peking University. In 1923, he also served as a teacher of music at the Women's Higher Normal School, and in 1926 he also served as a teacher in the Music Department of the College of Arts.

Liu Tianhua first joined the military band to oppose the Qing Dynasty, and he first learned Western music and then folk music. Violinist Liu Tianhua's huqin technique learned the violin, and transplanted the violin changing handle and string rubbing techniques to the huqin, which created the modern huqin type system and playing method.

Liu Tianhua was the first in the history of Chinese music to use Western staves to record and organize folk music, and boldly borrowed Western music to improve Chinese music. He not only composed ten erhu solo pieces, three pipa solo pieces and two ensemble pieces for ethnic instruments, but also he is the founder of the professional erhu school in the history of modern Chinese music. He is the innovator of national musical instruments, extending the traditional erhu three positions to the five positions, so that the expressiveness of the erhu has reached an unprecedented state; the four phases and ten products of the pipa have been reformed into six phases and eighteen and a half pins, making the pipa a universal twelve-average rhythm instrument. Give new life to the two ancient national instruments, the erhu and the pipa.

Liu Beimao (1903-1981), formerly known as Shou Ci, the third brother of Ban Nong, is a famous erhu player, composer, and educator in modern China, and a loyal successor and developer of Liu Tianhua's cause. In his lifetime, he composed more than 100 erhu solo pieces and a large number of etudes such as "Han River Tide", "Little Flower Drum", "Liufang Qu", etc., and is a prolific composer in the history of modern Chinese music. Liu Beimao originally studied Western literature and later became a Master of Huqin. After Liu Beimao's death, he passed on his son Liu Yuxi. He was the famous conductor Lin Kechang's first violin student in China. Lin Kechang is an Indonesian overseas Chinese, who received education in the Netherlands and France in his early years, and learned Western things.

The descendants of the three brothers continued to improve themselves, including translator Liu Xiaohui, architecture expert Liu Yuyi, pianist Liu Yuhe, violinist Liu Yuxi and others. From the phenomenon of the prosperity of the Liu family, we can feel the importance of creating a cultural family for each family.

10. Contemporary Liu surname

⊙ Liu Yongzhi

Born in 1944.11 in Waliu Village, Bailiang Township, Yanling County, Xuchang City, Henan Province, he was illiterate in his wife's knotty village.

⊙ Liu Anqi

Zi Shouru, a native of Zaozhuang Yi County, Shandong. Graduated from the Infantry Section of the Third Phase of the Whampoa Military Academy and the First Phase of the Revolutionary Practice Research Institute.

⊙ Liu Baiyu

1916.09.02--2005.08.24, formerly known as Liu Yuzan, born in Beijing, died in Beijing. A famous writer and literary politician in modern China. In 1950, the film "The Victory of the Chinese People" won the Stalin Literary and Art Award, in 1989 "The Collection of Herbs" won the Outstanding Prose Award, in 1991 "The Second Sun" won the Third Mao Dun Literature Award, and from 1990 to 1994, "The Course of the Heart" won the Chinese Outstanding Biographical Literature Award.

⊙ Liu Xinwu

Born in 1942, pen names Liu Liu, Zhao Zhuanghan, a native of Chengdu, Sichuan. Good at writing on youth themes. The study of "Dream of the Red Chamber" has lasted for more than ten years, creating a new branch of red science research - Qin Studies.

⊙ Liu Huan

Born on August 26, 1963 in Tianjin, he graduated from the School of International Relations in 1985 with a major in French, taught at the School of International Relations after graduation, and now teaches Western music history at the University of International Business and Economics. Wide body, fat face, thick voice, is a famous popular singer, has sung many film and television drama interludes, representative works "Young Ambition Does Not Say Anything", "Crooked Moon", "Ten Million Times Asked", "Asian Majestic Wind", "Win the Hearts of the People Win the World", "Good Han Song" and other widely sung songs, and served as the lead singer at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Asian Games. In 2005, he collaborated with Hong Kong singer Fang Lishen.

⊙ Liu Qingyun

Born on February 16, 1964, Hong Kong film star, born in Sanshui, Guangdong. In 1984, he participated in the first TV work "Paint a Rainbow", and in 1984, the Fit Guy role of "New Za Master Brother" laid a cold face image for him. In the early 1990s, he became popular in the television industry with "Big Time" and was invited to participate in many large-scale film productions, including "The Legend of Modern Heroes" (1993) and "Last Night Long Wind" (1994). In recent years, the directors who have cooperated more include Lin Lingdong, Du Qifeng, Wei Jiahui and so on. In 1993, he was nominated for Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "New Love" and "July 14". In 1996, STORMC Fury Streets was nominated again.

⊙ Liu Yifei

Born in Beijing on August 25, 1986, American nationality, English name Crystal, real name Liu Anfeng, later her mother changed her name to Liu Qianmeizi, graduated from the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy. The TV series are: Condor Heroes, Tianlong Babu, Gold Powder Family, Paladin Legend, Cardamom Years, movies include: May Love, Love Winner (also known as Like You Like Me).

⊙ Liu Jialing

Born on December 8, 1965 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, she is a Hong Kong actress whose boyfriend is Hong Kong actor Leung Chao-wai. In the early morning of April 24, 1990, Liu Jialing was abducted by bandits for about two hours, during which she was photographed naked and raped.

⊙ Rene Liu

Liu Ruoying's grandfather, Liu Yongyao, was a native of Liling County, Hunan Province.

⊙ Liu Xiaoqing

Born on October 31, 1951, a native of Fuling, Chongqing, with his mother's surname. He has starred in: "Little Flower", "Hanging Curtain to Listen to the Government", "Li Lianying", "Furong Town", "Burning Yuanmingyuan" and so on. His publications include "My Way" and "My Eight Years".

⊙ Liu Xuan

Born on March 12, 1979 in Changsha, Hunan Province, a Chinese gymnast, also known as "Xuan Meiren" because of his beautiful appearance. Liu Xuan's first title was the gold medal in the women's team event at the Seven Games, and the silver medal in the uneven bars event and the gold medal in the women's team event at the Asian Games in 1994. In 1995, Liu Xuan won the runner-up in the women's team competition at the World Championships. In 1996, Liu Xuan won the third place in the Balance Beam Event of the World Cup and participated in the Atlanta Olympics, but unfortunately only finished 4th in the women's team event and failed to win a medal. A year later, Liu Xuan finished third in the women's team competition at the World Championships. In 1998, Liu Xuan won her first world cup, she won the balance beam competition, and then won the third place on the uneven bars. A year later, Liu Xuan won the balance beam competition at the World Championships. In 2000, Liu Xuan won the national championship balance beam competition and the runner-up of the all-around competition, and won the gold medal in the women's balance beam event at the Sydney Olympics. In 2001, Liu Xuan retired from the military and entered the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University, and received a bachelor's degree in journalism in 2005. After retiring from the military, Liu Xuan intends to develop in the performing arts industry and is enthusiastic about public welfare.

⊙ Liu Xiang

Liu Xiang's grandfather originally lived in Caoyan Town, Dafeng County, Yancheng City, and went to Shanghai at the age of 18, where he later started a family and gave birth to Liu Xuegen. In 1969, when Liu Xuegen was 18 years old, in response to the government's call, he was sent to his hometown to work as a farmer in the Wanggang Fourth Team of Caoyan Commune at that time. In 1974, he worked in Caoyan Town Agricultural Tool Factory for 4 years, living in Caoyan Town for a total of 9 years before returning to Shanghai. In 1982, Liu Xuegen married Ji Fanhua in Shanghai (his hometown was Shanggang Town, Jianhu County, Yancheng City), and gave birth to Liu Xiang in Shanghai on July 13, 1983. Xiang Liu is currently studying at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Liu Xiang has competed in the hurdles finals at the International Amateur Athletics Federation World Athletics Championships and the International Amateur Athletics Federation World Indoor Athletics Championships (twice), but has seen American hurdles athlete Alan Johnson win the main medal three times.

On August 27, 2004, he won the gold medal in the men's 110m hurdles event in the 28th Summer Olympic Games in athletics with a time of 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record, equaling the world record set and held by Colin Jackson of Wales in 1993 and winning the first men's Athletics Olympic gold medal for China. This gold medal is the "heaviest gold" gold medal won by China at the Olympic Games.

⊙ Liu Shuilong

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Tianyong/Yongqi, a student from Qinzhou Prefecture in Guangdong Province (whose ancestor was the sixth son of Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty), settled in Liu Lao Village, Weiji Township, Shangshui County, Henan Province, and his descendants moved to Liu Shuangzun in Huaiyang, Liu Zhai in Xiangcheng, Dongniba Tomb in Xiangcheng Shuizhai, and Luozhuang in Pingdian Township, and the Dongniba Tomb in Xiangcheng Shuizhai was moved to the west of Pingdian Village. It is also said that the surname Liu of The West Head of Pingdian Village originated from Hongdong County, Shanxi, and was first moved to Taikang County during the Ming Dynasty, and then moved to the West Head of Pingdian Village in the early Qing Dynasty.

The surname Liu of Liuying Village in Pingdian Township may have been relocated to avoid disasters, and the origin is unknown. A group of Liu surnames in Pingdian Village came from Liu Lou and may be descendants of Liu Futong in Fuyang, Anhui.

The earliest Surname of Liu in Pingdian Village (except for one team) was Liu Shizu, who gave birth to three sons (Zhaozi Generation) and three sons (Xiangzi Generation), followed by Liu Zongdao, Liu Pei (Pi) Dian, Liu Zhensheng (Xianming), Liu Zhizhong, and Liu Shuilong (Shaozi Generation).

Zhenzi generation, with the jin, good peers. Zhi Zi generation, and Shang and Ming contemporaries. Less words, the same generation as the heavens. Below the lesser characters are the new generations.

Below the 65th or 67th generation of Liu Xiu's sixth son branch, it is Jing, Yi, Chao, Xiao, Qun, Qian, Kun, Rong, Guang, Deng, Shou, Liang, Jin, Mao, Wei, Wei, Gong, Fu, Xiang, and Sheng.