
The exhibition of Li Jiazhan's ceramic works was launched

author:Xinhuanet client

A few days ago, the "Great Sound of Xisheng -- Exhibition of Li Jiazhan's Ceramic Art Works" was launched at the Fujian Strait Folk Art Museum. This exhibition exhibits a total of 179 ceramics and Jianzhan works by Li Jiazhan, a master of traditional Chinese arts and crafts and vice president of the Provincial Ceramic Art Professional Committee. During this period, a cross-border calligraphy and painting pen meeting for calligraphers and painters will be held to celebrate the New Year.

At the Li Jiazhan Ceramic Art Seminar held on the same day, many experts analyzed the artistic achievements of Master Li Jiazhan in Dehua white porcelain, Tang cai porcelain sculpture and Tianmu porcelain from different angles.