
Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

author:Mirror Youth
Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

Han Huhu

"He was a great general before his death, and after his death he was enshrined as the King of Yanluo." This sentence refers to the Sui Dynasty and the Han Dynasty.

Han Baohu was a major fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, in fact, his real name was BaoBao, but because of the influence of the Capture Tiger, he changed his name to Han Huhu, and his name really corresponded to his strength. In the Sui Dynasty's crusade against the State of Chen, Chen Shubao was captured alive, occupied the Treasury of the Chen Dynasty, and directly destroyed the old lair of the Lord of Chen Hou, who was a true founding hero of the Sui Dynasty.

So why did Han Baohu become the well-known King of Yan Luo after his death?

This is still from the beginning.

Once, when a Turkic emissary came to the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui asked the emissary, "Have you ever heard that there is a Chen Guo Tianzi in Jiangnan?" ”

The Prophet did not know why, but still answered honestly: "I have heard of it." ”

Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

Then, Emperor Wen of Sui had the emissary brought to Han Huhu, pointed at Han Huhu and said, "This is the general who captured Chen Guo tianzi alive." ”

Han Huhu's face was fierce, and he looked back at the messenger, perhaps the general's atmosphere was fully revealed, or it could be that Han Huhu's appearance was too fierce and evil, in short, the Turkic envoy felt extremely scared when he saw him, and he quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look up at him.

In fact, here we must also mention the war between the Han and the Turks.

Because the relationship between the Sui Dynasty and the Turks was not harmonious at that time, Yang Jian was busy conquering the four sides and did not deliberately maintain friendly relations with the Turks, and the Turks were not very satisfied, so they often provoked, and the two countries were on the verge of war. Later, the Sui Dynasty and the Turks went to war, Han Huhu, as a brave military general, had the unshirkable responsibility to go out on the expedition, his military ability and combat skills were not blown, and he won many battles in the war, for the Turks, his name was as if he was a terrible existence like the "King of Yanluo", and when he mentioned it, he made the Turks feel frightened.

Therefore, later, Han Baohu's military title of "King of Yanluo" gradually sounded.

Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

But coincidentally, what really made Han Hu the King of Yan Luo was not just this one thing. After his death, Han Huhu became the King of Yanluo, and there were also folk traditions and the "oil and vinegar" of later generations.

One day, the old woman next door of Han Baohu happened to see that there were many people standing in front of Han Huhu's house, on a very grand scale, as if to welcome the appearance of the king. Out of curiosity, the old woman went up and asked what was going on, and one of them told her, "We have come to meet the king." ”

As soon as these words were finished, in the blink of an eye they were all gone, and the old woman thought she was dizzy.

After that, a seriously ill man was asked to run to han's mansion, and the doorman stopped him and asked him what he was doing, and he replied, "I want to meet the king." ”

The doorman was unknown, so he asked him what king he had met, and who knew the patient replied, "King Yama." ”

Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

Han Baohu's people in the mansion were not happy when they heard this, thinking that the King of Yan Luo was cursing and was about to clean him up, when Han Huhu came out and stopped them, saying, "Don't embarrass him, he said it well, I am the King of Yan Luo." ”

Hence the phrase ," "Born as a pillar of the kingdom, and died as the king of Yama, Si is enough." ”

Not long after this incident happened, Han Baohu suddenly lay sick in bed, and within a few days he drove to the west of hexi. Although many people doubted his death, they preferred to believe that he had gone to the prefecture to become the king of Yama.

In addition, Han Huhu was regarded as the king of Yan Luo, which is also related to the historical record of the "gai coffin conclusion". It is said that this brave and fierce-looking Han Huhu was favored by Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty when he wrote the history books, and became a major material protagonist.

We all know that the ideological propositions of the Tang Dynasty were Huang Lao Thought, the promotion of Taoism, and the gods of the Thirty-Six Roads in all directions, all of which had prototypes in the folk. For example, Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong, both of whom were very upright Tang Dynasty generals, became the embodiment of the door gods, and they were also the prototypes of these two gods in history.

Why did the Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu become the King of Yan luo after his death?

Similarly, the king of Yama, as the god of the underground, is the king in charge of the soul after death, and also needs to have an archetype in the folk. Therefore, when Wei Zheng wrote the Book of Sui, he recorded Han Baohu's statement as the prince of Yan, and the statement that Han Huhu "became the king of Yan Luo after his death" is traced in the annals of history.

The King of Yama, the god of hell, oversees the dead souls of the people. But we also know that the king of Yama may sometimes be used as a not very good word, to curse people, but in fact it does not refer to bad people, and becoming a god after death is also a kind of recognition and respect for the dead.

Author: Our team has a falling moon

Reference: Great Sui Dynasty

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