
Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

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Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

There are two very short dynasties in the history of our country, one is the Qin Dynasty and the other is the Sui Dynasty, and almost all of the two dynasties died in the second dynasty, both of which were defeated at the hands of their sons after Lao Tzu unified the world. Unlike Hu Hai, the second emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who was a purely ignorant and ignorant disciple, Yang Guang, the second ancestor of the Sui Dynasty, also presided over the final battle to unify the world, and the army he commanded was still the main force to destroy Chen.

At that time, the two main Sui Dynasty generals who were fighting on the front line under him were He Ruobi and the other was Han Huhu. Compared with He Ruobi, who failed to die in the end, Han Huhu's military career is legendary, especially when he died, which also led to a strange story.

Han Hu was a shogun after his father, Han Xiong, who served as a general in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. When he was young, he was rough and heroic, and was known for his courage and strategy, and the Book of Sui (compiled by Wei Zheng and others) said that he was "known for his boldness, his appearance was quirky, and he had a table of heroes", which can be said to be young and famous, and even Yuwen Tai, the taizu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, also appreciated him, especially for his sons to get along and learn from each other.

After growing up, Han Baohu was worshipped as the governor of the capital because of his military merits, and gradually promoted to yitong third division, hereditary duke of Xinyi County.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

When Yuwen Yong, the Emperor of Northern Zhou, attacked Northern Qi, Han Huhu successfully persuaded Northern Qi's Jin Yongcheng to pacify Fanyang, and to the south repeatedly defeated the invasion of Chen's army, threatening Southern Chen.

In the first year of the kai emperor (581 AD), Yang Jian succeeded to the throne to establish the Sui Dynasty, was interested in unifying the world, and actively asked the generals in the dynasty. With the advice of the Left Wei generals, Shang Shu Zuo Shu Gao Ji [jiǒng], Yang Su, He Ruobi, and others, the method of fatigue was adopted to further weaken chen's strength. At the recommendation of Gao Hao, He Ruobi was appointed as the governor of WuZhou and Han Baohu as the governor of Luzhou, and actively prepared for the preparations for the attack on Southern Chen on the southern front.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

At a time when the Sui Dynasty was actively preparing for war, Chen Shubao, the lord of Southern Chen, abandoned the government after succeeding to the throne, indulged in wine, and became obsessed with poetry and music, and southern Chen's national strength was weakening day by day.

Thus, in the eighth year of the Kai Emperor (588 AD), the Sui Dynasty officially launched the War of Annihilation of Chen.

In March of that year, Emperor Wen of Sui issued an edict listing the crimes of Chen Hou and sending a seal to commit 20 of his crimes, and sent the Eighth Route Army to destroy Chen. Yang Jun, the king of Qin at the time, commanded the three roads in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River to block the Chen army in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River to support Jiankang, while the main five roads, led by Yang Guang, who was then the king of Jin, launched an all-out attack on Chen, of which Han Captured Tiger soldiers left Luzhou and He Ruobi left Guangling and attacked Jiankang.

Over there, He Ruobi's commander ignored the military dispatch of the joint army with Han Hu to attack Jiankang, sent troops south in advance, and constantly engaged the main force of the Chen army head-on, while Han Huhu also took different military actions when he saw the situation, he led a surprise attack with only 500 troops, crossed the river at night, and took the quarry (southwest of Ma'anshan City) without bloodshed, and took Gusu (Guyu Town, Dangtu County, Ma'anshan) in only half a day, and suddenly appeared in Xinlin, 20 miles southwest of Jiankang, like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

Because in the previous confrontation with the Chen Dynasty, Han Captured Tiger Enwei and Shi Shi, Xinyi was outstanding, his great name had already threatened Jiangnan, Jiangnan's fathers and fellow countrymen actually came to greet him, and Southern Chen's generals Fan Zhu, Lu Shizhen, and Tian Rui were also afraid of his prestige and surrendered one after another. It also fell with the wind. When Yang Guang learned of this, he was overjoyed and sent Du Yan, the commander of the march, to lead 20,000 people to join Han Huhu.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

At this time, even the Lord of Heaven was helping Han Capture the Tiger.

After being defeated by He Ruobi, The Ren Barbarian slaves of the Chen army did not surrender to He Ruobi and left the army to surrender to Han Hu on their own, at this time, Han Huhu, who had already prepared, was preparing to lead 500 elites to attack the Suzaku Gate guarded by Cai Zheng. Chen Jun had been beaten to the point of no fighting spirit, but after all, he had already hit the doorstep of his home, and he still had to prepare for a final resistance, and as a result, he was destroyed by the words of his eldest brother Ren Barbarian: "I still surrendered, what are you doing!" Upon hearing this, chen jun, who was defending the city, immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and Han Huhu easily took Jinling and captured Chen Shubao, who was hiding in a well, and Southern Chen perished.

Subsequently, all parts of Southern Chen were either surrendered by Chen Shubao or wiped out by the Sui army, dividing the land of China for nearly four hundred years and once again being unified. He Ruobi and Han Huhu were both praised by Emperor Wen of Sui for their great contributions in this battle.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

In this battle, it is reasonable to say that although He Ruobi did not set out in advance according to the battle plan, because he fought hard with the Chen army and broke the enemy head-on, it played a vital role in Han's surprise attack on Jiankang, and the two could be said to have cooperated properly, but after returning to the capital, the two fought for merit in front of Emperor Wen of Sui.

He Ruobi captured Chen Hou's lord Geng Geng Yuhuai because Han Huhu had captured him before him: "I fought a bloody battle at Jiang Shan, crushed the main force of Chen Guo, captured a number of famous generals, and fought out the national and military prestige of my Great Sui, which is the key to pacifying Chen Guo." Han Huhu had never formally confronted the enemy at all, how could he be compared with me! ”

Han Huhu also showed no weakness, tit-for-tat: "Originally, the instructions received were very clear, so that He Ruobi and I joined forces to attack Jiankang City, but he was greedy and adventurous, marched alone, and when he encountered the enemy, he went to war and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties." And I led five hundred soldiers, and the soldiers took Jinling without bloodshed, so that Ren Barbarian surrendered and Chen Shubao was captured. If I hadn't opened the city gates, He Ruobi wouldn't have been able to enter even his health, and it would have been a fluke that he hadn't been prosecuted, so how could he have fought with me for merit? ”

Yang Jian naturally did not pay attention to the fight between the two, Nan Chen was pacified, and the unification of the world was completed, which was the time to celebrate, so he gave the two people and the thin mud: "Both generals should give superior merit." "Then both of them were made to the Shangzhu Kingdom (the highest martial artist of the Northern Dynasty) and rewarded the cloth with eight thousand duan.

However, he later impeached Han Hu for indulging the soldiers for fornicating the Chen Dynasty Palace, because this crime only retained the elevated title and did not increase his food accordingly.

Some people may feel sorry for Han Baohu's lack of restraint after making meritorious contributions, but in fact, comparing the other three people who were called the four famous generals of the Sui Dynasty along with Han Huhu, we can know why Han Baohu did this: Shi Wanzai was beaten to death by Yang Jiandang' chaotic stick; He Ruobi was dismissed from his title and imprisoned by Yang Jian many times, and was even more brutally killed during Yang Guang's period; Yang Su, who was good at greeting, did not dare to be healed after falling ill because of his fear of Yang Guang's suspicions, and could only wait for death alive.

It can be seen that Han Huhu not only has an excellent military mind, but also deeply understands the method of self-preservation.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

After that, Han Huhu was satisfied with his own responsibility, and had nothing else to do but be used by Emperor Wen of Sui to scare the Turks during the Turkic pilgrimage. Later, he was also made the Duke of Shouguang County, with a thousand households. He was appointed to garrison Jincheng as the commander of the march, and he was also given the post of governor of Liangzhou. During his tenure as governor of Liangzhou, he was recalled to Chang'an and enjoyed the feast and reward of Emperor Wen of Sui.

According to records, in 592 AD, an old woman from a neighbor's house found that there was a grand ceremonial guard in front of Han Huhu's house, and the specifications and ornate instruments were no different from the royal family. Curious, the old woman stepped forward to inquire, and the other person replied, "We have come to meet the king." But in the blink of an eye, the whole team disappeared out of thin air.

Not long after, someone ran to the door of Han Huhu's house and shouted, "I ask to see the King of Yan Luo." "

When Han Huhu learned of this, he sighed: "Born as the Shangzhu Kingdom, and died as the king of Yan Luo, Si is enough." He died at home a few days later at the age of 55.

Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

It should be known that this very "Liaozhai" record is from the "Book of Sui" edited by Wei Zheng and other editors, as a historical document, it is actually recorded in it, it can be seen that in the early Tang Dynasty, the legend of Han Huhu's death as the king of Yan Luo was quite circulated, which also added a different color to the legendary career of this famous Sui Dynasty general, which shows his influence in the folk.

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Born as the King of Yan Luo, born as the King of Yan Luo, the famous Sui Dynasty general Han Hu had a strange life

Editor: Big boy Yin Shen, the information in this article is from the Network, the copyright belongs to the original author, if you have any questions, please contact us, the first time to deal with, thank you!

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