
iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming


Original Little Fruit Fruit Powder Club 2023-06-24

Just after the Dragon Boat Festival, I believe that all friends have also returned to work one after another.

In the past few days, Apple has obviously not been idle, releasing a number of iOS version updates one after another, bringing a wave of new changes.

The first is the second beta update of iOS 17, version number 21A5268h, two weeks after the last beta.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

Those who have previously updated the iOS 17 beta can now upgrade to iOS 17 Beta 2.

If you want to try iOS 17, you can enter the official account of the fruit powder club, click "Send Message" at the bottom right side, and reply to the keyword "iOS 17" to get an early tasting tutorial.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

After the actual experience, Xiaoguo found that iOS 17 Beta 2 brought a lot of new changes, let's take a look together.

System update interface adjustment

I believe that many small partners have noticed that Apple has adjusted and optimized the system update interface this time.

Compared with the previous interface layout, the new system push interface is more convenient for users to view and select.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

CarPlay adds wallpapers

After upgrading your iPhone to iOS 17 Beta 2, you can see Apple's new wallpapers for CarPlay.

On top of the iOS 17 themed color backgrounds, Apple has also added red, blue, and gray theme wallpapers, each with light and dark modes.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

You can choose according to your preference.


Apple's "Touch" NameDrop function officially announced at WWDC23 was also quietly launched in this iOS 17 Beta 2 update.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

When two iPhones running iOS 17 Beta 2 are close, the other party's communication card pops up on the screen, including mobile phone number and email address.

The whole process of interaction and feedback is very silky, you can call your good friends to try it together.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

Also, when using AirDrop, a prompt pops up at the bottom to share information with other nearby iPhones using NameDrop.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

Enhanced haptic feedback

It is worth mentioning that Apple has brought optimization to the tactile touch function in the iOS 17 Beta 2 update.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

In addition to "Fast" and "Slow", the Default option has been added to the Touch Duration option this time.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

According to feedback from netizens, after switching the touch duration to "Default", the menu pop-up speed after long pressing the app icon is smoother, and the body feels close to the previous 3D Touch function.

You can try it yourself after upgrading the system to see if there are any similarities with the previous experience.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

Siri messaging optimization

In addition to the optimization of the tactile touch function, Apple has also brought welcome functional improvements to Siri.

In iOS 17 Beta 2, when we call Siri to send a message, the app selection interface will pop up, including "WeChat" and "Message".

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

After selecting the app, just say what you want to send, and you can send it with one click.

Set up

Finally, there are some of the more detailed changes in this update, mainly concentrated in the settings list.

In iOS 17 Beta 2, for the first time in the settings list, the option for the Fitness app was added, including permission management for that app.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

At the same time, the Apple Music crossfade feature is also available in iOS 17 Beta 2.

The crash bug that previously appeared in the first beta of iOS 17 has also been fixed, and the interval adjustment option has been added.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

If you have a demand for this feature, you can upgrade iOS 17 Beta 2 now.

It should be noted that iOS 17 is still in the early testing stage, and there are still many bugs that affect the experience.

For example, the texture bug of Alipay's Ant Forest interface, and the display bug of WeChat keyboard.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

In short, early adopters need to be cautious.

In addition to iOS 17 Beta 2, Apple has also released two official updates, iOS 16.5.1 and iOS 15.7.7.

According to Apple's official update log, security fixes are provided in the official version of iOS 16.5.1, and it is recommended that all users upgrade.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

The bug that previously plagued users with the USB 3 camera adapter could not be used has also been fixed in this system version.

According to some user feedback, after upgrading the official version of iOS 16.5.1, the overall experience including battery life has been improved.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

At the same time, Apple also released the iOS 15.7.7 official update for iPhone 7 / 7 Plus and older models, focusing on fixing some bugs.

iOS 17 / 16.5.1 update, a wave of new features is coming

These are the main developments in Apple's recent software updates.

Did you upgrade iOS 17 Beta 2 / iOS 16.5.1 and how was the experience? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss with everyone.