
The peasant revolt continued, sounding the alarm bell of the demise of the Mongolian Yuan

author:Read history
The peasant revolt continued, sounding the alarm bell of the demise of the Mongolian Yuan

This article is an intensive reading of Chinese history serial 272, "Yuan Dynasty History" serial 09, welcome to watch.

Severe class oppression and national oppression have led to the increasing sharpening of contradictions in Mongolian society. Since the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the armed struggle of the people of all ethnic groups against the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty has been vigorously launched. This struggle continued until the fall of the Yuan Dynasty.

01. The armed struggle of the people of all nationalities has never ceased

Before the Great Peasant Revolt at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the armed struggle of the people of all ethnic groups roughly went through three stages: from the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty to the death of Yuan Shizu as the first stage; from the yuan Chengzong to the yuan shun emperor before the ascension to the throne is the second stage; from the yuan shun emperor to the end of the yuan before the outbreak of the peasant uprising is the third stage.

During kublai Khan's reign, because the Southern Song Dynasty had just fallen, the revolts of the people in the south often had the nature of "restoring the Song Dynasty", and there were many times, complex components, and some of them were very large, with the color of opposing national oppression.

In particular, in the late 20 years of Kublai Khan's reign, popular uprisings continued to develop, reaching more than 400 by 1289 (to the 26th year of the Yuan). Especially in the areas where Zhejiang, Fujian, Gansu, and Guangdong meet, the struggle is constantly rising.

The people of all ethnic groups who participated in the uprising, in addition to the Han people, also included the Zhuang, Yi, Dong, Yao, Li, She, Chenlao, Shui, and so on.

This stage of the uprising is characterized by a large number of times, a small scale, a large dispersion, a short time, a complex composition, and anti-national oppression.

Among them, the more powerful ones were in 1277 (to the fourteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty), the Han Chen Hangyan united with lady Xu of the She, who raised an army in response to Zhang Shijie, attacked the Quanzhou Song minister Pu Shougeng who had descended to the Yuan, gathered tens of thousands of people, increased to 100,000, and was active in the Zhang, Ting, and the forces reached the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, and persisted until 1292 (until the 29th year of the Yuan Dynasty) before being suppressed by the Yuan army.

In 1285 (to the 22nd year of the Yuan Dynasty), a Sichuan Zhao monk claimed to be Wang Guang of Song and openly opposed the Yuan and Song dynasties, but was soon suppressed.

In 1288 (to the 25th year of the Yuan Dynasty), there was an uprising led by Zhong Liangming of the She, with a crowd of 100,000 people, and activities in the Gansu, Fujian, and Guangzhou regions, which lasted for two years.

In 1289 (to the 26th year of the Yuan), there was an uprising led by Yang Zhenlong of the Han nationality, and 120,000 people participated in the uprising, which was active in various parts of eastern Zhejiang.

In the first stage of the struggle, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty mainly carried out brutal military suppression of the rebellious people, but also used political deception. But because of the vastness of the areas of the uprising, in addition to the dispatch of the national army, it was necessary to rely on the armed forces of the local large landlord class for joint suppression.

Although the struggle at that time had anti-ethnic oppression content, with the combination of the Mongol rulers and the Han landlord class in the south, the barriers of class confrontation were more clearly defined. By the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the revolts of the people of all ethnic groups had failed under the joint suppression of the Yuan rulers and the Han landlord class in the south.

During the 30 years of reign from Emperor Yuanchengzong to Emperor Wenzong, the class struggle entered its second stage. The number of uprisings in various places has decreased, but the brutal suppression of the ruling class has further stimulated the will of the people of all ethnic groups to struggle. They accepted the lessons of the previous period, adopted a covert approach, and through the spread of the White Lotus Sect's religious activities, strengthened their organizational strength and accumulated strength, and waited for the opportunity.

The rulers of the Yuan Dynasty also saw this, and they repeatedly banned religious activities and secret associations of the people. After Emperor Chengzong, the Yuan dynasty government repeatedly issued orders prohibiting the activities of the White Lotus Sect and secret associations. However, people everywhere still used the White Lotus Sect to organize uprisings, such as in 1325 (the second year of Taiding), the people of Xizhou (present-day Xi County, Henan), Zhao Ugly, and Guo Bodhisattva, preaching that "Maitreya Buddha should have the whole world" and using religion to carry out uprisings. The scope of the struggle extended from the south to the north, spreading to the heart of the Yuan rulers.

The largest scale of the uprising in the second stage was the Cai Wujiu Uprising in Jiangxi. In 1315, due to Emperor Yuanrenzong's implementation of Themu Dier's "Law of Covering fields", which wantonly plundered the people's land and aggravated the exploitation of the people, Cai Wujiu, a ganzhou man, led his people to attack Ningdu, occupy nearby prefectures and counties, and proclaimed himself king of Ninghua (present-day Fujian), which was later suppressed by the Yuan army.

After Emperor Yuanshun ascended the throne, due to the further sharpening of social contradictions, the people's uprising entered the third stage.

In the first month of 1337 (later to the third year of the Yuan Dynasty), Zhu Guangqing of Zengcheng County, Guangzhou, rebelled, and Shi Kunshan and Zhong Daming led the crowd to respond and establish the "Great Golden State". In April, Dai Jia and Nie Xiuqing of Guishan County, Huizhou, revolted, and Dai Jia said that Dingguang Buddha was born, called on the masses, and combined with Zhu Guangqing, the momentum was greatly enhanced.

In February of the same year, the Banhu rebellion was held in Runing (present-day Runan, Henan). Stick Hu is famous for his good work, there are more than a hundred apprentices, during the uprising to burn incense and gather the crowd, make Maitreya Buddha small banner, Jiannian name, called "Prince Li Laojun", the rebel army attacked Luyi in Guide Province, and burned the Chen Prefecture Tun camp. The uprising lasted for more than a year before it was suppressed.

At the same time, Master Han of Dazu County, Hezhou, Sichuan, also rebelled against the Yuan, calling himself the "King of Zhao of the Southern Dynasty"; the Tibetan people of Tubo revolted, killing the Zhenxi Prince Dang Wuban, and the Yuan Dynasty government set up a special Xuanzhengyuan to suppress it.

In June 1338, Li Zhifu, a minmin in Nansheng County, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, rebelled and persisted for two years. In Yuan Prefecture (present-day Yichun), Jiangxi, There was an uprising by Peng Yingyu and his apprentice Zhou Ziwang, with an army of as many as 5,000 people, and Zhou Ziwang was called "King of Zhou" and changed the name of the country.

The following year, Fan Meng of QiXian County, Henan Province, falsely preached the Holy Will, killed the governor of the province, claimed to be the marshal of the capital, detained the big and small Yamen seals, and was killed in the incident.

In April 1341, Jiang Bing of Hunan Province led an uprising, proclaiming himself king of Shuntian, Lianke Prefecture, although the Yuan Dynasty mobilized troops from three provinces to encircle and suppress, Jiang Bing's rebellion continued for several years.

This year, there were more than 300 peasant uprisings in Shandong and Hebei.

From 1342-1349, peasant revolts and minority uprisings continued and expanded to remote areas. For example, there were "my savages" and Jurchen rebellions in Liaoyang, and The Liaodong town of Huonu and Liaoyang Wuyan Puluhuan all called themselves "descendants of the Great Jin" and rebelled against the Yuan; in Shandong, there was the rebellion of Guo Huoyou, a smuggler of salt, which reached Shanxi and Hebei; there was an uprising of Luo Tianlin in Tingzhou, Fujian; after Jiang Bing, there was an uprising of Wu Tianbao in Hunan, which was active in Qianyang, Chenzhou (present-day Zhijiang), Wugang, Baoqing, Jingzhou (present-day Jing County), Jinzhou, Chenzhou (present-day Yuanling), and other places; Tongzhou (present-day Tongzhou District, Beijing) and Jining Road (present-day Taiyuan, Shanxi) around the capital. Uprisings broke out in Pingyao and other places.

In addition, there were also rebellions in the eight neighbors of Mongolia in the north and in the northwest of Harahuo Prefecture (present-day Turpan, Xinjiang).

In short, on the eve of the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the uprising of the people of all nationalities had spread throughout the country, and the great political turmoil of the whole country was about to come, and at that time it was under the situation of "the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is full of buildings".

The peasant revolt continued, sounding the alarm bell of the demise of the Mongolian Yuan

02, "opening the river" and "changing money", the fuse of the great uprising

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a song "Drunken Taiping Order" circulating in society, singing:

The great yuan, the traitors are in power, the river is the root cause of the money disaster, and the red turban is thousands of people. The official law is excessive, the criminal law is heavy, and the people are resentful. People eat people, money buy money, how have you ever seen it? Thieves do officials, officials do thieves, fools and fools, mourn and pity!

This small order is very funny to write, it portrays the essence of "people eating people" in the Yuan Dynasty society into three points, vividly. In the imperial court, there were traitors in power, law and order were corrupt, there was no distinction between the wise and the foolish, and heavy exploitation and oppression made the people complain. The working people of the world can no longer bear it, and sooner or later they will raise the banner of insurrection and overthrow the corrupt rule of the Yuan Dynasty!

Farmers in Wenzhou and Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, simply erected banners that read:

The emperor is far away, and the people are few and more public.

Play three times a day, don't treat how!

If we say that the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was the inevitable result of the development of social contradictions in the Yuan Dynasty, then "opening the river" and "changing money" were the fuse of this great uprising.

In May 1343 (to the third year), the Yellow River broke through the Baimao Causeway. In May of the following year, heavy rain fell for more than 20 consecutive days, the Yellow River overflowed, the flat water depth was 2 zhang, and the Baimao Causeway and the Golden Causeway broke down one after another. On both sides of the Yellow River in today's Henan and Shandong provinces, farmland was flooded and houses collapsed. The poet Gao Zhidao wrote:

The house is scattered, and the wind and water are gushing,

Thousands of miles around, how many nests!

After the great flood, there was another great drought. The poet Yan Xian wrote:

Henan has been drought for many years, and the red land has flown in yellow dust for thousands of miles,

Wheat grass is not ripe for dead millet, and long shovels hang on the wall to plow raw clothes.

Who knows that disasters are not alone, and after floods and droughts, plagues spread. The people on both sides of the Yellow River have been plagued by disasters for many years, living a life of hunger, cold and suffering, and it is estimated that the total number of hungry people at that time reached 1 million households and more than 5 million people, many of whom died tragically.

The water also washed away the salt works along the river. The Yuan government received a considerable amount of income from the salt industry every year, and an official said: "The state's revenue from salt is eight out of ten." ”

After the Yellow River flooded, the rushing flood waters traveled north along the canal, washing away the salt works in Shandong, causing a great loss of government revenue.

The most serious problem facing the Yuan government was whether to rule the river and how to rule the river.

Jia Lu once surveyed the terrain along the Yellow River, traveled thousands of miles, and proposed the correct strategy of "dredging and moving the river eastward to control the collapse of the river". That is to say, let the Yellow River still restore its original old road (downstream from the Huai River into the sea), adopt the method of dredging the old road of the South River, and adopt the method of filling the North River. It was strongly opposed by Shangshu Chengzun and others of the Ministry of Works, the main reason being that gathering 200,000 people to open the river would inevitably lead to a rebellion of migrant workers.

Zhongshu Right Counselor said: The more it is not treated, the more difficult it is to cure, the more difficult it is to cure, and the rebellion of the hungry people and displaced people will spread more and more, and "the service will not be greatly promoted, and the harm will not be over." Finally, it was decided to open the river. In April 1351, he dispatched 150,000 migrant workers from 13 roads, including Bieliang and Daming, and dispatched 20,000 soldiers stationed in Luzhou (present-day Hefei, Anhui) and other places to supervise and begin to govern the river.

According to the plan designed by Jia Lu, from Huanglinggang (present-day Lankaodong, Henan), excavated, south to Baimao Causeway, west to Yangqing Village, 280 miles of river channel to deepen, and then the Yellow River was pulled back to the old road into the sea.

In the seven years since the flooding of the Yellow River, the poor peasants on both sides of the river have suffered floods, droughts, plagues and famines, and have long struggled on the death line, and have long hated the dark rule of the Yuan Dynasty. Now, after being forcibly conscripted into civilian workers, their treatment is extremely low, and with the deduction of the officials who manage the river, they earn even less, and these half-starved and half-fed migrant workers bear extremely heavy labor under the whips of the army. An atmosphere of resentment and anger hung over the entire river-controlling construction site.

The "Kaihe" brought together scattered peasants, who vented their dissatisfaction with each other, forming a force against the Yuan regime and creating the conditions for a great uprising.

Another major measure taken by the detachment is the "change of money".

The main reason for changing the banknote law is that the national treasury is empty and cannot make ends meet. Since the late Yuan Dynasty, the issuance of paper money has increased the most, the paper money has been depreciating continuously, and the paper money has been issued and distributed over the years, and by the time of the Shun Emperor, a huge pressure has been formed. Coupled with the profligacy and waste, the rewards and buddhist deeds are far greater than before, and the government is no longer able to pay for these huge expenses.

Second, counterfeit banknotes are rampant, printing counterfeit banknotes almost all over the country, only Hangzhou Road, Dade first year to four years (1297-1300), investigated and handled 88 cases of counterfeit banknotes, as many as 274 criminals. These counterfeit banknotes are accumulating more and more, which has brought serious damage to the banknote law.

In April 1350 (to the 10th year), Zuo Sidu Shi Wuqi proposed to The Removal to change the banknote law. However, when the officials of Zhongshu Province, the Privy Council, the Imperial Observatory, and the Jixian and Hanlin Chambers jointly discussed the matter, they were vigorously opposed by Lu Sicheng, a scholar of Jixian University and a sacrificial liquor of the State Son, and after a fierce debate between the two sides, they decided to change the money.

The specific methods for changing banknotes are: First, printing "zhizheng banknotes" (in fact, the old central banknotes are stamped with the words "to orthogonal banknotes", so it is also called "zhizheng tongtong banknotes"); the second is to issue "zhizhengtong treasure money", which passes with the old coins of previous generations, causing a situation of money and banknotes, and enriching the banknotes with money.

In order to loot the people's fat and people's paste, the government desperately printed this kind of paper money, the people took this currency can not buy things, in the capital of 10 ingots (equal to copper money 50,000 yuan) is not enough to buy 1 bucket of rice, so everyone simply do not use, all with goods for barter. This situation of "buying money and buying money" has caused prices to soar and the people to live in a miserable situation.

The above is the origin of "the root cause of the disaster of opening the river to change money, causing thousands of red scarves".

The peasant revolt continued, sounding the alarm bell of the demise of the Mongolian Yuan

03. Han Shantong and Peng Yingyu secretly preached

The peasant revolt at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was organized by religion. The religions used at that time were mainly White Lotus and Maitreya.

Originally called the White Lotus Society, the White Lotus Sect emerged in the early 5th century AD, it originated from the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism, and it was Amitabha Buddha, who represented the light, that is, the "Ming King". This religion advises people to meditate on the Buddha, do more good deeds, and after death, they can go to the White Lotus Pond of the Western Pure Land to live a happy life. By the early 12th century, the Tendai Sect's motto, no killing and no drinking, had been added, and it had developed into the White Lotus Sect. At the end of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, there were White Lotus Sect activities in many parts of the country.

Another school of Pure Land Buddhism is called Maitreya. Maitreya buddhism believes in Maitreya Buddha. According to Buddhist legend, Maitreya was a good king who was kind to the people, and later listened to the Dharma next to Shakyamuni, and 5.67 billion years after Shakyamuni's death, Maitreya descended into the world to become a Buddha.

It is said that after Shakyamuni's death, the world deteriorated, the climate deteriorated, the crops deteriorated, and the human heart deteriorated. Fortunately, Shakya left his last words before his demise: In a few years, Maitreya Buddha was born, and when Maitreya Buddha was born, the world immediately changed its appearance, there was wide and clean land everywhere, green mountains and waters, full of golden sand, and all kinds of nameless treasures, people's hearts also became better, life expectancy also increased, population increased, cities became rich, and rice and wheat were harvested 7 times a time...

Maitreya believes that there are two forces in the world, light and darkness, good and bad, and that in the end of the struggle, the light and the good win.

The teachings of the White Lotus And Maitreya religions brought infinite hope to the poor peasants. As soon as they believed in religion, they firmly believed and reverently waited for "the birth of the Ming King and the birth of Maitreya." Therefore, many peasant leaders used this religion to incite peasants to rebel against the Yuan court.

In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, secret religious organizations of the two major systems of the north and the south were gradually formed, and their leaders were the famous peasant leaders Han Shantong and Peng Yingyu.

Han Shantong was a native of Luancheng, Zhao Prefecture (present-day Luancheng, Hebei). His grandfather, a teaching gentleman known as Han Xuejue, promoted the White Lotus Sect in the Luanzhou area, burned incense and gathered people, and around the time Emperor Wuzong banned the White Lotus Sect, he ordered him to move to Yongnian County, Guangping (present-day Old Yongnian, northeast of Handan, Hebei).

By the time Han Shantong succeeded him as the leader of the White Lotus Sect, he had more followers, had a broad mass base in Henan and Jianghuai, and was surrounded by a group of loyal followers like Liu Futong, Luo Wensu, Sheng Wenyu, Wang Xianzhong, and Han Yao'er.

When social contradictions intensified at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Han Shantong and others stepped up propaganda and organizational work, using religious superstitions such as "the birth of the Ming King" and "the birth of Maitreya" to attract the masses, instigating armed uprisings, and directing the contradictions of struggle to the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty.

Peng Yingyu (also known as Peng Yi, Peng Monk, peng zu, and the enemy called him "Demon Peng") was the leader of the Southern White Lotus Sect. He was born into a peasant family in the village of Nanquan Shandong in Yuanzhou (present-day Yichun, Jiangxi), near which there is a great Buddhist temple called Cihua Temple.

This Cihua Temple has a long history and is very large. It is said that when Peng Yingyu was born, the sky had a red light, reflecting half of the sky, and an old monk surnamed Peng of Cihua Temple was very surprised when he saw it, thinking that someone's family was on fire. The next day, the old monk Peng went to the village to inquire, only to learn that a boy had been born in the village last night. The old monk Peng asked to be accepted as an apprentice, and Yingyu's grandfather agreed, and by the age of 10, Yingyu entered cihua temple as a monk.

By the age of 15, a spring water emerged from under the Nanquan Mountain, and it happened that the plague was prevalent in the Yuanzhou area at that time, and Peng Yingyu used this spring water to cure many patients, and the local people were grateful to Dade and treated him as a living god.

Peng Yingyu's prestige was getting higher and higher. In the name of propagating Maitreya, he developed his followers and gradually became the leader of the secret religion in the south. He preached and organized armed uprisings. Before the uprising broke out, his apprentices were already scattered in the Jianghuai area.

Due to Peng Yingyu's hard work, the seeds of the uprising have been sown in the north and south of the great river, and preparations have been made for the outbreak of the Red Turban Army uprising in the south in the future...

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Classic General History of China (16 volumes) ¥168 purchase

The content of this article is compiled from the "History of the Yuan Dynasty" of the Chinese reading book "Classic Chinese General History" jointly created by China International Broadcasting Publishing House and "Reading History".

There are 16 books in the complete set of "Classic Chinese General History", namely: "Xia Shang History", "Western Zhou History", "Spring and Autumn History", "Warring States History", "Qin and Han History (Part I)", "Qin and Han History (Part 2)", "Three Kingdoms History", "Two Jin And Northern And Southern Dynasties History", "Sui and Tang History (Part 1)", "Sui and Tang History (Part 2)", "Five Dynasties History", "Song Dynasty History", "Yuan Dynasty History", "Ming Dynasty History", "Early Qing Dynasty History", "Late Qing History".

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