
Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Hu Linqiang

Now life is stressful, sleep and diet are irregular, many friends have some, similar to cysts, hyperplasia, nodules. In fact, most of them are problems caused by depression, and many people still think "How can men have breast hyperplasia?" "Today, Dr. Hu will tell you the reason.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

Many people think that only women will get this problem, but in fact, men will also get it, because men also have mammary glands, but not as rich as female breast tissue, women's mammary glands are well developed, like a big tree, men's mammary glands are not fully developed, like a small sapling, but stimulated, it will continue to expand. Therefore, men's mammary glands are also inflamed and proliferated. Especially for people who are depressed and angry, the incidence is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

In Chinese medicine, "milk belongs to the liver and kidneys", so liver and kidney insufficiency and liver depression and stagnation will lead to breast blockage, and then inflammation produces some lesions such as hyperplasia, nodules, cysts and so on. It is generally manifested as swelling and pain in both chests, frequent chest tightness, and easy upset; Some people have headaches and chest pains when they are angry, and they will still walk around the area from the lower limb socket to the waist, like a fork in the breath.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

Easy to insomnia, often tossing and turning at night for a long time can not sleep, even if you fall asleep, it is easy to wake up very early, as long as you wake up, it is difficult to fall asleep again. The tongue is reddish, there may be cracks in the middle of the tongue, the most obvious is that the sides of the tongue and the base of the tongue are more bulging.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

Moreover, after the liver qi is stagnated, it is easy to become depressed and turn into fire, resulting in some symptoms of fire, such as dry eyes, dry mouth, throat discomfort, and sometimes accompanied by symptoms of constipation. The liver is similar to the stomach, and the liver qi invades the stomach, which can easily affect the function of the stomach, resulting in some stomach discomfort, such as stomach bloating and stomach pain, frequent hiccups and nausea. At this time, the tongue will be yellower.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

Female friends are also prone to irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, ovarian cysts and the like. Male friends are also generally accompanied by liver discomfort and prostate problems. And these people also have a much higher chance of thyroid lesions than the average person.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

Like this kind of breast and other problems caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, I generally use Chai Hu to evacuate the liver and add and subtract for treatment. Liver depression is more serious, emotions are particularly unstable, chest tightness is more severe, you can add some qi lowering drugs like swirling complex flowers. If the fire is relatively strong, chest pain and stomach fever are more serious, you can add more drugs such as gentian, mulberry leaves and other drugs to clear the liver and diarrhea. If insomnia is more serious, you can increase some soft liver calming drugs such as sour jujube kernels and night rattan.

Can men also have breast hyperplasia? The old Chinese medicine doctor tells you that you must thinn the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver

The above is today's problem about breast and liver depression, if you have problems or other discomforts that need to be dialectical, you can also leave a message below.