
If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

author:General Practice Dr. Lau

Ms. Zhang was once a happy and happy woman, but a routine pregnancy test ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss.

During the ultrasound examination, she was told that she had uterine fibroids, which had grown to surprising levels.

To protect her life, doctors decided to perform an emergency hysterectomy.

After the operation, Ms. Zhang woke up in pain as if her heart had been cut by a knife.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Ms. Zhang found a professional doctor for consultation.

Doctors told her that although her uterus had been removed, she could still continue to have intercourse.

In the world of women, the womb is a mysterious palace that gives birth to endless wonders.

Sometimes the tricks of fate make women have to face a difficult choice - to remove the uterus. It was once thought that a woman's "intercourse" life after a hysterectomy would forever become an unattainable dream. Does a woman who has lost her uterus really affect intercourse? What are the precautions?

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

First, give up the uterus, for a healthy choice

The uterus, with its unique brilliance in the female reproductive system, is pregnant with endless hope and the future.

However, the ruthless arrangement of fate sometimes pushes women to the crossroads of hysterectomy, which is an unavoidable difficult choice.

1. Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a common benign tumor that usually grows on the walls of the uterus. In some cases, the size, number, or location of fibroids may cause symptoms such as abnormal uterine bleeding, abdominal pain, bladder compression, etc.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

If fibroids cannot be effectively controlled with medication or other surgical methods, doctors may consider removing the uterus.

2. Endometriosis

As a widespread gynecological disease, endometriosis is characterized by abnormal growth of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations, such as pelvic areas and ovaries.

This abnormally growing tissue is also regulated by hormones during the monthly menstrual cycle, causing the endometrial tissue to bleed, cause pain, and possibly cause an inflammatory response in the ectopic site.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

In some severe cases, ectopic lesions may cause infertility or severe pain, at which point the doctor may recommend removal of the uterus.

3. Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is when the uterus falls downwards or comes out of the vaginal opening, usually due to loosening or damage to the supporting tissues of the uterus.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

This condition can lead to problems such as bladder dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and intercourse discomfort. For some severe cases of uterine prosperation, the doctor may recommend removal of the uterus to resolve the prolapse problem.

4. Uterine cancer

Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the endometrial tissue. Common symptoms include abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, and a lump in the lower abdomen.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

If cancer cells have spread to tissues or organs other than the uterus, or if the patient has reached menopause, doctors may recommend removal of the uterus to stop the cancer from spreading further.

5. Other circumstances

In addition to the common conditions mentioned above, there are other rare diseases or abnormalities that may require removal of the uterus. For example, uterine congenital malformations, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine bleeding, etc.

All in all, hysterectomy is an important gynaecological treatment used to address some serious uterine diseases or pathologies.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

However, deciding whether or not to have a hysterectomy is an extremely personal choice for each woman.

This requires full discussion and evaluation with your doctor to ensure you are making the decision that best suits your situation.

Second, intercourse after hysterectomy: doctors reveal 4 prerequisites

When the uterus is removed, women worry about whether they will be able to continue their married life.

The question is very real and sensitive, but doctors remind us that women can still enjoy intimate moments with their partners if the following four prerequisites are met.

1. Pay attention to the rehabilitation process

A hysterectomy is a larger procedure that requires some downtime.

During the postoperative recovery period, women should try to avoid overwork and excessive exercise to ensure that the wound can heal adequately.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Over time, the body will gradually adapt to the new state and recover better.

In this process, women need to give themselves enough time and space, not be too impatient, but patiently wait for the body to recover to its best.

2. Maintain good communication with your significant other

Conjugal life is an act of intimacy based on trust and understanding, and this intimacy may be affected to some extent after a hysterectomy.

Therefore, it is especially important to establish good communication channels between women and their partners.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

In this process, women and their partners are able to explore new ways of adapting to life after hysterectomy and support each other more closely to achieve emotional healing and fulfillment.

3. Adopt a comfortable "roommate posture"

After the uterus is removed, women may feel some discomfort or partial numbness, so it is crucial to choose a comfortable position during intimate moments.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Women can experience with their hearts, try to find that unique angle in various postures that fit them, minimize discomfort, and elevate comfort and pleasure to the peak.

Everyone's feelings and preferences are unique, and daring to try and explore is a natural choice.

4. Use lubricant

Hysterectomy can cause problems with vaginal dryness, which can affect the quality and comfort of life for couples.

In intimate moments, remember the crucial step of using lubricants.

The magic of lubricants lies in the fact that they reduce discomfort and eliminate friction, thus adding a gentle touch to the experience of love, allowing women to enjoy this wonderful moment to the fullest.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

As long as these conditions are met, women can still enjoy intimate moments with their partners and maintain a healthy married life.

The key is to know enough about your body and needs to explore new ways with your partner that work for both partners.

3. Women after hysterectomy: the parting of the body and the transformation of the mind

Although hysterectomy is effective in solving some gynecological diseases, it can also have a certain impact on women's body and psychology.

1. Physiological changes

Hysterectomy deprives women of their divine ability to conceive life.

For women who have not yet experienced the joy of motherhood, but have unique dreams, this is undoubtedly a great test of the heart.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

When faced with the reality after a hysterectomy, it may take a while for women to adjust to this harsh reality.

At the same time, we must also actively explore other ways to satisfy our deep-seated desire for childbearing, such as choosing the opportunity to adopt.

This drastic change can also cause women to lose the unique feeling that comes with the menstrual cycle and menstrual period.

2. Hormonal changes

A hysterectomy may cause changes in hormone levels.

The uterus is one of the important hormone-producing organs, which is involved in regulating a woman's menstrual cycle and hormone balance.

After a hysterectomy, women may face changes in hormone levels, such as a decrease in estrogen and progesterone.

This can trigger a range of symptoms, including hot flashes, loss of desire, vaginal dryness and mood swings.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

In this case, your doctor may recommend hormone replacement therapy to help relieve these discomforts.

3. Psychological impact

Hysterectomy can be a physical and psychological challenge for some women.

The uterus is part of a woman's body, and its removal can negatively affect their body image and self-esteem.

Women may feel that they have lost some of their integrity and femininity, which can lead to psychological distress, anxiety, and depression.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Adjusting to a new physical state and rebuilding confidence in yourself takes time and support. In this regard, the support of families and the care team is crucial.

4. Changes in cohabitation

Hysterectomy may have an effect on female intercourse. The uterus is an organ in the couple's intercourse, and its removal can lead to changes such as vaginal changes and decreased desire.

After a hysterectomy, women may experience problems such as vaginal dryness, intercourse pain, and orgasmic disorder. Every woman's experience is different, and some women may not have obvious problems.

It is important to communicate and understand between women and their partners to explore new ways to work together for both parties.

The doctor may provide some advice and methods, such as using lubricants, changing posture, etc.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

In general, hysterectomy has a certain impact on a woman's body and psyche.

It is important for women who have had their uterus removed to have access to comprehensive medical and psychological support to help them cope with this change and re-establish physical and psychological balance.

4. Women's cherishing: take care of the uterus and pay attention to the beauty of body and mind

Women's womb is a symbol of the source of their life, and caring for the health of their womb is an important task that every woman should keep in mind.

1. Eat reasonably and take care of the uterus

Our eating habits play an important role in the health of the uterus.

Choosing the right food can provide adequate nutrition to the uterus and help maintain endocrine balance.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help maintain the health of uterine tissue.

Whole grains provide a wealth of fiber and complex carbohydrates that help regulate blood sugar and hormone levels.

In addition, reducing the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods can reduce the risk of gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

So, let's take care of your womb with dietary choices!

2. Regular exercise, movable uterus

Moderate exercise not only helps maintain good health, but also has a positive effect on uterine health.

Regular exercise can promote blood circulation, improve oxygen supply and nutrient delivery to uterine tissues, and help maintain their normal function.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

In addition, proper exercise can help regulate hormone levels and reduce menstrual irregularities and uncomfortable symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances.

You can choose the exercise method that suits you, such as walking, yoga, swimming, etc., so that the uterus has vitality and femininity.

3. Control weight and light uterus

Maintaining a proper weight is very important for uterine health.

Obesity not only increases the risk of diseases such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis, but also causes hormonal imbalances, irregular menstruation and other problems.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

At the same time, being too underweight can also lead to abnormal hormone levels, affecting the normal function of the uterus.

With a balanced diet and moderate exercise, controlling your weight within a healthy range can keep your uterus light and rejuvenate with feminine beauty.

4. Live regularly and protect the uterus

A regular routine is essential to maintaining a healthy uterus.

Excessive fatigue, stress and tension can all affect endocrine balance, which in turn affects the function and health of the uterus.

Maintaining a regular schedule, adequate sleep and proper rest are important parts of protecting the uterus.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

Regular relaxation, stress-reducing activities such as meditation and massage can also help to adjust the physical and mental state and maintain a healthy balance of the uterus.

In addition to avoiding the invasion of disease, small details of a woman's daily life can also have an important impact on the health of the uterus.

Through a sensible diet, regular exercise, weight control and a regular lifestyle, we can take care of our womb and keep it healthy, active and light.


Whether you're facing the choice of a hysterectomy or every woman who cares about your health, cherish yourself.

On the road to caring for your uterus, do not hesitate to seek the advice and support of a professional doctor.

If a woman has a hysterectomy, can she still "have sex"? The doctor said bluntly: The premise must be done well 4 points

At the same time, maintain good communication and understanding with your partner to face the changes in life together. Let's work together to protect our bodily treasures.

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