
In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

author:Lao Tan married the little fairy


The 2023 college entrance examination has ended, and in the past two days, provinces and cities are also preparing to announce the college entrance examination results, as well as batch control score lines. The most testing time for parents and candidates is also here, choosing colleges and majors, which determines the future development of children and is the most important choice in children's lives.

In today's society, the most comfortable job, the most decent job, and the most ironclad job belong to civil servants, so many college students go to the civil service examination as soon as they graduate. According to the 2022 data release:

The 2022 National Civil Service Public Subject Written Examination will be held at 9 a.m. on the 28th, with an administrative vocational aptitude test from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and an argument from 14:00 to 17:00 p.m. The number of applicants for the 2022 national examination exceeded 2 million for the first time, and according to statistics, the number of applicants for the 2022 national examination reached 2026060, an increase of 514,000 compared with the same period last year, an increase of 34%.
In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

It can be seen that the number of civil servants is constantly increasing, if the college entrance examination candidates in 2023 still want to come out to test for civil servants after graduation, it is no different from unemployment, tens of thousands of people compete for a position, and the salary is barely enough civil servants, is it really that good? It is better to choose a major with the most core competitiveness in the future in the college entrance examination, and after graduation, the employer rushes to ask for it, and the salary and benefits are good, which is simply fragrant.

Lao Tan combined with the current trend of China's economic development, shared 2 majors that meet the scarcity of talents in the future economic development, after graduation, do not worry about finding a job, the key is good welfare benefits, is a talent in the new era. The second major is beyond everyone's imagination.

1. Artificial intelligence related majors

Commonly known as AI, this is also a term that has emerged in the past two years, so what is artificial intelligence (AI)?

The simple understanding of artificial intelligence is to use computer data editing to make machines imitate human thinking to solve problems or provide solutions.

In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

For example, the most popular chat GPT recently uses this technology to provide users with solutions to problems. Many of our daily home appliances also have many intelligent systems, such as sweeping robots, air conditioners, sensor switches and so on.

Although artificial intelligence is now everywhere, have you found that daily life appliances, it is not particularly intelligent. For example, home appliances that can recognize language, although they can have a conversation with us, can also understand and execute immediately, such as Xiaoai, turn on the air conditioner, it can understand and execute. However, the temperature adjustment, air volume control, humidity adjustment, fresh air exchange and other functions of the air conditioner, it will not be actively controlled, we need to take the remote control and press it.

This also shows that the current stage of artificial intelligence development is only in its infancy, and there is still a lot of room for development in the future, so the artificial intelligence industry will need a large number of talents in this area.

So what exactly does artificial intelligence learn?

The main related majors include: computer application technology, simulation recognition and intelligent system, artificial intelligence and information processing, biological information processing and other majors, which are basically computer-related majors and are a technical talent.

In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

Some parents are worried, learn computers? That child will become a coder in the future, and he will be bald. It's just that relative to programmers, the direction involved in artificial intelligence engineers is biased towards intelligence, automation, and more inclined to free human hands.

In the next decade, AI technology is a lever to leverage the growth of emerging industries. In recent years, the popularity of short videos, Douyin, Tencent, Ali, Huawei and other companies AI-related business departments are recruiting. Moreover, these companies are also the heads of China's current Internet companies, and the employees in them are high-paid talents.

2. Major in traditional Chinese medicine

Focus: In the future, rich people will see Chinese medicine and take Chinese medicine; Poor people see Western medicine and take Western medicine.

Since ancient times, doctors have been professions with "money" and status. And we often say that the medicine is three points of poison, and the toxic side effects of Western medicine are even greater. Lao Tan is engaged in the traditional Chinese medicine industry and has a deep understanding of this. At present, the development of traditional Chinese medicine has been included in the national development plan.

In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

The national pharmaceutical-related departments have increasingly strict supervision over enterprises in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and comprehensively promoted the revitalization and development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry. Strict supervision, for the traditional Chinese medicine industry, facing the biggest two problems, one is the rising cost, the other is the shortage of talents.

First of all, let's talk about the cost, the National Pharmacopoeia has made clear requirements for the authenticity, current situation, planting requirements, and ingredient content of traditional Chinese medicines, and there are strict legal and regulatory requirements for major pharmaceutical companies, heavy penalties for violations, and even criminal penalties. Therefore, the pharmaceutical process of traditional Chinese medicine is strictly implemented in accordance with laws and regulations, not waiting for fraud, the cost is constantly rising, traditional Chinese medicine is obviously a bunch of bark roots, but it is more expensive than high-tech western medicine.

In the future, the 2 most "money-making" scarce majors, employment is fragrant, don't be stupid to test for civil servants

The second talent problem, the state proposed to revitalize and develop traditional Chinese medicine, that is, we want to reform and innovate, and now, we basically go to see Western medicine to see a doctor, take medicine and basically take Western medicine, so that the traditional Chinese medicine industry is cold. There are only 24 specialized Chinese medicine universities in China, so there are relatively few talents who study and research in Chinese medicine.

With the high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, it is bound to form, the high threshold of traditional Chinese medicine, the difficult and miscellaneous diseases to see traditional Chinese medicine, the body is not comfortable to take traditional Chinese medicine. And Western medicine, which is mass-produced by machines, will become a cheap commodity.

The above are the 2 majors that Lao Tan thinks will have better employment prospects in the future, and there are more articles on the account homepage that introduce colleges and majors, welcome to pay attention and watch the articles of interest, thank you.

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