
Tanabata: When alone, all the best times make people anxious| read poetry on weekends

author:Beijing News

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Tanabata, are you homesick?

Tanabata in another country

(Tang) Meng Haoran

It is a Tanabata in his hometown, and the hotel is very sad.

I don't see the woman who wears the needle, and I am empty of the old country building.

The wind begins to reduce heat, and the new moon begins to rise in autumn.

Whoever couldn't bear to spy on the river man, asked the bullfighter.

If I don't look at the calendar, I don't think of Tanabata, I don't think of Tanabata, and I don't think of love. Tanabata, love, mythology, are all memories in memory, out of reach. Like other traditional festivals, Tanabata first makes me home, nostalgic for the atmosphere of home.

Haoran this poem is related to my heart. "Tanabata in another country", when I read the title, I can't help but wonder. "Being in a foreign land for strangers, thinking of relatives every festive season", the festival and being in a foreign land, this is an event in the ancients, a special experience, in our country has become the norm, now where you can settle down, where can not find a home.

The wanderer who was in a foreign country, at this time, the guest house sat alone, which was doubly desolate. The tide of memories flooded, and the rolling waves sprinkled the laughter of the woman. Tanabata customs such as needle begging, spider-like, and celebrating the birthday of cattle have a long history in the folk, and the forms are slightly different in different places. In my childhood, whenever the Tanabata moon was on, the girls would sit under the osmanthus tree to comb their hair, and without the osmanthus tree, they would sit under other trees, in short, for the sake of beauty. Older girls also have to wear needles and beg. Zhu Xia waded into autumn, the phoenix flowers are just the right time, and the girls will also dye their nails at this time. Tanabata seems to be a women's festival, and men rarely participate in it, but they are also immersed in it.

Haoran remembered the atmosphere of Tanabata, the tide of memories receded, but there was no woman wearing a needle in front of him, let alone a house in his homeland. The wind, which has changed a blowing method, is somewhat cool. "The wind is reducing heat at the beginning, and the new moon begins to rise in autumn", the sun and the moon are moving densely, and the flow is like water, only to the summer, and it has passed the autumn. Wanderers in other places, hearing the flow of the seasons, hearing the sound of the horse's hooves of the dreamers, did not feel frightened.

"Who can't bear to peep at the river man", can't bear to peep at the river man, why can't bear it? Is it that the river han is on the same road? Or is it "the river is clear and shallow, and it is a few times away"? Or "Morning Glory Weaver Girl looks at each other from afar, why should she limit the river beam"? We can experience it ourselves, or we can work with Haoran to "ask bullfighting", ask the distant altair, and ask him why there are so many separations in heaven and earth.

Tanabata: When alone, all the best times make people anxious| read poetry on weekends

Qing Renyi", "Beggar Qiao Tu Axis"


I'm afraid it's a good parting of the immortal family

"Xin Wei Tanabata"

(Tang) Li Shangyin

I am afraid that the immortal family is good to leave, so the teaching is handed over as a good period.

From the beginning of the blue fall on the silver river, you can ask for golden wind and jade dew.

The clear leak gradually shifted to look at each other for a long time, and the micro-cloud was not late.

How can you not pay the magpie, but beg for silk with the spider?

Among classical poets, Li Shangyin's voice is always different, a little different, and avant-garde. While other poets were still miserable for the cowgirl in their habitual thinking, Yishan shouted out: "I am afraid that the immortal family is good to leave, so the teaching is handed over to the good period." That is to say, don't always stand in the position of people, but change your perspective, try to stand in the position of the immortal family to see the separation, mortals like to gather and do not like to disperse, the immortal family may be the opposite, happy to scatter and not like to gather. In "Dream of the Red Chamber", otherworldly people, such as Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu, Zhen Shiyin, etc., all have immortal edges, so they all eventually give up and are not entangled in the red dust world.

The cowherd weaver girl sees each other once a year, and Yishan says, "Therefore, the teachings are handed over as a good period", there is no parting of the way, where is the best time to get together? In this sense, Yishan is not an ancient, but a contemporary of us. Separation and reunion are not simply physical displacements, but also a psychological sensory problem. I talk to you when you're not there; I talk to myself when you're away. So, when exactly are you and I together?

"From the blue and silver river, but when you want the golden wind and jade dew", it has always been on the banks of the Tianhe River, why have you ever left? Why do we have to meet like that when the golden wind and jade dew are dew, it is called seeing each other? Yishan's two sentences are a little painful, or because they can't see each other.

The time of writing this poem is Xin Weinian Qixi, probably he was also living away at that time, alone and looking at the sky. The night is silent, the sound of leakage gradually shifts, the two stars of the cowgirl look at each other across the river, and Yishan looks at them as if they are looking at each other with their lovers. The night is late, the sky is about to dawn, but the clouds are still delayed, and almost all the good times are anxious.

Legend has it that on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the black magpie built a bridge to cross the cow lang weaver girl to meet, and although Yishan did not see their reunion at this time, he still secretly thanked the black magpie for helping. "How can you have no intention of rewarding the magpie, but beg for silk with the spider", and finally he thought of folk customs. According to the "Chronicle of the Jing Chu Years", it is the night, the woman and woman tie colorful wisps, wear seven-hole needles, Chen Guaguo begs the Vega star in the court, and those who have a playful (that is, spider) web on the melon think that it is a sign. Yi Shan seemed to have another meaning, perhaps a complicated feeling of disappointment and gratitude to Fox, so he said not only to think about begging for himself, but also to think about how to reward the black magpie for the bridge.

Tanabata: When alone, all the best times make people anxious| read poetry on weekends

Ming Qiuying's "Beggar Picture Scroll" (partial)


There is a lot of sorrow in heaven on earth

《Rikako Tanabata》

(Song) Li Qingzhao

The grass sings and the sycamore falls.

There is a lot of sorrow in heaven on earth.

Clouds step up the moon, close the lock thousand weights.

The floating maple comes, the floating maple goes, and it does not meet.

Star Bridge Magpie Driving, after years to see,

It's hard to hate if you want to leave your love.

Morning Glory Weaver Girl, Mo is out of the middle.

Even the sun is clear, the rain is shining, the wind is blowing.

A leaf falls and knows the world in autumn. After the autumn, the two obvious phenology are the grunt and the sycamore. A cricket is the cry of a cricket. "Poetry Classic, July" said: "July is in the wild, August is in the universe, September is in the household, October crickets enter my bed", after the autumn, the night cool chases the clams, step by step. The northern sycamore is dry and thick-leaved, can not be hardy, just autumn, sycamore before the gas, began to yellow. The large tung leaves, which snap when they fall to the ground, make people feel shocked.

"Grass singing, shocking the sycamore", referring to these two phenology. Poetry comes from the things themselves, but also from the conscious heart of the author, there are many people with poetry, but there are very few real poets. Poets can not only be sensitive to poetry, but also process it into art. How to process? This depends on the alchemy of language, that is, how to fission within words, between words. The grubs and sycamores were both naturally generated phenology that sensed the autumn qi, but Yi An used "shock fall" between them, and immediately had a vibrating effect. With a thin sound, the grass suddenly startled the tall sycamore, two seemingly unrelated objects, thus gaining a new order. The psalmist does not say that she is frightened, but allows herself to hide and appear in all things.

"Heaven on earth is full of sorrow", why do you say so? Because the human world is in turmoil and separation, the stars in the sky are also difficult to gather. It is said that when Li Qingzhao made this statement, it was the qixi of the year when she and Zhao Mingcheng were forced to separate due to war, and she temporarily lived in Chiyang alone, unaccompanied, sad and desolate. "Clouds step up the moon and the earth, close the locks and weigh a thousand weights", Yi An looked up at the sky and sighed, but the sigh was actually the barrier of fate.

"The clouds and the moon and the earth have passed, and the years have not been enough to hate more", Du Mu's verses are stubborn, and Yi An even has no idea of "passing by one phase". Her situation was that even if she rode on a floating maple and went up to the Heavenly River, it would be difficult to reunite with her husband. According to the Western Jin Dynasty Zhang Hua's "Natural history", the Tianhe River and the sea can be passed, every August there are floating maple exchanges, never lost the time, some people have taken the chak, sailed for more than ten days to reach the Tianhe, and saw the cowherd drinking cattle by the river, and the weaver girl was in the distant Heavenly Palace. Yi An didn't care whether the matter of riding the chak was real or not, she had a premonition that this separation would be a life and death that was even more insurmountable than Tianhe.

In the next piece of the word, she was still looking up at the heavenly vault, and for a long time, she seemed to have forgotten herself and came to the dream of the morning glory weaver girl. "Star Bridge Magpie Driving, after years of seeing, want to leave love and hate is difficult to be poor", Star Bridge Magpie Driving, behind the romantic legend, is people's fantasies and wishes for the impossible. Even if there is really a Queqiao meeting, the taste must be a mixture of sorrow and joy, sorrow is the background, the time of the film is together, how to resist the years of separation.

That night, the weather was cloudy and uncertain. "Morning Glory Weaver Girl, Mo is away from the middle", could it be that they are already in the middle of the departure, Yi An asked himself, why "Xia'er Qing, Xia'er Rain, Xia'er Wind"? Stacking three "twins" is very stuffy, and the sky is like a man, worried.

Li Qingzhao relies on the intuition of genius, fills in the words with ordinary words, and enters the rhythm of the music, even if he does not sing, he reads it fresh and natural, and can be quite satisfactory. Not only the two Song Dynasties, but also in the entire history of words, her language is unique.

Tanabata: When alone, all the best times make people anxious| read poetry on weekends

Qing Chen Mei 'Yue Man QingYou Album' "Tong Yin Beggar Qiao"


And is it twilight?

Queqiao Immortal

(Song) Qin Guan

The clouds are clever, the flying stars are hateful, and the silver man is dark.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew met, they won countless victories in the world.

Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, bear with Queqiao to return to the road.

If the two loves are long, they are in the twilight of the dynasty.

If we talk about the most classic Tanabata poems, it is recognized that the first recommended poem is "Queqiao Immortal". According to relevant research, behind this word is a poignant love affair between Shaoyou, that is, the story of him and a Changsha singer prostitute, the singer who mu Shaoyou's talent, Shaoyou loves the appearance of the prostitute, and rewards him with virtue, but after a few days he had to go south, although the covenant came again, but soon died in Guangxi. "Queqiao Immortal" was written about Tanabata after the separation, whether there is this backstory or not, it does not affect our liking of this word, because almost all people can be easily substituted into the word.

There's a question that's often asked: What do you think about long-distance relationships? In fact, there is no need to ask, how do others think of long-distance relationships, and what do you have to do with them? The taste of long-distance love, such as people drinking cold and warm self-knowledge, there is no reference answer. However, Shaoyou loudly expressed his opinion in the words: "If the two feelings are long, they are in the twilight of the dynasty." These two sentences are really free, and perhaps because of this, we all prefer this word.

However, everything cannot withstand one, but how can the surging human heart be so easy to appease, and how can a correct opinion be easily subdued? Besides, if it is only an opinion, how can it be counted as poetry? We still really perceive the subtleties in the words.

"The clouds are clever, the flying stars are hateful, and the silver han is full of darkness", the folk proverb has: "July seven, look at the clouds", that is, every year on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, when the sun sets, everyone will go out of the house to see the fire clouds, it is said that it is knitted by the weaver girl's skillful hand. The so-called "Yingying one water room" in the "Nineteen Ancient Poems" has become "Silver Han Roundabout" in Shaoyou, which is literally the opposite, but its meaning is the same. It is a kind of distance that Yingying and a water cannot see each other; because they cannot meet each other, Yingying and a water become a silver han, which is even more distant. "Darkness" is very good, and "trickery", "hate", soaked in the smell of acacia.

"The golden wind and jade dew meet each other", as short as the wind dew, as precious as the golden jade, so that when they meet, they will win countless victories in the world. Less travel that Changsha love affair, isn't it like this? Isn't such an encounter a fairy fate? Although I don't know if such a meeting is really better than countless people in the world, I also believe that there are such people, you and him (her) spend a day, better than you and other people spend many years.

"Tenderness is like water, good time is like a dream", the annual Queqiao Meeting, is not it a dream? When they look back, where there is still Queqiao. Life is like a dream, Tanabata, love, poetry, art, are nothing more than dreams within dreams, more autonomous dreams. Since it was a dream, the Golden Wind Jade Dew was no different from the Morning Twilight.

Edit | Liu Yaguang

Proofreading | Liu Baoqing

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