
Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion

author:Oriental Conversations


Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion

Liang Dongfang

After the wheat harvest, the weather was very hot, straight to the 40-degree hot weather day after day, and the few steps between the buildings were blocked by the sun, and it was difficult.

Away from the city, still on the plains, as long as there are no dense buildings and streets, as long as the surrounding is a vast land, the golden wheat stubble on the earth can be drained from under the feet, and as for the edge of the view, there is still a coolness that is not easy to believe.

It is cool because the land is vast, the four wilderness are unobstructed, and the wind can go straight in; The cool is because the wheat stubble field is sprayed with mist, peanuts, sweet potatoes and watermelons are still turquoise...

This is the old road of the Cihe River between Xiciting in Zhengding and Caojiazhuang in Xinle, and you can't build houses on sandy land, just enough to grow these three high-quality crops. In front of the shack in the watermelon field, the barefoot old man and his equally barefoot son said that the melons he picked in the morning were the best and sucked up the cool overnight. Their faces, blackened by the intense sunlight day by day, were not the imaginary dark and shiny healthy color, but the tiredness and fullness of the first step into the world due to wrinkles that absolutely matched their age.

I naturally yearn for that morning's melons, but the question at hand is why they are all barefoot, because it is comfortable to walk barefoot on sandy soil? No, you can't enter the melon field with your shoes on, and you will step on the melon seedlings. If you step on it barefoot, you will not step on it, and when your feet come into contact with the melon, it is also soft, without edges and corners, and it cannot hurt. Such harmony can be achieved between people walking upright and melon seedlings with a sap texture of plant fibers.

Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion

This is somewhat magical: the weight has not changed, the contact surface is in a natural state, there is no external creation different from nature, and the degree of integration between everything is greatly increased.

After eating melons, buying melons, this order of eating first and then buying is the usual rule on the edge of the watermelon field, as long as you can eat it all. This variety of watermelon, to be precise, is planted on the sandy land in this area, with a thin skin melon sweet, the quality of the whole red bowl is uniform, and the taste near the core and near the edge is no different, both sandy and sweet. The reason why it is said that this area of sandy land is because this year I came to the melon field, the shack is still in the original position, there are mosquito nets and unfolded bedding in the shack, and there is a well with water flowing out in the gap of the hose opposite the shack, but the melon field has changed its position to 40 acres of land planted with potatoes last year. At the far end of the forty acres of land, the flower that rests steadily under the mountains of white clouds on the edge of the field, planted many red flags, the bright red of which contrasts sharply with the turquoise of the watermelon seedlings. That's to scare birds, and the mouths of old gulls and magpies are very powerful, and they can directly chisel this thin-skinned watermelon. The watermelon has already been hit by a hailstorm and must do everything possible to stop the birds from pecking. After the hailstorm, the rotten melon was pinched off and the melon seedlings slowly recovered before the finished watermelon grew, and the watermelon field opened half a month later than in previous years.

You see, this melon, which is not badly injured by hail, cracks as soon as it rains. If there is a wound on the melon skin, it will not work. The melon handle said, and from under a lush melon stalk, he pulled out a freshly cracked watermelon.

Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion

I said that if it is cracked, I will eat it, but he said that it is not ripe, it is still raw, and he can only throw it away. Throw away waste, it also accounts for the nutrition of good melons, and it is a loss inside and out. Watermelon this thing, you have to serve all the time, a little careless, it will be broken.

It was here that I first learned that it would take fifteen years to rotate the land of watermelons. That is to say, a piece of land has planted watermelons this year, and it can only be planted again after fifteen years, and if it is planted, it will either not set fruit, or the fruit will not grow.

I grabbed a handful of spotless horse lettuce with rounded stems and leaves on the clean sandy ground by the watermelon field, and sat on the side of the road a stone's throw from the melon field, in the shadow of the car, facing the earth, and a willow tree in front of me drew the direction of the wind. The willow style is the most standard, and the youthful branches keenly mark every breeze, and the slender willow leaves are carried by long soft branches, forming an almost uninterrupted inclination and clinging. One has to believe that these uninterrupted tilts and clinging are the wind itself. As for the golden wheat stubble and turquoise peanuts in the background where the willow branch has been dragged by the wind, it does not move, and there is no wind sliding by. The sunset on the summer solstice is close to the horizon, and the overly intense sunlight finally reduces the brightness of the rows of peanuts standing neatly on the high gangs, making the layers of light and shadow between the round leaflets extremely complicated. The process of gilding thousands of peanuts is only for a moment, and the silence and distance they express in synergy are completely in line with the soothing and long melody of this moment between heaven and earth.

Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion

The white cloud in the distance, the white cloud that was stacked very high and tall, repeatedly became the target of involuntary looking. The stubborn imagination of the gods in the sky strikes the pleasant mind without exception in every such distant look, not only the imagination of the visible heaven in the clouds, but also the excitement of such an imagination in the face of such a scene. That world that is better than the world is unattainable, but at the moment of each "hope", it is also "imminent". In this way, each "hope" becomes a crucial opportunity, which is almost impossible to ask for, and can only meet naturally. Once you meet, you who are still on the ground become a god. This is the internal mechanism by which many years after science has determined that there are no immortals in the clouds, I am still repeatedly influenced by my current feelings. I like to believe that there must be a place made up of the best things in the world.

I sat on the sand of the Cihe Old Road north of the Zhengding Xici Pavilion, I sat on the sand of the Cihe Old Road south of Xinle Caojiazhuang, I sat where Jia Dashan wrote the "Mengzhuang Chronicle", I sat in the place where Bai Qingguo wrote "Rural Background". I know that they are also people who believe and enjoy their belief that there is heaven in the clouds.

The days of intense heat that are difficult to solve and difficult to spend have become extremely precious in this vast land. Sparkling golden wheat stubble, neat peanuts and clumps of turquoise shrubs repeatedly flash outside the window of the car when twilight finally falls, and the dark mountains and the traffic with the lights on add lines and light to this vast landscape, so that every note of the music flowing in the car finds the right place to stay. Everything in front of you points to the conclusion that this is the right way to use time, and that you are not wasted in this part of your life.

Zhengding Notes: Summer north of Xici Pavilion