
China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style

author:Overseas brand vision

In order to deeply implement the spirit of the important instructions on the construction of family tutors and family style, cultivate a clean work style with excellent family style, and promote the construction of leading cadres' work style to go deeper, on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, the infrastructure branch of Northwest Company of China Construction Fourth Bureau combined with the actual situation of the enterprise to create a series of family style theme cartoons to educate and guide party member leading cadres and the majority of employees to be guardians, practitioners and inheritors of good family style, so that good family style can promote the construction of clean and honest enterprises and create a clean and healthy corporate political ecology.

China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style
China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style
China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style
China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style
China Construction Fourth Bureau Northwest Company: clean Dragon Boat Festival, "man" said family style

In the next step, the infrastructure branch of Northwest Company of China Construction Fourth Bureau will further strengthen the construction of integrity culture, continuously enrich the carrier, innovate content, promote the extension of integrity culture to the grassroots level, implement projects, continue to create a clean and honest entrepreneurial environment, and inject a steady stream of "clean power" into the high-quality development of enterprises. (Liu Hui, Northwest Company Infrastructure Branch, China Construction Fourth Bureau)

Editor: Zhou Fengchuan