
Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

author:Southeast Wild Old

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the monarchs were mostly called emperors, and the special situation in the Han Dynasty was that after the division of the seals under Xiang Yu, the princes pushed Liu Bang as emperor. As a result of the Six Kingdoms Restoration Movement, the courtesy name of the Zhou Dynasty and the temple number system of the Shang Dynasty were restored together, and the ancient ritual law was restored under the soil of the imperial system.

From the beginning of the former Han Dynasty, Confucianism became the mainstream of thought under the promotion of Emperor Wu of Han (although after the defeat of Wang Mang, the status of Confucianism began to be transformed into a change of emperor because Confucianism was hindered by his own ideal reform, so that later although Emperor Wu of Han Guangwu and Emperor Ming of Han and Emperor Zhangdi of Han introduced Confucianism, let the children of meritorious servants and foreign relatives read Confucianism, but when Emperor Wu of Han set up a political balance, the power situation was established by the imperial family, foreign relatives, and the emperor himself, and the cake of power did not give the scholar a "link"), under the impetus of this idea, Qin Shi Huang's policy of "abolishing feudalism and setting up counties and counties" was not fully implemented, and at the same time, the endless naming method of the first emperor, the second and third emperors set by Qin Shi Huang was not implemented.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > former Han</h1>

Emperor Han deposed

Liu He was the shortest-reigning emperor of the Western Han Dynasty. Di Zhan Shu thought that he had the ability, but only because he offended Huo Guang, he was deposed. First of all, it needs to be made clear that offending Huo Guang and whether he has the ability or not are two different things, Huo Guang is a loyal subject, and naturally focuses on the trust of Emperor Wu of Han. Liu He didn't even cry when he cried liu Fuling, the Emperor of Han Zhao, so he went out to play happily, did not look at the auxiliary chancellor in his eyes, and promoted his cronies. The point is that he promoted some cockfighting and lackey connoisseurs, and could not govern the country at all, so how could such an emperor not be deposed?

Emperor Yuan of Han

Although the Han Yuan Emperor had a beautiful title, the emperor was very faint and cowardly. During his reign, he appointed the eunuch Shi Xian to attack the loyal minister Xiao Wangzhi, and the government became increasingly disordered. At the same time, Emperor Yuan of Han was so beautiful that he did not favor Empress Wang Zhengjun, which led to Wang Zhengjun retaliating against his son Emperor Hancheng and not allowing Emperor Hancheng to take over the government.

Emperor Cheng of Han

Emperor Hancheng himself was idle because his mother,Wang Zhengjun (王政君) controlled the government, so he began to indulge in lust, and Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede could not give birth to children because they took medicine to maintain their stature, so Emperor Hancheng was green, and finally died under the aphrodisiac of the Zhao sisters.

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > new dynasty</h1>

Wang Mang

In recent years, there have been too many whitewashed Wang Mang's articles and videos, and there are even rumors that he is a crosser. But rumors are rumors after all. Wang Mang's restructuring does not have any advanced nature, but under the guise of reform and innovation, it is retro and reverted. Wang Mang fully restored the outdated Zhou rites, and restored the sword coins and cloth coins of the State of Qi during the Warring States period.

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

Big cloth yellow thousand

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

One knife flat five thousand

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

Currency of the Wang Mang period

It is strange and strange, and it is a fight with the ant-nose money of the Chu state during the Warring States period. Another example is the gold wrong knife, etc., some are on the basis of the knife coin to add a large piece of "four unlike", are embroidered pillows, good looking and not practical.

That's all, Wang Mang's reforms caused famine, so that the people did not eat grass, so they used straw, weeds, etc. to make a new type of food. Wang Mang treated the Xiongnu, demoted the Xiongnu to a single rank, and caused the Xiongnu to invade for no reason.

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Xuanhan</h1>

Liu Xuan was smeared in the history books, saying that he was timid and cowardly. At the enthronement ceremony, in the face of the courtiers, he was scared and sweaty, and "he could not speak with his hands raised." After arriving in Chang'an, when I saw the minister, I didn't know where to look at, so I asked the minister and said: What did you all grab today? But as the Tang Dynasty historian Liu Zhiji put it:

Fu Yisheng is already able to take revenge on the guests, take refuge in the green forest, named Haojie, Andui is the lord of the people and the opposite is si. ...... The author's song pen A Shi becomes the beauty of guangwu alone. - "Stone Qu Pen"

When Liu Xuan was young, because of his revenge, he made many disciples and wanted to kill the "police station chief" (You Chen), so he invited him and then let the doormen sing:

Chao cooking two lieutenants, wandering later, the same spice soup flavor. --Sima Biao of Jin, Book of Continuation of the Han Dynasty

So the government was furious and arrested his father, Liu Xuan cheated him to death, found someone to put a corpse into the coffin, spread it out, and the government released his father.

Later, when he entered the Green Forest Army, he also made many military achievements, how could such a person be so unbearable as recorded in the history books?

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

More first emperor

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > red-browed man</h1>

The Raspian Emperor Liu Penzi was a puppet emperor, and he was caught by casting lots, and he has always been humble and unwilling to be an emperor, so he does not count.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Hou Han</h1>

Emperor Han

In order to get rid of the general Deng Xiao, Emperor An of Han appointed a clique of eunuchs led by his nursing mother Wang Sheng, Zhonghuangmen Li Yan, and Jiang Jing after Empress Deng's death. Creating unjust cases, spoiling the evil and treacherous evil, made Confucius Yang Zhen of Kansai die with hatred.

Empress Yan colluded with Fan Feng and other eunuchs to first convict the crown prince's nursing mother Wang Nan and the kitchen supervisor Feng Ji of death, and then to Emperor Han'an, who trusted Empress Yan and deposed the crown prince Liu Bao in spite of the dissuasion of his ministers.

Because the Ban family was involved in political struggles, Ban Gu was far away from political struggles, and the countries in the Western Regions were dissatisfied with the harsh government of Ren Shang, who served as the protector of the Western Regions after Ban Chao left office, and rebelled against the Han one after another. This was followed by the Qiang uprising, which lasted for 11 years and cost a lot, which seriously damaged the vitality of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The deposed crown prince Liu Bao was the Emperor Shun of Han, and was supported by the eunuch Sun Cheng and nineteen others. Sun Cheng and others were made marquises, but there was no bad influence during the reign of Emperor Shun of Han.

Emperor Huan of Han

The life of Emperor Huan of Han is well known to us as the sentence "I did not sigh and hate Huan and Lingye", as for what he did, I summarized it as "one eye is blind, and the other eye can see".

After Liu Zhi succeeded to the throne, Liang Ji took charge of the imperial government, and before Empress Liang's death, Liang Ji married his sister to Liu Zhi and forcibly made empress. Liu Zhi learned the lesson of the poisoning of the previous emperor, and has been bearing the burden of humiliation, and finally when Liang Ji sent someone to assassinate Deng Guifei's mother Xuan, the joint eunuch killed The spy Xiaohuangmen Zhang Yun sent by Liu Zhi into the imperial city, mobilized the army of Zhang Biao, a lieutenant colonel, to surround the General's Mansion in one fell swoop, killEd Liang Ji, and distributed Liang Ji's property to the people.

However, at the bottom, there were five marquises such as Shan Chao, with Chang Shi Shan Chao as the Marquis of Xinfeng, Xu Huang as the Marquis of Wuyuan, Gu Ying as the Marquis of Dongwuyang, Zuo Zhen as the Marquis of Shangcai, and Tang Heng as the Marquis of Ruyang. At that time, people called it "Five Hou", and the popular song at that time:

Left back to heaven, sitting alone, Xu Crouching Tiger, Tang Liang fell. - "Integration of Ancient and Modern Sayings"

Liu Zhi also engaged in the famous disaster of the party, and the eunuch power reached its peak, but then yang Bing was used to counter it and engage in balancing, but the Han Dynasty at that time could not withstand Liu Zhi's power play.

Emperor Hanling

There is no doubt that this eunuch trusted the eunuch, so that Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were called parents by the emperor, reusing the ten permanent attendants, and did not need me to introduce.

Group photo of Chinese emperors (two Han chapters): Wang Mang is the emperor, disobeying to defend the former Han Dynasty Xuan Han Chimei Han Hou Han

Special statement: Image invasion and deletion. This article is the original of Theoto Nolao (also known as nanshishanren), and other acts of reprinting without my consent will be investigated by the author himself, and I hope that the majority of readers will enthusiastically report when reading the articles published under different account names. Friends who are interested in Chinese history, especially those who like the history of the Sui, Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties, can pay attention to a wave. Anyone who thinks that I am nonsense and cannot say historical documents, please go to your own marketing number, this number is dedicated to cracking down on marketing numbers, puncturing historical lies, cracking down on historical rumors, and not like to take a detour.

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