
How did the real Sun Jiacheng die, and why did posterity rate him as "the first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty"?

author:Historical hormones

Sun Jiacheng generally refers to Sun Jiagan, the minister who pointed the Yongzheng Emperor angrily at his nose and scolded, but became one of the few incorruptible ministers in the Qing Dynasty.

How did the real Sun Jiacheng die, and why did posterity rate him as "the first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty"?

Sun Jiagan's life is the representative of successful people, and he became a member of the Hanlin Academy after being admitted to the Hanlin Academy. At that time, when Yongzheng was on the throne, as the saying goes, the new official took office with three fires, and all the ministers were trembling and working, afraid that the newly appointed Yongzheng Emperor would first take the knife at himself, and the Yongzheng Emperor enjoyed the flattery and at the same time disposed of several brothers who took the same concubine, but Sun Jiagan had no eyesight, he advised the Yongzheng Emperor: "Close to the brothers", this kind of blunt advice directly seized the Yongzheng Emperor's life.

How did the real Sun Jiacheng die, and why did posterity rate him as "the first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty"?

The Yongzheng Emperor was so angry that he could only blame his superior, and after the anger was over, the Yongzheng Emperor felt that this person's courage was commendable, so he promoted him to the position of Guozi Supervisor. The people in the official arena are all old foxes, most of them are smooth, few people can confront the emperor head-on, although Sun Jiagan is not a fledgling, but he will never hide his thoughts, in his opinion, wrong is wrong, right is right, straight to the end.

The emperor was also quite critical of this person's stubbornness, when Sun Jiagan served as a sacrificial wine, Sun Jiagan was once again dismissed by the emperor for being outspoken, and some officials said that Sun Jiagan did not love money, so he changed his punishment to look at the official household treasury, and when the superior inspected, he found that sun Jiagan's recorded accounts were not bad, and Sun Jiagan was able to take up his post again.

How did the real Sun Jiacheng die, and why did posterity rate him as "the first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty"?

After Yongzheng's death, Qianlong took the throne, Sun Jiagan wrote a "Three Habits and One Drawback" and handed it to Qianlong, Qianlong was very appreciative of this, after which Sun Jiagan was promoted to the Punishment Department Shangshu, which is a place where it is easy to offend people, and Sun Jiagan, who had just taken office, was asked by Qianlong to deal with an old case that could not be handled by the Ministers of Qincha, and Sun Jiagan often looked through the files and investigated on the spot, and finally tried the grievances clearly and returned them to justice.

Sun Jiagan has a high reputation among the people, as a Shanxi person who has suffered from illness, Sun Jiagan is well aware of the importance of the people to the country, therefore, during his tenure, he was concerned about the people's suffering, when the imperial court banned folk brewing, but there were not a few people among the people who made wine privately, Sun Jiagan after his own understanding, the emperor said that the benefits of winemaking to the people's livelihood, if blindly prohibited, it is not conducive to the people's livelihood, the imperial court only lifted the ban on brewing.

How did the real Sun Jiacheng die, and why did posterity rate him as "the first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty"?

History records that Sun Jiagan died when he was 71 years old, but the specific how he died is not clear, in the Yongzheng Dynasty, Sun Jiagan violated the interests of Nian Qianyao and was killed, but this is only speculation, there is no historical basis, Sun Jiagan's life was for the people, even in the later days of being an official, he was no longer as blunt as at the beginning, but his life accompanied the three emperors, when returning to his hometown, Sun Jiagan did not want others to think that the emperor was mean to himself, so he put the bricks in Li Zhong, and when the suspicious people reported to the emperor, The emperor was still wondering, how could this incorruptible courtier who had been clean all his life be corrupt in public? After asking clearly, the emperor laughed and exchanged all the bricks for silver, so that he could return to his hometown smoothly.

Therefore, his death has nothing to do with Nian Qianyao, Sun Jiagan died of illness, and this first person in Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty can also be regarded as the end of his life.

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