
Find the footprints of the martyrs and inherit the red spirit

author:Red Net

Red Network Moment News Correspondent Zhang Yannan, Chen Bin, Yang Xue reported from Changsha

Yoyo mulberry, red fertile soil. Qiaoyi Town, a famous red township located in Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, has given birth to 26 heroic martyrs and retained 15 red relics. "Within ten steps, there will be herbs", taking advantage of the spring and Jingming, we came to Qunli Village in Qiaoyi Town, looking for the footprints of martyrs and retaking the revolutionary road of Qiaoyi soldiers.

Find the footprints of the martyrs and inherit the red spirit

The group came to Qunli Village to investigate

Asked about the most representative red ruins of Qunli Village, we were guided by the villagers to a rather mysterious place. Under the shade of camphor trees, an old house can be seen in the shadows, and this inconspicuous house is the location of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee organ of the Communist Party of China during the revolutionary years. The old site of the provincial party committee organ protected and repaired by Qunli Village restored the original appearance of the provincial party committee organ at that time to the greatest extent. The old beds, mirrors, tables, and even stoves, including the bed tent, abacus and other details, are extremely restored, making us feel as if we have really crossed a hundred years and become an intelligence agent lurking in this room full of life.

Find the footprints of the martyrs and inherit the red spirit

The former site of the provincial party committee office shaded by camphor trees

Pacing through the house, we noticed that a flat stretcher was stored in the corner of the house. We can't help but wonder, why is such an ordinary flat stretcher still placed in the old site? Through the introduction of the docent, we learned that this flat burden seems ordinary, but it has a thick history.

In 1930, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee ended its strategy of traveling around the world and prepared to establish a long-term foothold in Changsha. Zhou Bingwen, then a member of the Hunan Provincial Committee and head of the secret office, as a local, was attracted by the local geographical location and open and inclusive people's customs, and proposed to establish the Hunan Provincial Party Committee here. In order to hide the dangers of underground work, Zhou Bingwen blended into the masses and turned into a merchant, dressed in cloth clothes, carrying a burden, covered with chili peppers and other goods, and concealed funds or confidential documents sent from the central government. As a result, he became his closest comrade-in-arms, transporting supplies for the party, delivering documents, and covering party comrades with him, accompanying him through many dangerous and difficult tasks.

After listening to this revolutionary past, we looked at this flat burden again and found that it seemed to be looking back at us. Through the smoke of revolution and the vicissitudes of history, at this moment, is it still thinking of its old comrades-in-arms who have been away for a long time...

In Zhou Bingwen's former residence, we not only learned about the difficulty and importance of his work as the head of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and secret agency, but also experienced Zhou Bingwen's love for the motherland as a husband to his wife, and the love of everyone in the motherland as a Communist Party member.

Find the footprints of the martyrs and inherit the red spirit

The research team is at the former residence of Zhou Bingwen

The docent was impassioned and moving when he told us about Chow Bingwen's final letter to his wife Mok Fuzhen in prison. "I died for the happiness of the toiling masses, died gloriously, died where I wanted, and in the history of the revolution in the future, there is a page of my Zhou Bingwen, which is my greatest happiness." Do not grieve for me, but rejoice in me. You are the family of the revolutionaries, and in the future the revolution will succeed, and you will also have the greatest glory and the greatest happiness. "The villagers of Qunli Village who visited with us were all dissatisfied and proud after hearing this letter, and Zhou Bingwen built everyone with a small family, and passed down from generation to generation in Qunli Village with the spirit of everyone's reputation as a small family.

"Cause the uncle to be frightened, and the fang to be the male ghost; Only when everyone in the world wants to kill is a man. This is a self-portrait written by Zhou Bingwen in prison, which is displayed in the former residence together with Zhou Bingwen's life and deeds, but this word is so eye-catching and powerful, it seems to see the flesh and blood, touch the soul, and make people unable to look away for a long time. After Zhou Bingwen was arrested and imprisoned, the Kuomintang reactionary authorities tried to open a gap in him, but after repeatedly sending people to persuade him to surrender, they turned to torture Zhou Bingwen. With the determination to sacrifice for the party, Zhou Bingwen set up his own spiritual hall, and the tablet reads "Zhou Bingwen's spiritual seat", and the two sides are this self-help.

In addition to Zhou Bingwen, Qunli Village during the revolutionary period also gave birth to many other heroic martyrs. "It is better to break the jade than to make the whole. Turning yourself in is impossible! This is the note left by Zhou Bingwen's cousin Zhou Yingming at the end of his life. Because of his cooperation with Zhou Bingwen in underground work, he was arrested by Kuomintang reactionaries in 1930, tortured, and preferred to die unyielding, and died at the age of 19. In the same year, Zhou Shaosheng was betrayed by a traitor and was arrested by the enemy while transporting intelligence, and in a hurry, he took out the documents hidden in the handle of the umbrella and swallowed them into his stomach. In order to cover Zhou Yingming, he was severely beaten by the enemy and did not want to reveal Zhou Yingming's address, and was eventually killed in Literacy Ridge at the age of 31.

At the same time, we also visited several other red relics in Qunli Village, including the site of the Yangqiao Farmers' Association, the Lion Mountain Anti-Japanese Trench, and the Yuanshi Ridge Anti-Japanese Trench, and deeply felt the heroic spirit that is being passed down from generation to generation on the red fertile soil of Qunli Village.

Today, the red spirit inheritance work of Qunli Village is also in full swing and has been quite effective. Under the leadership of Mo Jianchang, the current secretary of veterans, Qunli Village has established a veterans volunteer service team to spontaneously help the protection of red sites and the inheritance of red culture in Qunli Village. At the same time, the young people of Qunli Village have high enthusiasm to join the army, and can steadily import recruits every year, Zhou Bingwen's descendant Zhou Jianyang is deeply influenced by the red culture of Qunli Village, resolutely chose to join the army, and returned to the village after being discharged from the army, serving as the village director of Qunli Village, contributing his own strength to the development of Qunli Village.

At the end of the trip, we walked along the bluestone steps in the mountain to the tomb of the martyr standing with the trees. In the face of these heroic martyrs, our weak shoulders become heavy. Slowly present a bouquet of flowers, bow deeply, and then turn around and set out on the way home. But at this moment, what we think of is the heroic spirit, the chest is the blood of youth, and the heart beats is the responsibility of the times.