
Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

author:Poria cocos health

Uncle Wang, a village cadre who is 51 years old this year, likes to drink tea when he is fine in the office, holding a tea cup wherever he goes. He believes that the ingredients in tea are good for the body and can maintain good health.

However, one day he suddenly felt some pain in his abdomen, he originally thought it was just an upset stomach, and as time went by, his abdominal pain became more and more obvious, making him feel very uncomfortable. Although this pain did not have a great impact on his daily life, he was worried about his physical health.

Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

He began to pay attention to his eating habits and tried not to eat spicy and stimulating foods, but the pain did not lessen. He began seeking some medication to relieve the pain, but the effect was not obvious.

So, he decided to go to the hospital. It doesn't matter if you don't go, this time it was found that stomach cancer was detected, and what surprised Uncle Wang even more was that the reason had a lot to do with his habit of drinking tea. Because Uncle Wang himself has chronic gastritis, plus usually Uncle Wang only likes to drink relatively strong tea, and only drinks hot tea for health, that is, Uncle Wang's own health habits hurt him.

Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

Chinese have loved tea for thousands of years, and tea culture has become an important part of Chinese culture. In traditional culture, drinking tea is regarded as a self-cultivating behavior. For many people, tea is a healthy drink and has a refreshing effect at the same time. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, drinking tea is a way to maintain health.

Benefits of drinking tea?

Tea itself has high nutritional value, tea contains a variety of substances beneficial to the human body, such as tea polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, etc., these substances can regulate body functions, promote metabolism, enhance immunity, delay aging, etc. Especially for the elderly, drinking tea can play a health care role, improve the body's resistance, prevent diseases, and maintain good health.

Drinking tea at the same time can moisturize the body and make people feel comfortable and relaxed. The physical function of the elderly gradually declines, the function of the organs is also gradually declining, and dry mouth often occurs. And drinking tea can play a role in moisturizing the throat, clearing heat and quenching thirst, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

Can drinking tea cause cancer?

Tea leaves themselves do not cause cancer. Although tea does contain some toxic substances, such as theophylline, tea polyphenols, etc., the content of these substances is very low and will not affect human health. On the contrary, tea contains a variety of substances that are beneficial to the human body, which can prevent diseases to a certain extent.

In recent years, some people believe that carcinogens in tea will cause harm to human health, but this statement lacks scientific basis. In fact, tea polyphenols and other substances contained in tea can inhibit the production of carcinogens and have certain anti-cancer effects. Moreover, during the production process, tea is sterilized at high temperature, eliminating bacteria and viruses, and its harm to the human body is very small.

Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

However, for people who say that drinking tea will cause cancer, it is often caused by people's incorrect drinking habits! Therefore, when drinking tea, you should pay attention to the following points:

Control the amount of tea you drink: Although drinking tea is beneficial to the body, excessive consumption of tea will also cause a certain burden on the body. Moreover, tea also contains substances such as caffeine, and excessive drinking will affect sleep, leading to insomnia and other problems. Therefore, you should pay attention to the appropriate amount when drinking tea, generally drinking 3-5 cups a day.

Choose good quality tea: The quality of tea has a great impact on the health of the body, and may contain impurities, pesticides and other substances, which are harmful to the body. Therefore, when choosing tea, you should pay attention to choosing formal channels to buy, and try to choose organic tea or green food.

Drinking tea is not healthy? Reminder: Drinking tea is associated with a variety of diseases

Do not drink tea on an empty stomach: Drinking tea on an empty stomach will irritate the gastric mucosa, increase the burden of digestion, and cause symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. Therefore, you should pay attention to controlling the time when drinking tea, and it is best to drink tea about half an hour after eating.

Pay attention to the temperature of tea: When drinking tea, the temperature of tea also needs to be paid attention to. Over-hot tea can cause irritation to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, leading to problems such as mouth ulcers and gastroenteritis. Therefore, when drinking tea, you should let the tea cool down and wait until the temperature is suitable before drinking.

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