
Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

Recently, an amateur football league called "Village Super League" has attracted widespread attention, and like the previous "Village BA", this level of amateur football competition is not high, but it has been warmly welcomed by fans, although the bonus of the village super league is very inconspicuous, every game the team wins, it gets two pig's feet, and even the prize of the league championship is just a local scalper. But people who enjoy football, no one cares.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

However, amid the applause, some football "insiders" couldn't help but start to stand up and pour cold water. A certain Dong Mingzui, who likes to eat ramen, described Murachao as a farm square dance, "Only people who know little about football think that Murachao is very powerful, and Murachao will not bring any help to Chinese football!" To be honest, such a view is a kind of arrogance of football "insiders". The reason why they sneered was actually because Murachao's heat hit them in the face, stabbed their hearts, and most likely, moved their cheese.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

The Chinese professional football league was born in 1994 and has now passed 30 years, but the level of Chinese football has deteriorated. The dust of 10 years of golden yuan football has settled, leaving behind a field of chicken feathers. The senior management of the football association was collectively imprisoned for life retraining, and the club's investment was repeatedly reduced and starved to death. To what extent did the national football team go? World champions Argentina did not dare to accept the offer after watching Australia play Argentina, but after watching Australia play Argentina, they were complacent about a huge victory over Southeast Asian superpowers Myanmar 4-0.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

However, when fans despised Chinese football at the mention of it, Murachao made a brilliant appearance, earning enough eyeballs and traffic. The hot atmosphere of the game, the famous mouth Han Qiaosheng personally came to the scene to comment, the Hong Kong star football team went to play, and even CCTV broadcast it live. Various sponsorships have also begun to pour in, forming a strong contrast with the almost unattended Chinese professional football league, which is expected to make the soccer circle extremely unbalanced. In particular, Dong Ming, who considers himself the godfather of Chinese football's youth academy, is even more depressed, and they just want to ask in their hearts: why.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

To be honest, there is an almost insurmountable gap between amateur football and professional football, and the level of the village super league cannot be compared with the Chinese Super League. It is unlikely that the current village super will send talent to the national team like the Chinese Super League. After all, these players who gallop on the green field have their own full-time jobs, and football is just a heartfelt love for them.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

However, this love is the basis for the take-off of Chinese football. You don't know, in the South Pacific, two poor island countries with small areas and populations will also team up to participate in various competitions organized by FIFA, and in the game, they will kick off and fight for victory. Don't they know that with their own strength, they may never be able to stand on the stage of the World Cup finals? Of course I know. They did not give up but actively participated, in fact, they had a football dream in their hearts.

Chinese football also once entered the World Cup finals, when a teenager on CCTV held a football and said "my football, my team" advertisement, which still impresses the editor. At that time, the national football team had a good record of tenacity and hard work, and the fans cheered in unison, and a series of football schools sprung up at that time. Of course, now we know that that was only the last glory of Chinese football. The subsequent match-fixing black whistle incident plunged Chinese football into darkness for 10 years, and then was held hostage by capital and became a signboard for their development and growth.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart

However, the so-called football insiders represented by Dong will not know how important love is to football. The popularity of the village chao will plant a small seed in the hearts of countless teenagers and blossom a big flower in the future. In the future, many of these teenagers will take football as their goal and contribute to the revival of Chinese football. These long-term things are beyond the norm for Dong someone.

Miserably ridiculed by "insiders"! Whose face did the fiery village super stab whose heart