
June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

author:Dancing tells history
June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

In recent years, the "Taiwan independence" forces on Taiwan Island and the overseas anti-China forces led by the United States have continuously escalated their provocations, trying to use Taiwan to oppose China's great cause of reunification.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

However, in the face of China's firm determination to unify and strong military strength.

Whether it is a conventional war or a nuclear war, the US military is not destined to win.

There is a significant gap in military strength between the PLA and the Taiwan military

The PLA enjoys clear superiority in numbers, equipment, training and command capabilities, which allows them to effectively suppress Taiwan's air defenses.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

In addition, China's warplanes and missile deployments can effectively suppress Taiwan's air defense capabilities.

This has provided strong support for the PLA's combat capability in the war in the Taiwan Strait, while the Taiwan military has some shortcomings in logistics support and combat readiness resources.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

Geographical factors also had an important impact on the war in the Taiwan Strait.

The PLA can use its geographical advantages to wage blockade and war of attrition, gradually cut off Taiwan's ties with the outside world and gradually deplete the combat effectiveness and resources of the Taiwan military.

This will bring tremendous pressure and difficulties to the Taiwan military.

Of course, the human and economic costs of war are unbearable.

The loss of lives and the economic impact of war cannot be compensated, which is one of the reasons why China is reluctant to choose war easily.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

The involvement of external forces in Taiwan Strait affairs may lead to confrontation between China and the United States

The PLA, backed by the mainland of the motherland, has obvious advantages in the war across the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. military faces an unbearable dilemma, and nuclear war will bring great damage and a nuclear chain reaction on both sides, which makes both sides prohibitive.

The U.S. government is well aware of this, so it is unlikely to wield the "nuclear stick" easily.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

Due to China's firm determination to reunify, its strong military strength, its geographical advantages, its anti-access capabilities, and various factors at home and abroad, the US military is doomed to defeat in the war in the Taiwan Strait.

In the face of China's great strength and resolute attitude, the US military cannot gain a decisive advantage.

Therefore, the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue and the maintenance of stability and development are in the common interests of all parties.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

The mainland was about to start, and the US aircraft carrier appeared! Expert: The South China Sea is no longer a place where beauty can spread wilderness

The US aircraft carrier USS Reagan suddenly appeared in the South China Wai with six warships, the purpose of which is unknown.

This incident has aroused attention and speculation.

A U.S. military presence in the South China Sea could pose a challenge to China's security and interests to some extent.

The analysis believes that the United States may secretly support the Philippines and make trouble for China.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

However, the presence of U.S. aircraft carriers in the South China Perimeter does not necessarily mean hostile intentions.

International waters are places where ships of all countries can move freely, and the United States also has the right to carry out missions and cruise in international waters.

The USS Reagan and the navies of France and other countries suddenly entered the South China Sea after conducting military exercises in the East Sea of Okinawa, showing US ambitions and attempting to disrupt the situation in the South China Sea.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

Military exercises conducted by U.S. and other navies in the East Okinawa Sea are the norm, and this does not mean that the United States intends to destabilize the situation in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is an important international maritime area, and all countries have their own interests and concerns in the region.

The military presence of the United States and other countries does not imply their intention to intervene in the South China Sea disputes, but rather that they are concerned about the stability of the region and their own security.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

The most recent week has seen a high-profile joint military exercise involving the USS Reagan, the USS Nimitz, and the French navies.

The exercise took place from eastern Okinawa to the East China Sea.

However, these fleets are now suddenly entering the South China Sea, and this series of actions does not seem to be accidental.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win
It can be clearly seen that the intentions of the United States have been fully revealed, and they are trying to use the power of aircraft carriers to put pressure on the mainland in an attempt to interfere with the situation in the South China Sea region, so as to obtain improper benefits for the Philippines.

The South China Sea has long been a coveted target for the resources of the mainland's territorial waters, especially over Ren'ai Jiao, which has repeatedly taken troubling actions to trouble the mainland.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

China's rise in contemporary power has changed the regional landscape and stopped allowing other countries to act recklessly.

Especially in the South China Sea, China, with its firm stance and strong strength, has demonstrated its determination to defend its rights and interests.

Back in 2016, China had only one aircraft carrier, while the United States frequently sent fleets in the South China Sea in the name of the Philippines to provoke China's sovereignty.

At that time, in order to defend its rights and interests in the South China Sea, China had to mobilize three large warships to confront the US military at sea.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

While China may not have the strength to back down from the United States, China today is quite different.

Now the Philippines is moving the powerful supporter of the United States into the background, but is this strategy effective?

China's growing navy has not only more aircraft carriers, but also advanced warships, submarines and aviation.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

This makes China's presence in the South China Sea region strong and assertive.

Today, the South China Sea is no longer a place where the United States or other countries act recklessly.

This is the end of offending India? Zelensky's participation in the G20 summit was rejected, Ukraine hit a wall!

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's plan to participate in the G20 summit was unexpectedly obstructed, and this incident once again attracted the attention of international public opinion.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

For Ukraine, this rejection is undoubtedly a wall, and it makes people wonder, is this related to the tense relationship between Ukraine and India?

Let's dive into this together.

Zelensky, as the leader of Ukraine, has always been committed to promoting Ukraine's position and voice in international affairs.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

However, his application to participate in the G20 summit was rejected, and one wonders whether this means that Ukraine has suffered a setback on the international stage.

However, we cannot simply blame tensions with India.

In fact, relations between Ukraine and India were once friendly, and the two countries cooperated in a number of areas.

However, in recent times, tensions between Ukraine and India have gradually escalated, mainly due to a complex set of factors.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

These include confrontation between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian forces, territorial disputes, and conflicts of economic interests.

Tensions between Ukraine and India have also involved changes in the international political landscape.

As tensions between Ukraine and Russia escalate, many countries have expressed concern about the situation in the region.

Against this background, Ukraine seeks international support and hopes to expand its influence in the international arena.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

However, the attitude of countries towards the Ukrainian issue varies, which has also led to the lukewarm attitude towards Ukraine in some countries.

The G20 summit, where national leaders come together to discuss global affairs, is an opportunity to demonstrate national strength and importance.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

Zelensky hopes that by participating in the G20 summit, he will convey Ukraine's voice to the world and win more international support.

However, his plan was rejected, which undoubtedly had a certain impact on the image of Ukraine.

One political observer described him as having gone from a "focal point" to a "fringe figure."

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

For Ukraine, this rejection is a setback and a challenge on the international stage.

This incident has an impact not only on Ukraine's diplomatic strategy, but also on the global political landscape, so it deserves further attention.

The United States and Russia competed in West Asia, and after the United States lost, they quickly gave an ultimatum!

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

Recently, global tensions have increased, but China has always adhered to the concept of peace and acted as a mediator on the international stage.

Recently, China successfully mediated a century-long hostile relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, winning the appreciation and recognition of the international community.

China's successful mediation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region has aroused the envy of the United States and Russia.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

They also want to increase the prestige of their country by mediating the contradictions between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

In the face of strife, the United States has taken a tough stance, either by negotiating a solution or preparing for war.

The territorial dispute in the Nagorno-Karabakh region became the central issue, and most of the inhabitants were Armenians, but the international community generally recognized that the region belonged to Azerbaijan.

It has never been resolved.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

In 1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a Provisional Ceasefire Agreement, which temporarily calmed the conflict.

However, conflict flared up again in 2020 and U.S. mediation efforts were unsuccessful.

Against this background, Russia's Putin proposed a solution in which he proposed to put the Nagorno-Karabakh issue aside for the time being and sign a peace treaty to facilitate further negotiations and a peaceful settlement.

Putin's mediation package offers Armenia an opportunity to restore stability and prosperity.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

By promoting dialogue for peace, he hopes to create a sustainable environment for the inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Putin's successful mediation underscores Russia's importance and influence, while America's failure underscores its plight in the region.

Resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh issue requires joint efforts and compromises on the part of all parties.

The international community should support Putin's mediation efforts and encourage the parties to resolve the issue through peaceful dialogue.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

At this critical juncture, the support of the international community will play an important role in promoting the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

In addition, the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region has highlighted the complexity and tension of the international situation.

Countries around the world should realize that resolving disputes through dialogue and compromise is the key to maintaining peace and stability.

Only through the joint efforts of the international community can lasting peace in the region be achieved.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

The issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh region came into focus, and Putin's mediation plan offered hope for a peaceful settlement.

Resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh problem requires the support and efforts of the international community to find a solution through peaceful dialogue.

Armenia oscillated between Russia and the United States, eventually choosing to defect to Russia.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

The success of Putin's mediation efforts as Russia's leader has earned him more praise and recognition in the international community.

His intervention has brought new hope to the Nagorno-Karabakh region and laid the foundations for a sustained peace process.

In contrast, U.S. mediation efforts have failed to make substantial progress, further underscoring Putin's unique role in the region.

Putin's success is not only impressive, but also a reminder of the importance of Russia in resolving regional conflicts.

June 19: The end of the Taiwan Strait is decided? Whether it is a conventional or nuclear war, the US military cannot win

However, we must also recognize that the solution to the problems of Nagorno-Karabakh depends not only on the efforts of one person or one country.

All parties need to work together and show a spirit of compromise and cooperation.

This incident also reminds us that maintaining global peace and stability requires the cooperation of all countries to jointly meet the challenges.