
Captain National Youth! When he first debuted, he was a center forward who returned to Beijing to play as a defender

author:Tsumon Tiger

In October 1982, the National Football League had only one last match left. The Beijing team and the Shandong team each accumulated 42 points, temporarily tied for the first place; the Shanghai team accumulated 40 points and ranked second. This final battle was played by Beijing against Shanghai. If Beijing loses, Shandong will win the first place due to the number of goals difference, and if Beijing wins, it will win the crown.

The situation in front of the Beijing team is grim. In the first stage of the competition, Shanghai team had a 2-0 win over Beijing team. This last match was held in Shanghai again, and the other side had the advantages of time, location, people and people.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides were inseparable. The atmosphere was tense and dull, and the scoreboard was still 0-0 until the eightieth minute. This is a key moment than will and technology!

Beijing won the opportunity to serve a corner, and the success or failure was in this move. Shen Banfu sent a banana ball from the right corner into the Shanghai team's penalty area, Li Gongyi jumped up and rubbed his head, and the ball bounced to the left corner of the penalty area. Only to see a big man, the body shook to grab the ball, raised his left foot to turn around and shoot angrily, the ball was flat and straight to the bottom of the net - it was Liu Qing! At the critical moment, one foot is set! In the entire league, Liu Qing scored eight points, ranking first in the team. It can be said that he made great contributions to the Beijing team to win the championship.

Captain National Youth! When he first debuted, he was a center forward who returned to Beijing to play as a defender

Tender bamboo picked up the girder

The Beijing team was on the verge of relegation in the previous year's National League, and fans know that "small, fast, smart" is the unique playing style of the Beijing team. However, the two brothers Li Weimiao and Li Weixiao, who are fast and agile and can drill and break through, Hong Yuanshuo, who is calm-headed and threaded, and Zhao Lihua, who is experienced and sits in the defense, have retired successively. Several important figures who relied on the formation of small, fast, and spiritual were gone, and the brother teams gradually became familiar with the routines of the Beijing team and tried every means to clamp down on their strengths. Consecutive defeats in the game forced Beijing to find another way out while maintaining its original style. And liu Qing, who was just a fledgling, triggered the inspiration of coach Zeng Xuelin at this time.

Liu Qing, although he is only nineteen years old, has eight years of experience. He was born in the Balizhuang area on the outskirts of Beijing, entered the Workers' Sports School for systematic training at the age of eleven, and was selected for the Beijing Youth Team at the age of fifteen. Under the guidance of former internationals Cui Zengshi and Li Yu, he grew up rapidly and entered the Beijing first team at the age of seventeen. He is 1.85 meters tall, 12 seconds in 100 meters, has good physical strength, works hard enough, and is an ideal center forward talent. Coach Zeng boldly activated him according to Liu Qing's conditions and decided to let him and Xue Ji, who is 1.83 meters tall, play a double center first. On the basis of maintaining the next three "small fast spirits", and then a three-way high-altitude work, this new trick really worked. In several games against the Air Force, Kunming Troops, Guangzhou Troops and Guangdong Team, Liu Qing occasionally headed the ferry to create shooting opportunities for his teammates. Sometimes he jumped up in the crowd to head the ball into the goal. Sometimes a single knife will grab a point to break the level... The double-centered tactical streak of Kai impressed the brother teams. Since then, the Beijing team has been turned around, winning consecutive battles and regaining the top spot. The conditions of the players prompt the coaches to formulate corresponding tactics according to the policies of each person; The success of the tactics allowed Liu Qing to give full play to his own strengths. Dialectics is like this: tender bamboo can also pick up the girder!

Sharpen the blade with hard sweat

Some people say that Liu Qing's success is mainly due to his own good conditions. In fact, Xiao Liu was tall and thin at first, and was not a material for playing football at all.

He is the only son in the family, and he does not know how many times he has "struggled" with his parents in order to learn to play football. Parents finally couldn't help but let the baby son's whole family eat and drink to increase Liu Qing's nutrition. From childhood, he was pampered, making him less courageous and did not dare to fight hard. Appearing "soft" on the court, especially when fighting in the opposing penalty area, is the most fatal weakness of the center. After being selected for the Beijing Youth Team. I don't know how much suffering I have suffered and how many "criticisms" I have suffered for this "soft" word. Although he was tall, because he was timid, he always shrunk his neck to fight for the head ball when he jumped up. Coaches often criticize him for this: "You jump with your neck shrunken, isn't that equivalent to growing a big white?" Liu Qingsheng had a stubborn temper: "You said I can't do it, I'll show you a look!" After completing the training session every day, he practiced the head ball alone, hundreds of times on top, and the straight top was dizzy, and the scalp was bleeding. "Kung Fu pays off", he finally mastered the better head skills. The swing of the header and the header have become his common offensive means. In the match against the Guangzhou troops, the teammate sank the bottom of the cross, Liu Qing jumped up under the two opponents, a heavy hammer, knocked the ball into the bottom of the net, he lost his center of gravity due to excessive force, fell to the ground, but this lion shook his head but laid the victory for the team.

Several years of actual combat and training have made Liu Qing realize that the task of the center forward is to move forward and break the door! It's about doing everything in your power to get the ball into the opponent's goal! In addition to his head training, he also attaches great importance to the training of shooting techniques, and in any case, he asks himself to make shooting a first belief. After each training and competition, he had to carefully summarize and repeatedly ponder the shortcomings of his footwork. Over time, after thousands of times of training, he can use different footwork on a variety of different balls, especially long-range shots.

In addition, he also deliberately improved his set-piece technique, following the example of the free throw expert Platini, and repeatedly followed suit. In one match, he twice took free kicks, fired banana balls from different directions, and both went around the human wall to break through the city. Hard work has matured his basic skills. Sweat sharpens the blade even sharper.

Lead the whole team with a good style

Prior to the 23rd Asian Youth Football Championship, Liu Qing was appointed captain of the Chinese youth team. Gao Fengwen, the head coach of the national youth team, is the captain of the national team in the 1960s, and the famous samurai. He demanded that the players be very strict, and the boys were a bit overwhelmed. Liu Qing always gritted his teeth and insisted. He said to his partners: "People in their forties can persist, what else do we have to say, practice!" If we don't practice, what ability do we have to rush out of Asia and go global? Have you forgotten what the senior instructor said when you first founded the team? He said: 'I am a flame to ignite the flame of ambition in your hearts, and you are also the fire, and you must use victory to ignite the flame of hope for Chinese football in the hearts of the people of the whole country.' Now The high guidance is to 'ignite' us with sweat, and we must use more sweat to strive to rush out of Asia as soon as possible!' The words of the friends were warm in their hearts, and everyone hugged their headaches and cried. The next day, they all seemed to have suddenly grown up, no matter how tired they were, they didn't say a word, and took the initiative to ask for more training.

On the field, Liu Qing also played the leading role of the captain. In the crucial battle against South Korea in the East Asian Division, he struggled with muscle cramps and was carried off the field, and in the final in Bangkok, it was again against South Korea. Liu Qingyi changed the usual problem of small range of motion, fixed the strained muscles with tape, and rushed back and forth. Our team united in the case of ten against eleven, and conceded one goal first, and forced the opponent to be forced.

In this way, Liu Qing and the comrades of the whole team fought together, relying on the sweat of hard work and relying on the strength of the collective, and finally won the runner-up of the Asian Youth Football Championship, making Chinese football rush out of Asia for the first time and victoriously entering Mexico.

More about the mountain in front

Since Liu Qing entered the Beijing Youth Team in 1978, in the past five years, he has spent only one Spring Festival at home. Since the second half of last year, he has successively participated in the National Football League, the Beijing International Football Invitational Tournament, the Asian Youth Football Championship, the Hong Kong Four-Corner Lunar New Year Football Tournament and the Nehru Gold Cup Football Tournament. Back and forth to fight, continuous killing, he was tired and sick.

During the break, he sat down quietly and carefully reviewed the path he had traveled over the years. Liu Qing seriously consulted the opinions of coaches and teammates and gave himself a "surgery". He wrote in his diary: "Although I have made some progress in technology, consciousness and style, I am still too much to be missing from a qualified center forward!" Too much! Many basic techniques cannot be played on the field, and psychological factors are not stable enough. In the game, I always want to seek stability and play demeanor ball, and I lost the style of the youth team....

Nineteen-year-old Liu Qing was able to analyze himself so pertinently during his convalescence in the course of his conquests, and this spirit of "prudence and independence" was rare and valuable. Only people with a strong sense of responsibility for the cause can do this.

Yes, for Liu Qing, the world of galloping is vast. Only by constantly making progress can we become the new football star expected by the people of the motherland. Work hard, ambitious, ambitious football players, more about the mountain in front!

1983 Bi Xidong Yang Zhuoyuan/Wen