
Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port

author:Wuzhishan Municipal People's Procuratorate
Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port

In order to enhance the people's concept of the rule of law, actively guide the whole society to establish constitutional awareness, promote the "Hainan Free Trade Port Law" to fly into the homes of ordinary people, and enhance the people's understanding of the procuratorial organs, on September 29, 2021, the Wuzhishan Municipal People's Procuratorate descended to Maodao Township to carry out the rule of law publicity and 12309 procuratorial service center tour with the theme of the Hainan Free Trade Port Law.

Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port

At the scene of the event, cadres and policemen of the Wuzhishan Municipal People's Procuratorate attracted the masses by hanging banners, setting up consultation points, distributing rule of law publicity materials such as the "Hainan Free Trade Port Law" and the "Civil Code" and other rule of law publicity materials, as well as canvas bags, umbrellas, mouth cups and other rule of law publicity supplies, popularizing legal knowledge such as the "Hainan Free Trade Port Law", the Constitution, and the Civil Code to the masses, and at the same time introducing the work functions of the procuratorial organs. Deputy Procurator General Huang Han personally received the masses to visit, answered relevant policies and legal issues such as compensation for land requisition and demolition, arrears of wages, marriage and family, and pension insurance payment for the masses, and actively guided the masses to consciously abide by the law, find the law in case of trouble, and rely on the law to solve problems, and the legal awareness was significantly improved. On the same day, 8 people were provided with legal advice to the masses, and more than 100 copies of propaganda materials such as propaganda fans and publicity brochures were distributed to the masses.

Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port

In the next step, the Wuzhishan Municipal People's Procuratorate will further strengthen the work of popularizing the law, continuously enhance the depth and breadth of the work of popularizing the law, take the initiative to respond to social concerns, so that "the people have a call, I have a response", take root in the publicity of the rule of law at the grass-roots level, sink legal services at the grass-roots level, and resolve contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level, and through solid and down-to-earth efforts to eliminate worries and solve difficulties, the bridge between the procuratorial organs and the people will be smoother and the ties will be more stable.

Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port


Wen 丨 Zhu Shaojuan

Picture 丨 Wu Jie

Editor 丨Hong Min

Study and publicize the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and concentrate on helping to build the Hainan Free Trade Port