
Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

author:Dr. Li, a popular science practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine

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With the improvement of people's living standards, longevity has become a topic of much attention, and in terms of longevity, many people have different views.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Some people believe that long-term retreat is the best way, while others believe that exercising every day will make the body healthier. So who is more likely to live longer?

The survey aims to find out the answer to this question by following 36,383 elderly people.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Effects of long-term resting on longevity

First, let's take a look at what impact long-term retreat has on longevity.

According to statistics, the observed subjects chose to maintain physical health and mental balance by staying comfortable and comfortable most of the day (such as sitting or lying down) and rarely participating in sports or other strenuous activities (so-called "otaku/woman"). Its actual average life expectancy is about 5-10 years lower than that of people who actively participate in various physical or labor activities.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

1. The definition and form of long-term retreat

Long-term recuperation is a way to relax and relieve stress by keeping your body quiet. It can take many forms such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc.

For the sub-health state common in modern society, long-term rest can help adjust the physical and mental state, improve self-healing ability, and also help alleviate the negative effects of many chronic diseases.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

2. The impact of long-term rest on physical health

Practice has proved that regular resting can effectively improve sleep quality and mental state, and also help reduce blood pressure and control blood lipid levels.

In addition, it also has a positive effect on inhibiting tumor cell growth.

Since these factors are closely related to longevity, proper long-term recuperation can be described as the way to prolong life.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

3. The relationship between long-term rest and life

Studies have shown that long-term resting has a significant longevity extension effect on the human body because it can reduce the burden on the body, reduce the risk of disease, and improve self-healing ability.

In addition, long-term retreats produce substances called "happiness hormones," which can help relieve stress and anxiety, thereby further promoting physical and mental health.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

4. How to carry out long-term rest to achieve the effect of prolonging life

In order to achieve the goal of longevity through long-term retreat, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Choose what works for you: Different people are suitable for different forms of long-term retreat. For example, meditation, yoga, etc. are good choices.

Stick to it for a long time: Only regular persistence can achieve good results, it is recommended to set aside 20-30 minutes a day for practice.

Keep the ring safe and comfortable: When meditating or other similar activities, you should choose a safe and comfortable place and keep the surrounding environment quiet.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

5. Possible risks and precautions for long-term rest

While there are many benefits to long-term retreats, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Do not exert too much force: If the body is tired or not used to some form of long-term retreat, stop and consult a professional.

Avoid excessive relaxation: If you are too relaxed while doing activities such as meditation, it may lead to problems such as a drop in blood pressure. Therefore, these activities require due vigilance.

Take your time: For beginners, it is recommended to start with a simple and easy way and gradually increase the difficulty and.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

6. Other methods that can prolong life are compared with long-term rest

In addition to long-term retreat, there are many other ways to prolong life. For example, adhere to exercise, reasonable diet, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction are all very effective healthy lifestyles.

Compared with these methods, long-term retreat focuses more on the improvement of inner cultivation, which can help adjust the physical and mental state, reduce stress, etc.

When choosing a healthy lifestyle, you should choose according to your actual situation.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

In summary, long-term retreat has a significant effect on longevity, and can also improve physical health and mental state.

However, attention needs to be paid to security issues, and it is necessary to persist for a long time to reap the benefits.

The impact of daily exercise on longevity

Let's take a look at how daily exercise affects longevity.

Through statistics, it can be found that the actual average life expectancy of the observed people who choose to actively participate in various sports or other strenuous activities every day to maintain physical health and psychological balance (the so-called "athletes") is about 3-8 years longer than that of otaku/women.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

1. Fitness and longevity

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people have begun to pay attention to their health problems. In recent years, quite a few studies have shown that proper exercise can prolong life.

For example, in a large-scale study published in The Lancet in 2018, researchers found that more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week or more than 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise reduced the risk of death31.

This illustrates the positive impact of daily exercise on longevity.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

2. The benefits of exercising the body

In addition to being able to prolong life, proper exercise can bring many other benefits.

The first is to enhance heart function and muscle strength; It is to improve metabolism, reduce stress, promote sleep; The third is the prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.

Finally, it can improve the function of the immune system and make people more confident and positive. These benefits are all obtained through the direct impact of exercise on the body.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

3. How to prolong life by exercising every day

To exercise appropriately, it's best to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week.

If you have enough time, consider doing more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, combined with strength training to increase muscle strength.

Other forms of activity can also be chosen, such as cycling, jumping or playing ball.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

4. How to stick to exercising every day

In order to be able to stick to the daily practice, you need to make a workable plan and stick it in an easy place to see.

At the same time, you should also find your favorite way to exercise, participate in team activities with friends or supervise each other to ensure uninterrupted exercise.

In addition, you can also take some small measures in daily life to increase physical exertion, walk up and down stairs, stand to work, etc.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

5. Suitable transportation methods for different ages

People of different ages need to choose the type of exercise that suits their physical condition and fitness level. For teenagers, aerobic exercises such as running, swimming or playing ball are options.

Middle-aged and elderly people can increase strength training and combine flexible exercises such as tai chi and yoga to improve physical flexibility.

For the elderly, attention should be paid to safety issues and low-intensity, low-risk exercise should be chosen.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

The impact of long-term retreat combined with daily exercise on longevity

So what if you combine long-term retreat with daily exercise?

Through the survey data, it can be found that the choice of appropriate maintenance of comfortable and comfortable state and regular aerobic exercise to maintain physical health and mental balance (the so-called "healthy life"). Its actual average life expectancy is about 3-5 years longer than that of otaku and woman, but it is slightly inferior to that of athletes.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Studies have shown that proper exercise and proper rest can significantly improve human health and thus prolong life.

In addition, adequate sleep and a healthy diet are also key factors in maintaining health and prolonging life. However, the specific effects vary from person to person, and the best exercise and rest program should be determined according to the individual's physical condition and lifestyle to achieve the best health results.

In short, through proper lifestyle and healthy habits, you can better protect your body and health, so as to achieve the goal of living longer.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

In addition to individual lifestyle adjustments, society and governments can also take steps to promote healthy living and prolong life.

For example, provide more public fitness venues, encourage companies to provide employee fitness programs and benefits, strengthen health education and publicity, and so on.

These measures help to raise people's awareness and awareness of health and promote health for all, so as to achieve the goal of vivid and harmonious social development.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Everyone should pay attention to their health and life and adopt an active lifestyle to make themselves healthier and live longer.

In this sense, healthy living and prolonging life are universal values that transcend politics, and it is a goal that everyone should aspire to.

When individuals integrate this concept into their personal lives, they also positively influence the society and environment in which they live, thus bringing a better outlook for the future.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Other factors that affect longevity

Other factors that affect longevity In addition to the above two aspects, there are many other factors that can also affect a person's longevity.

Such as eating habits, mental health, and so on. Through the survey data, it can be found that among the observed participants, the actual average life expectancy of those who choose a balanced diet and maintain a good attitude and active life is much higher than that of the other three methods.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth


From the above survey results, the following conclusion can be drawn: whether it is long-term rest or daily exercise, simply pursuing any of them will not make it easier to live longer.

The best results can be achieved when these two aspects are combined. In addition, it is also very important to maintain good eating habits and mental state in daily life.

The above findings reveal that in order to live a long and healthy life, multiple factors need to be considered comprehensively.

Only by adhering to a healthy lifestyle for a long time, including moderate exercise, good eating habits and a positive psychological state, can we truly achieve the purpose of preventing diseases and delaying aging.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Therefore, individuals should develop healthy living habits to keep their bodies and minds healthy and welcome a better future.

In addition, it can also be seen from the above survey results that healthy and long life is not only the responsibility of individuals, but also the government and society.

Governments can develop policies to encourage people to participate in sports, maintain healthy lifestyles, and provide health education and health care.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Society can also strengthen health promotion and create a healthy living environment and cultural atmosphere.

Only the joint efforts of the government, society and individuals can make the whole society develop in the direction of health and longevity.

Finally, health and longevity are the common goal, so that everyone can enjoy a healthy and happy life.

At the same time, individuals also need to realize that healthy and longevity is not only the continuation of life length, but more importantly, the improvement of life quality.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

While pursuing longevity, individuals should also pay attention to the quality of life, maintain a positive attitude and good interpersonal relationships, and fully experience the beauty and joy of life.

In this process, individuals can appropriately relax stress, cultivate their own hobbies, actively participate in social activities, and so on.

Finally, it should be recognized that healthy longevity is a long-term and complex process that requires continuous learning and adaptation.

Only by constantly improving their lifestyle and improving their quality of life can we truly achieve the goal of healthy and long life.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Investigate 36,383 elderly people and give the truth

Work together to contribute to the health and longevity of yourself and others.

It should be noted that although this survey covers a large number of subjects, it still has certain limitations.

For example, surveys are conducted only for the elderly population. Therefore, in the future, this issue needs to be further explored and more different aspects of the factors taken into account, so that more accurate and comprehensive conclusions can be drawn.