
"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

author:Beiqing Net

Hot summer, hot heat is unbearable, and mung bean soup is the favorite drink of thousands of people in summer, especially in the high temperature environment of people who work sweat more, water loss is large, emotional may appear inexplicable irritability, at this time bring a bowl of cool mung bean soup, a drink, soon will make people feel smooth, refreshed, so the old saying often says "a bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to summer competition fairy side".

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

Meet the first beans of summer

Mung bean is a kind of food, but also a medicine, it is cool and sweet, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. Especially in summer, people work in a high temperature environment, easy to suffer from heat stroke and dehydration, eating mung beans can relieve heat heat, replenish water, nourish and quench thirst.

(1) Clear heat and relieve heat

Cooking soup with mung beans is an ideal way to relieve the heat, which can clear the heat and invigorate qi, quench thirst and diuresis, not only replenish water, but also replenish inorganic salts in time, which is of great significance for maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

(2) Appetizing

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer "summer humidity is easy to trap the spleen and stomach".

That is to say, the heat and humidity are serious, will lead to the decline of spleen and stomach function, people will have loss of appetite, stomach and abdomen full, and mung beans can replenish the stomach, clear the heat of the stomach, increase appetite, increase the ability of spleen and stomach mobilization, and help the human body to absorb nutrients.

(3) Detoxification

Mung bean protein, tannins and flavonoids can combine with organophosphorus pesticides, mercury, arsenic, lead compounds to form precipitates, so that they reduce or lose toxicity and are not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

(4) Lipid reduction

Mung beans contain globulins and polysaccharides, which can promote the breakdown of cholesterol into bile acid in the liver, accelerate the secretion of bile salts in bile, and reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine.

The nutritional value of mung beans

Each 100g of edible mung beans contains 22.1g of protein, 0.8g of fat, 59g of carbohydrates, 49mg of calcium, 268mg of phosphorus, 3.2mg of iron, 1.8mg of carotene, 11.55mg of vitamins, in addition to a large number of essential nutrients.

Mung bean soup, why is it not "green"?

In fact, mung bean soup is basically green at the beginning, especially with some green leafy vegetables, such as sweet potato leaves, that is really green and very good-looking, but put it for a while, or eat it later, not only the soup thickens, but also the color turns red, why?

Here is an explanation for you: the active ingredients in mung beans that play a role in heat prevention are mainly polyphenols, and polyphenols are easily oxidized, and if left in the air for a while, it will make the mung bean soup turn red.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

How can you cook turquoise and clear mung bean soup?

It is recommended that you do not peel the skin first when cooking mung beans, because most of the most critical heat-relieving ingredients in mung beans are present in the bean skin, followed by the whole process of cooking the soup should be covered with a lid to reduce the contact between mung bean soup and oxygen and prevent oxidation.

In this way, the colorful and fragrant mung bean soup is perfectly boiled!

Add some ingredients to the mung bean soup


Red date mung bean soup

Ingredients: 50g each of red dates and mung beans, brown sugar (or rock sugar).


1. Soak the mung beans in clean water for 2-4 hours, cut the red dates in half and remove the core.

2. Put red dates and mung beans in water, cook until mung beans bloom, and add brown sugar (or rock sugar).

3. Put it in a bowl, cover it after cooling, put it in the refrigerator to cool, and the taste is better.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

Mung bean and red date soup has the effect of tonifying blood and invigorating qi, and also clears heat and detoxification or strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach.

1, replenish blood and qi: mung beans and red dates are a common food in life, the blood content of red dates is relatively high, generally after eating can effectively increase the hemoglobin in the blood, can reduce anemia, avoid pale or weak condition.

2. Clear heat and detoxification: mung beans generally have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, which is more suitable for drinking in the summer to achieve the effect of preventing heat, and can also improve the phenomenon of sore throat or sores in the mouth and tongue and increased eye feces, which is more suitable for people with strong dry fire.

3. Strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach: mung bean and red date soup is rich in protein, calcium, iron, zinc and a variety of trace elements, which can effectively increase the operating function of the spleen and stomach, improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach, and supplement the nutrients needed by the body.


Kelp mung bean soup

In hot weather, children are prone to prickly heat, and parents can add some kelp to mung bean soup. Kelp can enhance resistance, play a role in clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and diuresis.

Ingredients: 100g mung beans, 30g kelp, 50g sugar.

Method: Pour the ingredients into 1000ml of water, add white sugar, and simmer slowly for half an hour.

Note: Do not soak kelp for too long to avoid the mannitol on the surface of kelp being dissolved, this substance has the effect of reducing swelling and diuresis.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!


Tangerine peel mung bean soup

People tend to feel uncomfortable in the spleen and stomach in summer, and they will feel bloated and uncomfortable if they are slightly greasy or eat more. Adding tangerine peel to mung bean soup can play a good role in strengthening the spleen.

Ingredients: 200g mung beans, 10g tangerine peel, 20g rock sugar.


1. Rinse the mung beans, add boiling water (the amount of water to soak the mung beans for 3cm) and soak for 1 hour. The tangerine peel is cleaned, drained and chopped.

2. Pour the soaked mung beans and the water from the soaked beans into a microwave pot, cover and turn on high for 20 minutes.

3. After 20 minutes, take out the microwave oven special pot, skim off the floating shell, add 400ml of boiling water, cover and cook on high heat for 10 minutes.

4. Take out the microwave oven special pot, add the crushed tangerine peel and rock sugar, and then put it in the microwave oven and cook on high heat for 5 minutes.

"A bowl of mung bean soup in summer, detoxification to the summer competition fairy side", everyone has it, but these 6 types of people must endure no matter how hungry they are!

These people eat mung beans with caution

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mung beans are cold and cold, not everyone is suitable for eating, and some people will cause physical discomfort when they eat them.

(1) People with a weak spleen and stomach

Mung bean is cold, protein, people with weak spleen and stomach have poor digestive function, it is difficult to digest mung bean protein in a short time, and it is easy to cause diarrhea due to indigestion.

(2) Gout patients

Mung beans belong to medium purine content (50~100 mg purine per 100 grams) food, gout patients (especially related joint inflammation) is best to eat less.

(3) Those who take warm Chinese medicine

Mung beans can relieve the medicinal properties of warm Chinese medicine, and eating mung beans when drinking Chinese medicine will reduce the efficacy of the drug. Therefore, it is best not to take it if you are taking warm herbs.

(4) Menstruating women

Menstruating women's physique is cold, drinking mung bean soup can easily lead to Qi stasis and blood stasis, cause abdominal pain, and even aggravate dysmenorrhea.

(5) Pregnant women

The lysine, protein, vitamins, calcium, zinc and other ingredients contained in mung beans can effectively prevent and treat edema of pregnancy, and are good food therapy. But cold sex, pregnant women should not drink more.

(6) Those with physical deficiency

People with a cold constitution can not drink too much mung bean soup, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea and even reduce the immunity of the digestive system. (Meet a famous doctor)

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