
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released

author:Xi'an News Network

The three-day Western Data Expo attracted thousands of guests from nearly 400 enterprises across the country. As important "participants" in promoting the development of the digital economy, China Mobile and China Unicom also brought various "black technologies" and the latest digital technology applications to present citizens with vivid and colorful digital application scenarios, bringing a fascinating digital feast.

"Black technology" emerges one after another, and innovative power continues to emerge

"'Did my cat go to the sofa today to make trouble', 'When did the old man take medicine'... Just download an app, enter the relevant search terms and time, such as 'cat on the sofa', and soon, the time and number of times the cat is on the sofa during the corresponding time period will be automatically displayed to help the owner train and observe the pet. On the morning of June 17, in the Xi'an Mobile Artificial Intelligence Interactive Experience Area, the newly displayed "visual model" technology attracted many citizens to stop and watch the experience, and the staff demonstrated the newly developed digital "black technology" to the onlookers while explaining.

"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released

"In addition to the artificial intelligence interactive experience, digital networking and computing power network is also one of the highlights of our exhibition," the relevant person in charge of Xi'an Mobile Exhibition Hall introduced, using the new information infrastructure of "5G + computing power network + capability middle platform", through the construction of a data trading platform, it can provide users with data connection, scheduling, delivery, security control, and mobile has cooperated with data exchanges in 6 cities.

Since the holding of the Expo, Xi'an Mobile, which has participated in the exhibition for three consecutive years, unveiled the latest technologies of "Wutong Big Data Platform" and "Nine Days Artificial Intelligence" with exclusive innovation and research and development this year. Among them, the "Wutong Big Data Platform" gathers massive data resources (about 600 million GB), with a daily processing capacity of 4 trillion times, and currently provides data services in the fields of cultural tourism, transportation, and emergency response, injecting data momentum into thousands of industries such as finance and social security; Nine-day artificial intelligence provides an intelligent engine for digital government, empowers the government to make scientific decisions, and improves governance efficiency. With the continuous extension of digital technology tentacles, 5G+ application scenarios are becoming more and more abundant, and with the deepening of smart city construction, cities become more "smart" and services become more efficient.

"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released

This time, China Mobile Xi'an also displayed multiple sectors including digital government, smart city, smart village, smart park, computing power network, smart environmental protection, etc., and demonstrated multiple application scenarios of 5G to fully empower economic and social development from all angles through wonderful explanations, benchmarking project case demonstrations and platform demonstrations.

5G is compatible with hundreds of industries and digital intelligence to create the future

5G + industrial Internet, smart education, 5G + smart healthcare... In the Xi'an Unicom exhibition area, the integration and application of digital and smart technology was unveiled, showing the achievements of Unicom Cloud in promoting the integration of various industries and 5G technology and application landing. With the theme of "Building a Digital Ecosystem Together and Sharing a Better Future", Xi'an Unicom focused on the development achievements of 5G-centered Unicom Cloud, Big Security, and 5G Industrial Internet, involving nearly 100 practical scenarios in multiple industries, allowing visitors to truly feel the breath of smart life.

"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released

The reporter saw that the large screen played a variety of Unicom's "5G black technology", including 5G + industrial Internet, 5G + emergency medical treatment, etc., and the on-site staff were busy explaining and demonstrating for visitors. At the 5G Digital Village booth, Xi'an Unicom exhibited the "5G + Digital Village Demonstration Point" built by various districts and counties, including digital governance, smart education, information facilities and other sections, from pictures, videos to explanations, comprehensively demonstrating Unicom's 5G, big data, and cloud-network technologies to help rural digital transformation and development catch the information "high-speed rail".

"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released
"Black technology" frequently appears "digital and intelligent" clever integration The digital effect of the 4th Western Data Expo continues to be released

"In the field of digital government, we rely on six supporting platforms such as data science platform and data asset management, give full play to the four advantages of cloud-network resources and data resources, and form a complete digital government product and service system through 'security + operation' independent services, helping the construction of government business digitalization and platform operation." The relevant person in charge of Xi'an Unicom introduced. At a glance, digital government, big security, smart city, digital live broadcast and other sectors have been placed in the most conspicuous position, bringing together many digital elements, and the on-site technology atmosphere is full of sense.

Innovative technology continues to increase the digital economy by "numbers"

In 2022, in order to promote the healthy development of Xi'an's digital economy, the General Office of Xi'an Municipal People's Government issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Xi'an's Digital Economy", which pointed out the direction for the future development of Xi'an's digital economy.

In recent years, Xi'an has continuously expanded the application of artificial intelligence and big data, and smart city has become an important starting point for promoting the modernization of urban governance system and governance capacity. "We will continue to strengthen the integration, management and development of big data resources, actively build a big data industry ecosystem, and strive to build Xi'an into a core city for China's smart city development." On June 17, at the smart city sub-forum hosted by Xi'an Mobile, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Big Data Bureau said.

The holding of this expo will continue to release digital effects, accelerate the construction of "digital Xi'an", and promote the development of Xi'an smart city to a new level. As an important "participant" in promoting the development of the digital economy, telecom operators will accelerate the construction of new digital infrastructure such as 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data, continuously increase the code of scientific and technological innovation, provide consumers with a better digital life experience, and promote the high-quality development of digital China. (Text/Xi'an News All Media Reporter Wang Hui Photo/Xi'an Press All Media Reporter Zhai Xiaoxue)

Source: Xi'an News Network

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