
Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

author:Gu Lixin A
Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

During the college entrance examination in 2023, the name of Principal Zhang Guimei once again appeared on the hot search. The reason for this list is because of the photos sent by the principal.

In the photo, Principal Zhang sits alone at the entrance of the examination room with lunch. From the plaster plastered on her hands, we can see that Principal Zhang Guimei's physical condition is not optimistic. And her lunch is also very simple, just a bowl of fried noodles.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Even so, Principal Zhang's eyes were always firmly fixed on the direction of the examination room. Her thin body is like a hard wall, which can always make these girls in the depths of the mountain lean on.

Regardless of the body, insist on sending the test

As soon as the photos of President Zhang Guimei sent the exam came out, they were quickly repercussions from all walks of life. Many people were touched by Zhang Guimei's deeds, and they were even more grateful for her care and support for these girls deep in the mountains.

However, what everyone may not know is that Principal Zhang Guimei has been silently doing this matter for 13 years.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Since more than ten years, Principal Zhang's health has deteriorated. At first, she was only found to have uterine fibroids, but she was dedicated to running a school and was completely reluctant to spend money on herself. As a result, the disease became more and more serious, and later fibroids even grew to about two kilograms.

In the end, Principal Zhang, who couldn't stay up, went to the hospital for surgery. During the examination, the doctor found that her internal organs were displaced due to the compression of fibroids, and the situation was not optimistic. However, President Zhang only removed the fibroids and never underwent other treatment.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

However, in the days that followed, the disease did not spare Principal Zhang. Especially in recent years, her body has become overworked, and she has gradually suffered from bone cancer, emphysema and cerebellar atrophy. She also suffered severe strain on her wrists and waist, which had to be covered with plaster to barely support.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

For Principal Zhang, his body is nothing compared to the girls in the entire school. And she is even more reluctant to seek medical treatment, and the biggest expense on herself every day is to buy plaster. In addition, she has set herself a goal that she cannot live on more than three dollars a day.

And it is such an ordinary teacher who suffers from 23 diseases, but with his not strong body, he has helped more than 1,800 female students out of the mountain.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Since Zhang Guimei was a child, she has seen many girls who are blocked by poverty and mountains. They drop out of school early, or they are crushed by the family's farm work; Either marry early and start the life of a husband and a godson.

She sympathizes with these girls in her heart, and she feels that girls should also study more to achieve their dreams in life. Therefore, since 2008, Zhang Guimei has established Lijiang Huaping Girls' High School with the help of governments at all levels and caring people in society.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In the beginning, there were not many students in the school. Many parents are still blinded by the ignorant notion that girls do not need to study, and should marry early to share the pressure of the family.

Faced with such a situation, Teacher Zhang could only ride the shabby bicycle and go door to door to persuade. Not only promised to help them reduce tuition and living expenses, but even promised to help them pay for their university studies!

It was under such hard persuasion that many parents agreed to allow their daughters to go out of the mountains and receive an education.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

The girls' high school she founded also set a record for the local college entrance examination undergraduate acceptance rate of 94%. Moreover, the college entrance examination results also ranked first in the city. But even with such brilliant achievements, teacher Zhang Guimei and the Huaping Middle School she founded are still in the vortex of public opinion.

Dedicated to running a school, but full of controversy

Shortly after the college entrance examination, the remarks of a million-strong V once again put Principal Zhang Guimei and her Huaping High School on the cusp.

"There is a heart-wrenching truth in Huaping Middle School, that is, for so long, no girl has been admitted to Qingbei."

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In addition, the big V also said something ironic about Principal Zhang. said that she only knows to grasp the students to study, and there is no scientific training method, so the students she brought out are just "small-town problem solvers" no matter how good they are.

As soon as this remark came out, it was instantly replied by countless netizens. After all, for these girls deep in the mountains, it is already a great happiness to be able to sit on the campus with clear windows. Without Principal Zhang, they might have dropped out of school, married and repeated the life of their parents.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Moreover, in the hearts of many farmers in Yunnan, girls were originally "tools" used to exchange for bride price. Only Principal Zhang is willing to treat these girls as a seed and cultivate them carefully. It is also thanks to the efforts of Principal Zhang that many girls have the opportunity to go out of the depths of the mountains.

As for Tsinghua and Peking University, they are unattainable existences. For girls in mountain villages, it is not easy to get into an ordinary university. At this time, using the name of "Tsinghua Peking University" to stimulate them, quite a bit of a sense of not eating minced meat.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

For Principal Zhang, she used her whole life energy to provide every mountain village girl with a dream to get out of the mountain. But the hardships involved are by no means imaginable to ordinary people. Therefore, the remarks of this big V are really foolish.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In addition, there are people who sympathize with the men deep in the mountains. They said that if the girls all passed the mountain, then the boys who did not study well would have to fight for the rest of their lives. Over time, there were no more people in the mountains,

In fact, for children in the mountainous areas of Yunnan, boys already have much more opportunities to read than girls. And the existence of teacher Zhang Guimei is just to give these girls and boys the same learning opportunities.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In the eyes of these people with ulterior motives, the awakening of girls' self-awareness and the behavior of walking out of the mountain are so unacceptable. Should they accompany these incomplete boys through their lives in the mountains?

As an independent living being, everyone has the right to pursue a brighter future. As for whether there is any people in the mountains, this should not be a concern for these girls. They only need to be themselves and achieve their life goals before they can better build their hometown.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

However, Principal Zhang Guimei has never paid attention to all these doubts, and she has only focused on one thing for many years, that is, running a good school and helping more girls get out of the mountains.

Rooted in Yunnan, obsessed with education

Although Ms. Zhang Guimei has devoted her life to helping Yunnan girls get out of the mountains, she is not actually a native of Yunnan.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In 1957, Zhang Guimei was born in Mudanjiang City. Near the end of high school, her mother died. Later, she took root in the frontier with her sister and settled in Yunnan.

In 1990, Zhang Guimei followed her husband back to her hometown of Dali, where the couple taught together at Xizhou Town No. 1 Middle School. That life experience was Zhang Guimei's happiest time. She is active on the podium every day, doing her best to pass on knowledge to the students.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

However, the good times did not last long, and only six years later, her husband left her due to illness. In the face of this sudden blow, Teacher Zhang could hardly withstand it. So she decided to leave Dali, the place where she used to live with her husband, so as not to see things and think about people.

When she was most sad, she came to Huaping, Yunnan, and later successfully entered Huaping Central Middle School to teach. However, when the students she brought were about to take the high school entrance examination, bad luck came again.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

One day, teacher Zhang Guimei suddenly felt pain in her abdomen, so she went to the hospital for examination. However, the doctor's words were like a thunderbolt: this is a tumor that needs surgery.

However, Zhang Guimei could not let go of her group of students who were about to participate in the middle school entrance examination, so she decisively rejected the doctor's advice and decided to treat it conservatively. It wasn't until she sent the cohort away to graduate that she went to the hospital again for treatment. During the time she delayed treatment, the tumor had grown to two kilograms in size, which also brought great pain to Teacher Zhang.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Later, teacher Zhang Guimei was transferred to Huaping County Nationalities Middle School. Here, she met many female students of the Lisu and Yi ethnic minorities. And these students generally have a poor foundation and poor families. In order to strengthen their confidence in continuing to learn, teacher Zhang Guimei constantly "opened a small stove" for them, and always encouraged them and urged them to strive for progress.

In 1999, teacher Zhang Guimei began her "part-time career" without receiving a penny of salary. A welfare home was set up in Huaping County, and investors appointed Zhang Guimei as the dean after hearing about her deeds.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Mr. Zhang did not give it and quickly agreed to the investor's request. Since then, she has not only become "Teacher Zhang", but also "Mother Zhang", and began to take care of the lives of 54 children in the orphanage.

In order to take better care of these children, ranging in age from 2 to 12, teacher Zhang Guimei needs to spend a lot of time understanding the situation of each child. And these children get together, and there are often fights and mouths. Teacher Zhang, on the other hand, did not complain at all and tried her best to solve all the problems for the children.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

In the process of becoming a teacher and mother, Teacher Zhang found that girls here often face a more difficult path than boys. Many of them do not have access to regular educational opportunities, and many girls do not develop physically and mentally.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Therefore, teacher Zhang Guimei suddenly came up with an idea: "Why not build a free girls' high school?" give all girls equal access to education". Thus, Huaping Girls' High School came into being.

However, behind the establishment of this school, Teacher Zhang devoted 120,000 points of effort. She put aside all her self-esteem and contacted local businesses again and again, hoping for financial support. Moreover, she went to the offices of various levels of government to express to them her determination to run a school.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

The hard work paid off, and finally, with the help of the government and all walks of life, Hua Ping Girls' High School welcomed its first batch of students in 2008. Girls who have graduated from junior high school and come from poor families can come here to attend school for free.

And the greatness of Teacher Zhang is not only that she has fulfilled the dreams of many girls to go to school and get out of the mountains. More importantly, she lit up the spark in the hearts of many girls, so that they all aspire to become people like Teacher Zhang.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Students know the news, and there are people who follow

In fact, Teacher Zhang is very opposed to his students returning to the mountains. She believes that every girl should have a bright future, not spend time in a mountain village.

But Zhou Yunli's appearance is an exception. She used to be one of Teacher Zhang Guimei's students, and she also witnessed the suffering that Teacher Zhang suffered in order to run the school. Therefore, when she applied for the university, she resolutely chose the teacher training major, hoping that she could become a person like Teacher Zhang.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

After graduation, Zhou Yunli ignored Teacher Zhang's objections, gave up the teacher establishment in the city, and chose to return to her hometown to relay her mentor. At first, Teacher Zhang Guimei was very angry, because Zhou Yunli was one of her best students, and she did not want her beloved apprentice to return to the mountain village and live such a hard life like herself.

But Zhou Yunli impressed Teacher Zhang with her persistence. After all, Teacher Zhang has been hoping for someone to take over her career for many years, but she just can't bear to let these girls who have finally passed the exam return to this barren land.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

However, Zhou Yunli's return made Teacher Zhang feel a little relieved. The small sapling she worked hard to plant many years ago has finally grown into a towering tree, and in the future, she will take her place and shield more girls in mountain villages and help them realize their life value.


"Knowledge changes destiny" has never been an empty phrase. Especially for girls deep in the mountains, relying on their own grades to be admitted to university. This may be the only way for them to get out of the mountains. In the past 15 years, teacher Zhang Guimei has used her backbone to guard the road to the outside of the mountain for these girls.

Thirteen years after sending the exam, Principal Zhang Guimei was on the hot search again, and the plaster plastered on her hands made people cry

Now, Mr. Zhang should have retired and enjoyed his old age. But she never felt at ease with these girls, so she still fought on the front line of education. Fortunately, her students have grown up and will continue her educational career. For Teacher Zhang, she is the hope of countless girls in the mountainous area, and the best example for educators in the new era!

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