
When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

author:Health Science Doctor Chan

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I believe everyone has heard such a proverb: "A woman is thirty like a wolf, forty is like a tiger". Many people think that this is not a good word, or even think that it is insulting to women, so this kind of topic is rarely mentioned.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

In fact, from an objective point of view, many times women's physiological needs are greater than men's, this is a normal phenomenon, do not feel embarrassed, women of different ages will show different physiological needs. So why do middle-aged women have stronger physiological needs than men? Shouldn't women's desires decrease as they age?

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

Benefits of female sex

1. Eliminate insomnia

Many people have insomnia problems, sleepy during the day, unable to sleep at night, not in good spirits throughout the day, and in the long run, the state of the skin is also very poor. A harmonious sex life can properly relax the mood, make the body and mind happy, and make it easier to sleep.

2. Maintain normal ovaries

Proper sex can make the ovarian endocrine function normal, effectively prevent endocrine disorders, and also promote the relationship between husband and wife and make life more harmonious. It is recommended to have sex 2 to 3 times a week, and pay attention to cleaning after sex to avoid infection.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

3. Delay aging

Reasonable arrangement of sexual life has great benefits for women's physical health and can be conducive to the secretion of estrogen. The main thing is to delay aging, but also to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

So when women reach middle age, their physiological needs will be stronger than men's, why?

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

The reason for the strong demand of middle-aged women

1. Hormonal changes in the body

Many studies have proved that women's estrogen and progesterone levels peak with age, especially in the thirties to forties period, and women's physiological needs are very strong. Many women will have a second physiological change after menopause, which will also make their physiological needs stronger.

In addition, women's epinephrine and norepinephrine and other hormones also change, which is one of the reasons why the physiological needs of middle-aged women are stronger than men.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

2. Psychological changes

Women are also more mature and stable after the age of thirty, and they are more honest about many things. They will face up to their inner thoughts and feelings, so that they are more receptive to normal physiological needs.

Middle-aged women also think about problems from different angles, and the ideas of young women are still very different, and this type of women are also very attractive, and the charm they exude is very unique, which is a mature charm that young women do not have.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

3. Emotional sustenance

Middle-aged women have a lot of anxiety and stress, they come from family, work, life, etc., all aspects of stress will put them on the verge of collapse, and their spirit is also very tense. It is difficult for women to find an outlet for this anxiety and pressure, and over the years, it will become more and more out of control, so the physiological demand will become more and more vigorous.

Physiological needs are a normal phenomenon, which is controlled by hormones secreted by the human body, and they cannot be controlled, so there is no need to feel ashamed. However, although there are many benefits to women's sexual life, it is also necessary to be wary of "diseases" caused by excessive physiological needs.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

Be wary of common "diseases"

1. Hyperthyroidism

Many people do not know that some patients with mild hyperthyroidism will have hyperlibido. The reason why this is the case for such patients is because of endocrine disorders, and the hormones in the body are constantly rising, so the physiological needs are much stronger than before.

If you find that your physiological needs suddenly become stronger, don't feel embarrassed, go to the hospital to check first, and if there is a problem, you can also treat it early.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

2. Mania

Mania is a disorder that is a mental disorder, and many women in menopause will experience manic symptoms. Such patients have difficulty controlling themselves and are very excited about physiological needs.

3. Neurological disorders

This type of patient has a brain dysfunction, a weakened nervous system, an inability to think, and inexplicable excitement about certain things, such as sexual desire. If the libido becomes stronger without warning, then you need to pay attention.

When women reach middle age, their physiological needs are stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it's good to know more

However, you don't need to worry too much, not that there must be a problem when your physiological needs become stronger, and proper physiological needs can also relieve stress and promote the relationship between the two parties. If you are suddenly interested in this aspect and your physiological needs become very strong, then you need to be alert to these possibilities.


Many women have spots on their faces and dull yellow skin, which is caused by endocrine disorders, and proper sex can effectively improve these conditions. Normal physiological needs can not only make the body and mind happy, but also release stress, so don't be shy and face it bravely. However, it is still necessary to remind everyone that in this regard, it is also necessary to pay attention to moderation, as well as health and safety issues, to avoid unnecessary trouble.