
Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

author:Cambridge MSE exam information

Common character description vocabulary

brave - someone who isn't afraid of danger.

例句: Mario is a soldier. He is very brave.

chatty - someone who talks a lot.

例句: Maria is a very chatty person. She is always on the phone to friends.

Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

clever - good at learning things.

例句: Gerard is very clever. He always gets top marks in class.

easy-going - someone who is easy to get along with.

例句: My sister is very easy-going. Everyone likes her.

friendly - someone who is nice to other people.

例句: The people in my office are really friendly! I love working there!

funny - used to describe someone who is amusing.

例句: Salem is really funny! He's always entertaining us with jokes and stories.

generous - someone who shares their time or things with others.

例句: My parents are very generous. They bought me a car for my birthday!

grumpy - bad-tempered.

例句: My boss is really grumpy. He isn't an easy person to get along with.

Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

hard-working - someone who works very hard.

例句: My brother is very hard-working. He hardly ever takes a day off.

honest - someone who is truthful and who doesn't cheat or steal.

例句: Amina is a very honest. She always tells the truth.

kind - someone who behaves in a caring way towards other people.

例句: Most of the people I've met here have been kind.

lazy - an inactive person who avoids work.

例句: Pete is very lazy. He rarely gets out of bed before mid-afternoon.

moody - adjective used to describe someone who behaves differently every time you meet them.

例句: Nina is very moody. Yesterday she said hello; today she just ignored me.

nice - someone who is friendly and kind.

例句: My best friend Lin is a really nice person. She is always there for me.

polite - someone who has good manners.

例句: Andy is a very polite boy. He always says please and thank you.

quiet - used to describe someone who doesn't talk very much.

例句: Helen is a quiet person. She isn't very talkative.

rude - bad mannered, impolite.

例句: James is a very rude person. He always pushes in front of people in queues.

selfish - used to describe someone who only thinks about themselves.

例句: Jeremy is very selfish. He never helps out with the housework.

shy - quiet and a little bit nervous around other people.

例句: Claire is very shy. She doesn't speak much in class.

Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

smart - someone who is very clever.

例句: Chia is very smart. She is one of the most intelligent people I know.

wise - someone with a lot of common sense and knowledge.

例句: My grandfather was a very wise man. He taught me many things.

Physical Appearance


Straight (hair)

Curly Curly (hair)

Cropped short (hair)

Black black

Auburn reddish-brown

Blonde (hair)

Brunette dark brown


Towering people are tall

Tapering is tall and thin

Lanky lanky slender (pejorative)

Squat is stocky

Dwarfish is short

►Shapes figure

Curvaceous (for women)

Chiseled chiseled (for men)

Rotund is round

Plump chubby

Well-built for bodybuilding


Calm calm

Impulsive impulsive

Arrogant arrogant

Humble humble

Eccentric is eccentric

Charismatic is charismatic

Extroverted extroverted

Introverted introverted

Easy-going easy-going

Aggressive, competitive, aggressive

Shy is shy

Characteristics & Traits Characteristics

Adorable cute

Clever is smart

Intelligent Intelligent, comprehensible


Mysterious and incomprehensible

Creative is creative

Flexible, flexible


Moody is emotional

Snobbish snobbish; Pretentious

Sensible sane


Sophisticated worldly

Grumpy is hot-tempered

Humorous humorous

Excitable is excitable

Industrious and diligent


Flamboyant is gorgeous and pompous

Chic is chic and elegant

Eclectic is eclectic

Modest Simple and dignified

Casual casual

Classic image depictions in famous books

Having learned so much, let's look at the examples. The classic characters of the following literary masterpieces are vividly depicted, how do these writers use their words? Let's learn together.


出处:《飘》(Gone with the Wind)

By Margaret Mitchell

Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.

Miss Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but very attractive, and men often became fascinated when they saw her, like the twin brothers of the Tarleton family.

But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.

But although the texture is not harmonious, her face is really charming, her chin is pointy, and her gums are square.

Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.

Her eyes are a light green, not mixed with a trace of brown brown, surrounded by a circle of thick black eyelashes, and the corners of her eyes are slightly upturned.

Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin - that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.

On it were two inky black moth eyebrows, drawing two unusually eye-catching diagonal lines on her magnolia-white skin. It is her skin, which is also the favorite of southern women, who wants to have such skin, they must take hats, masks, gloves and the like to protect them, and they are reluctant to let Georgia's hot sun tan.

Darcy Darcy

Source: "Pride and Prejudice"

By Jane Austen

His friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.

His friend Mr. Darcy immediately attracted the attention of the audience, because of his burly stature, clear eyebrows, and noble demeanor, so he entered the venue less than five minutes, and everyone said that he earned ten thousand pounds a year.

The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr Bingley.

The male guests praised him for his talent, and the female guests said that he was much more handsome than Mr. Bingley.

And he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud; to be above his company, and above being pleased.

People looked at him with adoration for almost half the night. In the end, people found out that he was proud, looked down on people, and could not befriend him, so they felt disgust with him, and his much-anticipated scene was eclipsed.

Rochester Rochester

Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

Source: Jane Eyre

By Charlotte Bronte

His figure was enveloped in a riding cloak, fur collared and steel clasped; its details were not apparent, but I traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest.

He was wrapped in a rider's cape, wore a fur collar, and fastened steel buttons. His face was not very clear, but I could vaguely recognize that he was roughly of average size and had a wide chest.

He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five.

His face was dark, his face was stern and his eyebrows were thick; His eyes and locked brows looked frustrated and angry. He died of youth, but not yet middle-aged, about thirty-five years old.


Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

Source: The Red and the Black

By Stendhal

He was a lad eighteen or nineteen years of age, small in stature, with irregular but delicate features, and of a constitution apparently weakly.

He was a thin young man of eighteen or nine years old, looking weak, and the contours of his face were not very straight, but he was quite handsome.

His nose was aquiline; and his large black eyes, which in quiet moments showed thought and vivacity, were ablaze now with the fiercest hatred.

There is also an eagle hook nose. A pair of large, dark eyes, still showing contemplation and enthusiasm. At this moment, his expression flashed with the most ferocious hatred.

His dark brown hair, growing very low on his forehead, gave him a narrow brow, that in moments of anger looked positively wicked.

The dark brown hair grew very low, covering most of the forehead, and when angry, it was fierce.

His face would hardly be remarked among the infinite variety of human countenances by any feature particularly striking.

His appearance is not outstanding, and he is not noticeable among all living beings.

His slight, well-proportioned figure gave evidence more of agility than of strength.

His slender and well-proportioned figure shows more agility than strength.


Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

Source: The Lady of the Camellias

By Alexandre Dumas, fils

It was impossible to see more charm in beauty than in that of Marguerite...

Margaret is such a stunning woman...

Set, in an oval of indescribable grace, two black eyes, surmounted by eyebrows of so pure a curve that it seemed as if painted;

On a goose egg face that is difficult to depict its charm, there are two large black eyes embedded in it, and two curved and slender eyebrows on it, pure as if they were artificially painted;

veil these eyes with lovely lashes, which, when drooped, cast their shadow on the rosy hue of the cheeks;

The eyes are covered with thick eyelashes, and when the curtains are lowered, they cast a faint shadow on the rosy cheeks;

trace a delicate, straight nose, the nostrils a little open, in an ardent aspiration toward the life of the senses;

The delicate and straight nose exudes a breath of aura, and the wings of the nose are slightly bulging, like a strong desire for a life of lust;

design a regular mouth, with lips parted graciously over teeth as white as milk;

A well-rounded small mouth with a well-defined silhouette, soft lips slightly opened, revealing a mouth of teeth as white as milk;

colour the skin with the down of a peach that no hand has touched, and you will have the general aspect of that charming countenance.

The color of the skin is like a velvet coat on a peach that has not been touched by human hands - these are the general impressions of this beautiful face to you.

The hair, black as jet, waving naturally or not, was parted on the forehead in two large folds and draped back over the head, leaving in sight just the tip of the ears, in which there glittered two diamonds, worth four to five thousand francs each.

The black jade hair, natural or combed, curled like a wave, was combed into two large strands in front of the forehead, dragged to the back of the head, revealing two earlobes on which flashed two diamond earrings worth four or five thousand francs each.

At the primary school level, with the English level of peers in English-speaking countries, for children, English learning will be easier and more confident, and it can also save time for the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects in junior and senior high school.

So how to let children learn English scientifically? Xiao Sai suggested that studying the original Cambridge textbook "English in Mind" is the best choice.

The "English in Mind" series of tutorials is carefully created by Cambridge officials, and the teaching materials are written by English teaching experts; It is a comprehensive, systematic and international English language learning textbook, which targets young people, helps them improve their comprehensive English skills, and cultivates their understanding and perception of social development, cultural inheritance, scientific and technological progress, and natural harmony.

Cambridge KET/PET2000 Core Vocabulary丨 Character

This series of books is divided into six levels: entry-level, first-level, second-level, third-level, fourth-level and five-level. Each level is divided into four modules and 16 units, with different emphasis on language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, and everyday language.

Culture in Mind, Literature in Mind, and Fiction in Mind interspersed at different levels allow students to appreciate different cultural characteristics and appreciate literary works from different periods.

The aim is to improve the personal well-being of young people while learning the language. Its language standards are formulated according to the language ability of A1 to C1 in the European modern language syllabus, and the content covers all English reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary, grammar and other knowledge points from mainland elementary school to high school.

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