
"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

author:Huayi Public Welfare Foundation

In order to further do a good job in helping and caring for special groups and promoting the protection of children in difficulty, effectively make the work of helping children in difficult circumstances practical and meticulous, and provide strong guarantees for the healthy, happy, and all-round growth of children in difficulty. On May 26th, the launching ceremony of "One Heart Children's Dream, Escort for Love" for children in distress in Huanggu District, hosted by the Civil Affairs Bureau of Huanggu District and co-organized by Shenyang Huayi Public Welfare Foundation, was held in the square in front of Jianxian European Community.

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Photos of the launch ceremony

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Han Yuqin, deputy head of Huanggu District Government, delivered a speech

At the launching ceremony, Han Yuqin, Deputy Governor of Huanggu District Government, first introduced the background, purpose and assistance methods of this assistance activity, arranged and deployed the task requirements and specific measures of the help work, and then expressed her heartfelt thanks to all the gardeners who cultivated and cared for children in distress and selflessly dedicated, as well as enterprises, institutions, social groups and caring people who have long cared for and supported the growth of children in distress in Huanggu District. She stressed that caring for children in distress is a long-term undertaking that requires the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society, and hopes to take this event as an opportunity to inspire more people of insight to join the team of caring for and helping children in distress and contribute to social civilization and harmony.

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Students of the Huanggu District School for the Deaf perform a show

At the event, students of Huanggu District School for the Deaf performed the program "Let the World Be Full of Love", expressing heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who care for the healthy growth of children in the city and have made hard work for it.

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Photos of the launch ceremony

This activity aims to advocate the public to care for and support children in difficulty, cohesion, and create a truly safe, worry-free, caring and healthy growth environment for children in difficulty. The District People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Work Committee of Organs, social caring enterprises, and social caring people have been extensively mobilized to provide long-term pairing assistance activities for more than 350 children in distress in accordance with the actual needs of children in difficulty, adopting different methods such as "1-to-1", "2-to-1" and "3-to-1", and effectively solving economic, living and psychological problems for children in difficulty.

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Huayi Foundation donated love desk lamps

Under the guidance of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Huanggu District, Huayi Foundation donated 150 love desk lamps to children in distress in Huanggu District at the launching ceremony of "Dream Together for Love" for children in distress in Huanggu District. After the ceremony, the love materials were distributed to the streets, and after being collected by the staff of each street, they were uniformly organized and sent to the children in distress in the jurisdiction, hoping that the love desk lamps could illuminate the learning path of the assisted children.

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Staff count supplies

"Dream of Children with One Heart, Escort for Love" donated love desk lamps to illuminate the way forward

Staff distribute lamps to various streets

Huayi Foundation has always cared for and helped children in difficulty, and through charity donation activities, children can feel the care of the society and grow up healthy and happy. This time, we donated love desk lamps to children in distress, effectively improving the learning and living environment of families of children in difficulty, and pouring out the path of healthy growth of children with love.