
Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

author:New Hunan

Recently, high temperature heat waves can be described as wave after wave

High temperatures in the north continue to strengthen

This round of high temperature in the north is expected to continue until the end of this week

North China, Huanghuai and other places will have persistent high temperatures

Local temperatures can exceed 40°C

Many parents are worried about heat stroke in their children

Various protective measures have been adopted


When cooling down for your child

Parents should also pay extra attention

If you are not careful, it is easy to fall in

↓↓↓ in the following "traps"

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

Myth 1: The more water you drink, the better

The weather is hot, the human body will lose water invisibly, heat prevention and hydration has become very important, and it is also very particular:

If you drink too quickly, water will quickly enter the bloodstream and be absorbed in the intestine, making the blood thinner, increasing the blood volume, and affecting heart health; Drinking too much water will also cause dilution of digestive juices in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting digestion and absorption.

It is recommended to drink a small amount of water many times, take a few sips with the water cup at any time, and keep it within 150 ml each time is more appropriate.

Myth 2: It's okay to eat cold food and cold drinks on hot days

In order to prevent heat and cool down, many families like to prepare a large number of cold dishes, cold food, cold drinks, etc. on the table. Experts pointed out that in the scorching summer, the human body is actually in a state of external heat and internal cold, so do not let children be greedy for cold, causing gastrointestinal dysfunction and damaging physical health.

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

Myth 3: Sweating profusely and blowing air conditioners and fans

If your child has just come into the house sweating from outside, do not immediately turn on the air conditioner or fan to blow it.

Because at this time, the pores of the skin of the whole body are in an open state in order to dissipate heat, if you suddenly contact the cold air, the pores will not have time to shrink, so when entering the room from outside, you must first "cool" for ten minutes, and then turn on the air conditioner and fan after the temperature of the skin drops.

Myth 4: Wearing chemical fiber fabric clothes is the coolest

Many summer clothes are made of chemical fiber fabrics, but because the human body sweats a lot, although chemical fiber fabrics are lighter, they are not absorbent and breathable, and it is difficult for the skin to dissipate heat through sweat evaporation, so clothes wearing such fabrics in summer will not be cool.

At the same time, excessive retention of sweat will also make skin secretions spoil and ferment, and the chemical components such as monomer ammonia and methanol mixed into the production process of synthetic fibers are more irritating to the skin, so it is easy to induce allergies and a variety of dermatitis. Natural fibers such as cotton, linen and silk are the best choice for summer clothing.

Myth 5: Wash your feet with cool water when it's hot

The sweat glands on the soles of the human feet are more developed, sweating more in summer, washing the feet with cool water, will make the dilated pores suddenly close and block, easy to cause muscle fatigue, increased tension. Doing this often will not only make the feet cold and cold, but also lead to sweating dysfunction over time.

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

In addition to being wary of these misunderstandings, there is also a disease, which is also a high incidence period in summer! It is - heat stroke.

We often say that heat stroke is a relatively broad concept, from the perspective of clinical manifestations, according to the severity of heat stroke, it can be divided into three categories: aura heat stroke, mild heat stroke, severe heat stroke

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

The most important thing to pay attention to is severe heat stroke, severe heat stroke, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke three types of heat stroke, is the most serious type of heat stroke, the patient's core temperature rises rapidly, there will be central nervous system abnormalities, and multiple organ system damage, such as patients do not timely and effective treatment, the mortality rate is extremely high!

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

How to help children prevent heat?

To help children prevent heat, the most important thing is to do these 3 points right:

1. Heat and sun protection: Parents should let their children go out less. If you want to do outdoor sports or bask in the sun, choose between 7 and 9 in the morning to avoid the fiercest and most intense time of the sun. After 9 a.m. to before 6 p.m., try to keep your child indoors or in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and avoid playing wildly in the sun. When you go out, do a good job of sun protection, wear hats for your children, wipe sweat hand towels, and make umbrellas.

2. Use cool toppers appropriately: In the era of no air conditioning and fans, people will choose to use cool toppers to relieve the heat. The coolness brought by the mattress topper is not as fierce as that brought by fans and air conditioners, and it is not easy to damage the child's physique.

3. Eat correctly: Compared with ice cream and cold drinks, children should eat some seasonal, natural, and relieving food. For example: winter melon, watermelon, etc.

Hot weather is coming, help children prevent heat and cool down, don't step on these "traps"

What should I do if I find that my child has heat stroke?

Generally speaking, there will be some signs before heat stroke, children do not know how to express their feelings exactly, parents should quickly transfer the child to a cool place when they find that the child's face is flushed, breathing discomfort, cold sweat, etc. (but remember that the cooling should not be too rough, such as holding the child under the sun into an air-conditioned room), carefully check the child's physical condition, and pay close attention to the child's breathing, body temperature and other changes.

You can also take some salt water, boiled water, etc. to hydrate, wipe your child's body, and reduce the symptoms of heat stroke. But! Please do not give your child medicine without permission!

Once the child's heat stroke is more serious, parents should send the child to the doctor in time!

May every child have a happy summer~

Source | Capital Education (ID: bjedunews), CCTV news