
The "Beauty Quest" Japanese Cultural Salon was held in Tokyo

author:China News Network
The "Beauty Quest" Japanese Cultural Salon was held in Tokyo

"Beauty Seeking" Japanese Special Cultural Salon Held in Tokyo Photo courtesy of the organizer

Tokyo, June 16 (Reporter Zhu Chenxi) In order to inherit and promote Chinese traditional culture and promote cultural exchanges between China and Japan, the "Covenant of Beauty" Japanese special cultural salon was held in Tokyo on 16 June.

The "Covenant of Beauty" Japanese Cultural Salon is jointly sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Station of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, the Tokyo Chinese Cultural Center, and the Weifang Municipal Government of Shandong Province. Relying on the Weifang Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition in China, the event carried out the screening of high-quality programs of the main station, the exchange of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, and the experience of intangible cultural heritage production. Japanese politicians, academics and many inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage attended the event. Participants generally agreed that the history of cultural exchanges between China and Japan has a long history, and this event has enabled the Japanese people to better understand China's traditional culture.

The "Beauty Quest" Japanese Cultural Salon was held in Tokyo

"Beauty Seeking" Japanese Special Cultural Salon Held in Tokyo Photo courtesy of the organizer

The Weifang Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition of China has set up three sections: "Craftsmanship Yunjin Weifang Seal Carving Art", "Pen Song and Ink Dance - Weifang Calligraphy and Painting Art" and "Tiangong Qiaoyi - Weifang Folk Art", selecting some typical representative works of Weifang intangible cultural heritage, and displaying the cultural history and folk customs of intangible cultural heritage through traditional folk intangible cultural heritage works such as kites, New Year paintings, seal carvings, paper cutting, clay sculptures, nuclear carvings, lacquerware, cloth toys, etc.

The "Beauty Quest" Japanese Cultural Salon was held in Tokyo

Exhibition of high-quality audio-visual products of the main station Courtesy of the organizer

In order to promote the overseas dissemination of China's excellent cultural works, the Asia-Pacific Station of China Central Radio and Television Station provided a wealth of audio-visual products for this event. The large screen scrolled through the excellent works such as "Journey", "Forbidden City" and "Silk Road" produced by the main station, and visitors stopped to watch and communicate with the staff of the main station with great interest to understand the details of the works. At the event, the Tokyo Reporter Station of the Asia-Pacific Terminal donated a series of audio-visual works such as "Forbidden City" and "Journey" to the Library of the Chinese Cultural Center, hoping that more Japanese friends can deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.

In the intangible cultural heritage making experience zone, visitors can watch the on-site display of the inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage, and then make paper cuts, kites, New Year paintings, etc., to deeply feel the unique charm of Chinese culture.

The "Beauty Quest" Japanese Cultural Salon was held in Tokyo

Exhibition of intangible cultural heritage in Weifang, China Photo courtesy of the organizer

Tetsuji Nagata, executive director of the Japan-China Friendship Association, said that he was very pleased to see the exhibition of the excellent programs of the main station, and "Journey" showed China's extraordinary achievements in the past ten years. Looking forward to more opportunities to travel to China for exchanges and get a closer look at China's culture and development.

Hachimaki Koyuki, chief writer of Record China Information Network and a veteran Japanese media person, believes that cultural exchanges are very important to enhance Japan-China friendship. This event is conducive to the Japanese people's in-depth understanding of Chinese traditional culture and modern social development. It is expected that the Asia-Pacific Station of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, as the envoy of Chinese culture, will continue to be committed to promoting China's excellent cultural programs and art forms. Through the power of media, the charm of Chinese culture will be transmitted to more people, and exchanges and integration between different cultures will be promoted.

Kudo Shufang, representative director of the Japanese Chinese Chemical Production Center, pointed out that China is a country with a long civilization, and Chinese traditional culture is broad and profound, and hopes to hold more such activities, create a platform for exchanges, deepen mutual understanding, enhance friendship, and jointly explore the power of culture, so as to build a broader stage for friendly cooperation between Japan and China. (End)

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