
Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

author:Happy grapes are not sour

#夏日生活打卡季 #

Barracuda grass photographed in the water landscape belt of Tianhan Changjie in Hanzhong City. The lilac flowers open closely around the flower spikes and are particularly handsome against the background of green leaves.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

Barracuda grass is a relatively common hydrophilic plant, the leaves are like cannabis, the flowers are erect, usually higher than the leaf surface, the spike-like inflorescence is apical, each spike is densely clustered with dozens to hundreds of blue-purple round small buds, the upper two petals each have two yellow-green spots, the texture is translucent.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

Because barracuda grass is an aquatic plant, it is said that the juveniles of the barracuda like to hide between their dense leaf bushes and its rhizomes, hence the name barracuda grass.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

Barracuda grass is also known as North American barracuda grass, sea shou flower, common light pink and purple.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

According to reports, the flower language of barracuda grass is: freedom, unfettered.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

This flower language is a good match with its plant type and flower type. Like the water lily, it is rooted in water, grows freely, blooms casually, and blooms day and night.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

It is said that barracuda grass can be about one meter and five meters high, I don't know if it is a difference in the environment, but the barracuda grass I have seen is relatively low. Even so, it does not affect its style.

Flowers bloom freely in barracuda grass

#Colorful summer life#

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