
What are the impacts of VI on business operations?

author:Black ink Wang Hong

VI (visual identity) has an extremely important impact on the operation of enterprises, and it is an important weapon for enterprise competition. VI is not only the product appearance, trademark, advertising and other visual elements, but also can build a good reputation and trust of the enterprise, so that customers can leave a deep impression and memory of the enterprise.

First of all, VI can make the corporate brand image solid and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For example, Starbucks' VI, the world's largest coffee chain, makes it a favorite among consumers. From the green logo and uniform store style, to high-quality freshly ground coffee, exquisite commemorative cups, etc., these have won Starbucks a successful brand image, so that consumers can think of their brand as soon as they see these elements. This deeply rooted brand image has played an integral role in Starbucks' success.

What are the impacts of VI on business operations?
What are the impacts of VI on business operations?

Secondly, VIs help to increase the visibility of enterprises in the market. A successful VI design not only attracts consumers, but also allows the brand name to spread throughout the market instantly. For example, Apple is a good example, and in its VI design, Apple's logo and perfect product design have become iconic examples. It can even be said that no one does not know Apple's logo, its VI design has been well known to consumers, directly affecting the company's popularity in the market.

What are the impacts of VI on business operations?

In addition, VIs can also give enterprises a higher competitive advantage in the industry. Because each industry has its own unique elements and rules, enterprises can accurately locate their target market through VI design, and establish their own reputation and reputation. For example, Coca-Cola's VI design reflects its dynamic, healthy and lively brand image, which is different from Pepsi's brand image of promoting youth, trend and vitality. In this differentiation, Coca-Cola has a higher market share and competitive advantage.

In short, VI has a very significant impact on the operation of enterprises, which can establish a solid brand image, improve the visibility of the enterprise market, and enhance the competitive advantage of enterprises in the industry. When designing VI, enterprises should have a deep understanding and understanding, pay attention to continuous innovation to meet the needs of potential consumers, enhance market influence, and achieve greater success.