
In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

author:Throughout history 2020


In June 1934, Li Zhusheng, secretary of the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China, was targeted by Kuomintang agents when he contacted representatives of the Communist International. When Li Zhusheng returned to work in the office, a group of special agents closely followed him, and immediately arrested him and the staff of the office.

After Li Zhusheng was arrested, he was spineless and under the coercion of the enemy, he confessed many of the party's secrets. Because of Li Zhusheng's whistleblowing, Sheng Zhongliang, another important leader of our party, was arrested, causing great damage to the underground organization in Shanghai.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

After Sheng Zhongliang was arrested, he was unyielding during the trial, looking righteous and awe-inspiring. The special agent had no choice for a while, and asked Gu Shunzhang, a traitor of our party, for help. After Gu Shunzhang became a lackey of the Kuomintang agents, he betrayed many comrades, and he offered a poisonous plan to the special agents, and he could open his mouth if he got Sheng Zhongliang's lover Qin Manyun.

It was under the "inducement" of Qin Manyun that Sheng Zhongliang betrayed the revolution, and the consequence was that many outstanding comrades were exposed and killed, and the CCP's underground party organization in Shanghai was severely damaged by the enemy.

After the founding of New China, Qin Manyun fled to Taiwan incognito and never received the trial he deserved. Thinking of the comrades who sacrificed, Chairman Mao always remembered Qin Manyun, a traitor, who had guarded many times: Was Qin Manyun caught?

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

Qin Manyun's status is not ordinary, she once held an important position in our party, and her rebellion caused very serious consequences.

Renegade after being captured

Qin Manyun's ancestral home is Shaoxing, Zhejiang, born in a gradually declining family of scholars in Shandong, and received a better education from an early age. During his school in Shandong, Qin Manyun met a group of female Communist Party members in school, and under their influence, he began to join the revolutionary movement.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

Qin Manyun was highly enthusiastic about revolution, actively participated in the patriotic and anti-imperialist movement, was trained by the organization, and was elected as a member of the Shandong District Executive Committee of the Communist Youth League. From 1925 to 1927, the Party organization spent a lot of manpower and financial resources and sent Qin Manyun to study at the Moscow Eastern University and Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow in the Soviet Union so that he could better participate in leading the revolutionary work in the future.

In the era of the "Red Revolution", being able to go to Moscow for further study became the dream and expectation of many revolutionary youth. Qin Manyun has been able to go to Moscow to study many times, which is enough to see that the party organization has cultivated her at any cost, and he has great trust in herself.

Qin Manyun, who is young and beautiful with outstanding temperament, has become the object of pursuit of many people. While studying in the Soviet Union, Qin Manyun met Guan Xiangying, a famous leader of our party, and the two became married under the witness of Premier Zhou.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

At the beginning of 1929, Guan Xiangying and his wife were ordered to return to China to work, both of them were shouldered by important tasks, could not work together, and lived apart for a long time. In the early thirties, due to the needs of the revolution, Qin Manyun worked in Shanghai as the director of the liaison office of the representatives of the Communist International, which was an important post related to the connection between our Party and the Communist International. Guan Xiangying went to work in the western Soviet region of Xiang'e and led the Red Army to fight in the north and south. After the husband and wife separated, they parted ways from then on, one took the bright road and the other went astray.

After Qin Manyun and Guan Xiangying separated, they were with the revolutionary fighter Sheng Zhongliang, and at that time, it seemed that the two were a couple who were a good match and were blessed by everyone

Since Gu Shunzhang's rebellion, our party's underground organization in Shanghai has been greatly damaged, and under the strategizing of Premier Zhou and others, it has been able to maintain normal operation and get in touch with the Communist International, providing a lot of valuable intelligence for the Central Soviet Region.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

In June 1934, with the arrest and defection of Li Zhusheng and Sheng Zhongliang, the underground party organization in Shanghai was devastated. After the two betrayed the revolution, Sheng Zhongliang took over as secretary of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China for a short time, and he was arrested shortly after.

After Qin Manyun was arrested together with Li Zhusheng and others, he was detained in Nanjing, and under the coercion and lure of special agents, Qin Manyun soon defected and confessed many secrets.

After Sheng Zhongliang was arrested, he behaved tough during his trial, and was beaten all over his body and still did not say a word. Just when the Kuomintang agents were helpless against Sheng Zhongliang, Gu Shunzhang offered a plan: Sheng Zhongliang obeyed his girlfriend Qin Manyun and could start from Qin.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

Under Qin Manyun's persuasion, Sheng Zhongliang immediately rebelled, but hatefully, Qin Manyun appeared in court to testify against Huang Wenjie, Zhu Jingme, Du Guoxiang and others, resulting in many people's identities being exposed and killed by reactionaries.

Qin Manyun is a revolutionary female fighter that our party has focused on training, and at a critical moment, she did not stand the test, and in order to survive, she betrayed many comrades and dealt a devastating blow to the Shanghai underground party organization.

The name that Chairman Mao always remembered

After Sheng Zhongliang and Qin Manyun rebelled against the revolution, they were afraid of being liquidated, and since then they have been incognito and living in seclusion. During the all-out War of Resistance, Sheng Zhongliang, as a man, found in his conscience, and also went to the battlefield, followed General Zheng Dongguo to the Indo-Burmese battlefield for three years, and made certain contributions to the War of Resistance.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

In 1949, when the Kuomintang defeated Taiwan, Sheng Zhongliang and his wife knew that they would not escape liquidation if they stayed in the mainland and fled to Taiwan to settle down.

After the victory of the New China Revolution, the party and the people severely punished traitors who had betrayed their comrades and defected, and Sheng Zhongliang and Qin Manyun were naturally on the blacklist of punishment.

The relevant units have been looking for a long time in various parts of the mainland, but there is no trace of Sheng Zhongliang and Qin Manyun, and Chairman Mao has also asked about this many times, asking the guards around him: Has Qin Manyun been caught?

After Sheng Zhongliang's rebellion, he changed his name to Sheng Yue, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Government. In the sixties, Sheng Zhongliang and his wife went to the United States, Sheng Zhongliang was good at business, and after a few years, he made small achievements and lived a rich life.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

In the eighties, against the background of reform and opening up, out of the needs of united front work, our party decided not to hold traitors like Sheng Zhongliang and his wife accountable.

As a Chinese-American, Qin Manyun wrote to the central government, wanting to invest in China and make a modest contribution to development. For the sake of the overall situation, the central government agreed to Qin Manyun's request to invest in China and sent Wang Heshou to receive him specially.

Wang Heshou and Qin Manyun were classmates when they studied in Moscow, and during the Revolutionary War, Wang Heshou was arrested many times, did not reveal a word to the enemy, and was always unyielding, so he suffered a lot and escaped from the mouth of the tiger under the rescue of the organization.

The central government sent Wang Heshou to receive Qin Manyun, in addition to the fact that the two were more familiar, there may be another deep meaning, reminding Qin Manyun of his past renegade behavior.

In his later years, Chairman Mao often asked the guards: Did Qin Manyun catch him? What is the special status of this person?

The moment he saw Wang Heshou, Qin Manyun said in a sympathetic tone: "Over the years, you have suffered. In this regard, Wang Heshou did not appreciate it, and after listening to Qin Manyun's words, he smiled calmly: This is our own business in the party, and it is nothing.

Wang Heshou's words made Qin Manyun speechless for a while, during which Qin Manyun excused his past defection and expressed his willingness to serve the Communist Party in the future, Wang Heshou did not give any attitude, and he was unwilling to forgive her from his heart.


Qin Manyun and Sheng Zhongliang rebelled, that is an indisputable fact, although there are many "bitter intentions", the betrayal of comrades cannot be forgiven. Without Sheng Zhongliang informing the enemy, our party's underground party organization in Shanghai, Kuomintang agents, would not have known so clearly.

In the fall of 1986, Qin Manyun returned to China to visit his relatives, and made a special trip to Yan'an to visit the former residence of his ex-husband Guan Xiangying and visit Guan Xiangying's mausoleum. If Qin Manyun had followed Guan Xiangying to work in Xisu District of Xiang'e, and the husband and wife had not separated, perhaps there would have been no later defection.

In 2001, Qin Manyun died in the United States at the age of 93.