
New wisdom in war: Russian military creates artificial intelligence killer, attracting international attention

author:Gao Qiqiang tells stories

The Russian army has achieved a major breakthrough: for the first time, artificial intelligence has been used to successfully carry out real combat kills on the battlefield in Ukraine. According to a report by the EurAsia Times on June 14, the Russian army's air defense system was accurately operated by artificial intelligence and successfully destroyed a Ukrainian fighter. This achievement has created a milestone in history, and for the first time in history, artificial intelligence has achieved results in war. It's worth pondering.

New wisdom in war: Russian military creates artificial intelligence killer, attracting international attention

According to relevant Russian reports, the new S-350 "Warrior" air defense system of the Russian army has achieved fully automatic shooting down of Ukrainian fighters, creating a historical precedent. According to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister confirmed to the media, this landmark achievement was achieved by this advanced air defense system. Amazingly, relying entirely on the fully automated operation of artificial intelligence, without any human intervention or decision-making, successfully shot down enemy aircraft. The Russian deputy prime minister said that this feat means that artificial intelligence has the ability to operate fully automatically in a real combat environment for the first time. At the same time, this also proves that the Russian army has strong strength in the design and operation of air defense systems.

New wisdom in war: Russian military creates artificial intelligence killer, attracting international attention

According to Russian reports, sources in the Russian military-industrial complex revealed striking details about the S-350 air defense system. The system's AI algorithms are said to be "unique" in the world. Unlike traditional air defense systems, which rely on human judgment and operation, the S-350 system independently searches for targets, distinguishes friends and foes, and independently decides how and at what altitude to shoot down enemy aircraft. This mechanism not only greatly improves the all-weather operation capability of the Russian air defense network, but also greatly enhances the real-time response speed and ensures that any incoming enemy aircraft will be intercepted at the first time. At the same time, it reduces the dependence on technicians, reduces the need for air defense system operators, and allows the Russian army to deploy more air defense systems at the same time. This means that the Russian army has greater flexibility and strength in strategic planning and operational deployment.

New wisdom in war: Russian military creates artificial intelligence killer, attracting international attention

The Russian side is full of confidence in the S-350, and even said in a public article by the satellite news agency that it is more advanced than the American Patriot system, showing pride. Judging by the performance parameters and real combat performance, the S-350 really outperforms the old "Patriot" system. However, some thought that the S-350 was an "intermediate model" between the S-300 and S-400, a replacement for the S-400. In fact, the two have completely different tasks. The S-400 is a theater air defense system that can cover a strike range of up to 380 kilometers and is also the main mobile strategic air defense force of the Russian army; The S-350 is a medium-range air defense system capable of hitting targets at a distance of 80-120 km, and its main task is to replace earlier air defense systems such as the S-300, and there is no alternative relationship with the S-400.

According to data disclosed by the Russian side, the S-350 has demonstrated excellent maneuverability, can enter combat mode in just a few minutes, and is capable of simultaneously dealing with up to 16 targets with a speed of more than Mach 5 and a range of up to 30,000 meters. Russian military experts even said that only one battalion of S-350 systems is needed to repel a large-scale air strike by the Ukrainian army. This superior strength is inseparable from the support of artificial intelligence systems. However, this has also raised more concerns among scholars. The Russian military delegates tactical decision-making directly to artificial intelligence, allowing it to independently judge friend or foe. However, in the complex electromagnetic environment of the theater of operations, the identification of friend or foe between different units is not 100% accurate. Some scholars worry that this could lead to the S-350 accidentally firing at unreported or uncontacted friendly aircraft. In addition, fully autonomous AI may not be able to cope with unexpected situations, such as multiple electromagnetic interference or anti-radiation strikes from the enemy. In this case, the S-350 system still requires operators to make operations and decisions.

New wisdom in war: Russian military creates artificial intelligence killer, attracting international attention

At present, the application of artificial intelligence in war is still worth looking forward to. Both the artificial intelligence air defense system of the Russian army and the artificial intelligence pilots of the United States have shown great potential. If these technologies are used properly, it is foreseeable that the casualty rate of future wars will be significantly reduced. However, some experts point out that this also increases the risk of tactical miscalculation in friction, and the probability of local conflicts may rise. This is undoubtedly worrying for NATO countries, and the consequences can be described as alarming. Therefore, we must realize that we humans still have a long way to go for the control and practical application of artificial intelligence.

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