
Palestine did not wait in vain, reconciling Palestine and Israel, and China's promises will be fulfilled no matter how difficult it is

author:Brother Jian's ideological and political class

Since June, there have been one visitor after another from China. Before the President of Honduras left, the President of Palestine arrived.

Shai's reconciliation has ushered in a wave of reconciliation in the Middle East, and Middle Eastern countries have gradually opened a group heating mode, not only to jointly build navies, but also to increase cooperation with the outside world. However, against this background, Palestine and Israel are still mired in the depths of the conflict.

Palestine did not wait in vain, reconciling Palestine and Israel, and China's promises will be fulfilled no matter how difficult it is

(Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas)

Some time ago, the Palestinian-Israeli military conflict in the Gaza corridor escalated again, and at this time, China issued an invitation to the Palestinian side to visit. Pakistani President Mahmoud Abbas, who urgently needs to find a way out on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, gladly accepted China's invitation and recently began his four-day visit to China.

You know, China is one of the first countries to recognize the PLO and the Palestinian state, and China and Pakistan have a deep friendship. And Abbas is also an old friend of China, and this is his fifth visit to China. Regarding Abbas's visit to China, the outside world unanimously believes that the main purpose of the Pakistani side is to work with China to promote the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. In fact, China and Pakistan have already agreed on this matter, even earlier than the promotion of Shah-Iran reconciliation.

During the China-Arab summit held in Riyadh in December last year, China promised Abbas to work for an early, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. Therefore, in this meeting with Pakistan, Foreign Minister Qin Gang took the lead in saying that China attaches great importance to the Palestinian-Israeli issue and is willing to contribute Chinese wisdom to promoting Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. It can be said that China's commitment has been met by Palestine.

Palestine did not wait in vain, reconciling Palestine and Israel, and China's promises will be fulfilled no matter how difficult it is

(The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues)

We are also well aware that the Palestinian-Israeli contradiction is a major problem for the Middle East and even the entire international community, and promoting peace talks is not a simple matter. But China may be the only country capable of loosening the bonds between Palestine and Israel.

At present, there are still many countries in the world that do not recognize Palestine, but China has long recognized it, and it has done so without undermining Sino-Israeli relations, which is also a major manifestation of China's diplomatic wisdom.

China's invitation to the Palestinian President this time is an invitation for a state visit, which is the highest level of recognition for Palestine's statehood, and China's reception of Abbas as the first Arab head of state this year can be said to give Palestine extremely high courtesy.

In addition, China will strengthen cooperation with Palestine in the economic field and increase investment in Palestine to help Palestine's economic development. Therefore, when China reconciles the Palestinian-Israeli issue, if it proposes to let the Palestinian side make some concessions, the Palestinian side should give positive consideration.

And since China has made it clear that it will work hard for the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, inviting the Pakistani side to China to create a new platform for the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks may be the first step. China's next step may be to invite Israel's leaders.

Palestine did not wait in vain, reconciling Palestine and Israel, and China's promises will be fulfilled no matter how difficult it is

(Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu)

Many people believe that Israel is now the last nail left by the United States in the Middle East, and the interests of the two sides are too deeply involved, which will certainly cause no small obstacle to China's mediation actions. But what is clear is that the Middle East is no longer completely dominated by the United States, and even if Israel is pro-American, it can realize that the Middle East has changed.

During this period, the good news in the Middle East continued one after another, first Iran and Saudi Arabia and other countries want to jointly build a navy, then the United Arab Emirates Iran relations eased, the former old enemy Shai also began to send ambassadors to each other, Arab countries also jointly held a corporate conference with China, development opportunities one after another. It can be said that Israel is still outside the circle.

And for Israel, even if it is strong at the moment, with the stability of the situation in the Middle East, the economic development of the Middle East countries will inevitably accelerate, and Israel will still have to distract itself to deal with the conflict, and the possibility of being overtaken by then cannot be ruled out. Believe in the shrewd Israelis, will not fail to consider this.

Therefore, China chose to talk with Israel at a time when Israel still has an advantage, discuss historical issues, territorial issues, security issues, and practical interests, and ensure Israel's status and peace in the Middle East under the coordination of China.

Finally, Israel and the United States have good relations, but China and Israel have no bad relations. China and Israel are both countries with a long history. As a long-oppressed Jewish nation, Israel even has the importance of national liberation and independence, so after the founding of New China, Israel was one of the first countries to recognize it. Now, in turn, China's historical experience and current development achievements can also provide some reference for Israel's development.

Palestine did not wait in vain, reconciling Palestine and Israel, and China's promises will be fulfilled no matter how difficult it is

(Successful reconciliation between China and Shai)

Therefore, in this matter, since China can give a commitment, it must have the confidence and confidence to do it. Moreover, China's greatest diplomatic strength lies in its patience, and China's long-term work in the Shah-Iraq peace talks has proved to be fruitful, and I believe that China has also made certain contributions to the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

In short, if the Palestinian-Israeli contradiction can be resolved, it will be a great thing not only for the Middle East, but also for the whole world.

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