
Writers don't be afraid, AI is not your enemy

author:Commercial observations

AI is not a complete replacement for human creation, it is just a more powerful productivity tool.

Shen Translation Bureau is a compilation team under 36Kr, focusing on science and technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new technologies, new views and new trends abroad.

Editor's note: AI can already write, draw, and make videos! Are machines coming to rob human authors? Recently, such concerns have become very popular. There is some truth to their concerns, but technological progress is unstoppable, and AI isn't a complete replacement for human creation, it's just a more powerful productivity tool — if you learn to work with it. This article is from the compilation.

Writers don't be afraid, AI is not your enemy

Image by the

The thought that AI can already write and generate images and videos with ease makes many people fear losing their jobs. But in reality, these technological advances are not a threat to us.

Embracing AI will boost our creativity in ways we never imagined.

This article will cover five reasons.

By the way: I added the "skeptical" point of view to each of the reasons, with the aim of adding a little humor and balance. If you can spot and read all five skeptics, you're a good reader. Here we go!

Reason one: AI will not replace humans, it is just a tool

Skeptic's Perspective: This is the claim that robots are secretly plotting to rule the world, isn't it? You have to keep an eye out for the robots, especially the toaster. I don't trust the toaster at all.

As someone who has written for a living for many years, I can understand very well that some people are afraid of the thought that AI can write.

So will AI completely replace all human writers? The answer is no.

AI will not replace humans, but rather a tool that augments human creativity. AI writers can generate content quickly and accurately, which undoubtedly saves a lot of time and effort for humans.

However, AI-generated content still needs humans to edit, refine and improve.

In fact, cooperation between AI and human writers can produce better content than anyone else can create it themselves. For example, AI can generate a first draft of a blog post, but human writers can add their own unique language, style, and perspective to that first draft.

This combination of humans and AI can create more informative and engaging content.

Another advantage of AI is that it can help human writers deal with tasks that they don't have enough time to complete themselves, or because they don't have the relevant expertise.

For example, if a human writer is writing a technical article, AI can help them generate the basic content and parts that need to be expressed in a lot of jargon, and the human writer only needs to focus on the creative aspects of the article.

So, we don't have to worry about AI replacing human creativity, but rather as a tool to enhance creativity. Close collaboration between AI and humans can produce more efficient, accurate, and creative content.

Reason 2: Artificial intelligence can free up the time and energy spent by humans on the creative process

Skeptic's Perspective: Sure, but if AI does all the work for you, what are you going to do with the free time? Learn to knit? Or join a book club? Sounds dangerous (you're not creating value).

As a blogger, I know how time-consuming it takes to create beautiful visuals for your blog post graphics.

Whether it's finding the right picture or designing it yourself, it can take a lot of time. This is where AI image generators come in, which can create images quickly and accurately, saving you a lot of time and effort.

By using an AI image generator, bloggers can quickly write illustrated blog posts instead of spending hours on graphics.

For example, let's say a blogger is writing an article about a recent trip to Paris. If he doesn't have the perfect photo in hand, he can use the AI image generator to create images of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and other Parisian landmarks without having to design the images himself.

These pictures can be used as a complement to, not a replacement, of real photos taken on the go.

AI image generators have another benefit that they help bloggers and other content creators stay up to date with current design trends. If a new design trend catches on Instagram, AI image generators can help bloggers quickly and easily create visuals that fit that trend.

What I like most about AI Image Generator is that it can generate images that are highly relevant to my content. This changed the game for search engines, i.e. I no longer need image searches.

Reason three: AI can expand the boundaries of creativity

Skeptical perspective: Yes, but shouldn't creativity come from the human mind? If we were to rely on machines for inspiration, what would be the next step? Will we start listening to electric toothbrushes call the shots?

One of the most exciting features of AI is its ability to push the boundaries of creativity tremendously. With AI, human creators can explore new technologies and mediums that were previously untouchable.

Writers can use AI to generate dialogue for characters in works that differ from their own voices or backgrounds.

Another way AI is expanding the creative field is through music.

AI music generators create music that sounds like that made by a human composer, but the complexity and depth of expression of the work have increased greatly, and human composers may not be able to achieve it on their own.

And they don't require years of professional training like human composers. If you're not a full-time composer (just want to add some music to your content), there's no point in spending ten years learning composition.

AI can also create unprecedented and innovative voices that may not have been possible before.

AI can help creators push boundaries in their creative fields. By embracing AI, creators can explore new technologies and mediums that were previously out of reach.

Reason 4: Artificial intelligence can promote the dissemination of works and give more people a voice

Skeptic's Perspective: I understand, but can AI really understand the problems of a minority of vulnerable groups? I mean, we can't program a machine to have human empathy... Is that right? Or can we already do it? Maybe I'm just suspicious. Did the toaster just move on its own? I think it moved. Hey, I need a hobby.

AI can help achieve this by creating content that is more accessible and representative.

For example, AI image generators can help create visuals that are representative of a wider range of people and cultures. AI can also help create more disability-friendly content, such as automatically generating text labels for images.

Another way AI can improve the accessibility of content is through captioning.

AI Video Generator can create accurate captions for videos, making it easier for people with hearing impairments to understand the content of the video.

This not only removes barriers to transmission, but also keeps people with hearing impairments from the online world.

However, another advantage of AI is that it can represent different voices.

AI can help create content that is more inclusive and representative of different cultures, languages, and experiences. AI language generators can help authors create content in languages they are not good at in order to gain new markets and audiences.

Reason 5: AI can help creators attract new audiences (drainage)

Skeptic's Perspective: Okay, but if everyone is using AI to attract new audiences (drainage), isn't the internet flooded with machine-generated content? Do we really want this?

Through AI, creators can harness the power of algorithms and data to open up new audiences and markets.

AI-generated content can be optimized for search engines and social media to help reach a wider audience than other traditional promotion methods. This can undoubtedly help SMEs and independent creators reach new customers and launch their businesses.

One of the ways AI helps creators reach new audiences is through personalized content.

AI can analyze data on a person's behavior, interests, and preferences and use that data to generate personalized content tailored to their specific needs.

This helps creators connect with new audiences and attract loyal followers (fans).

For example, I can give an AI writer (Jasper or ChatGPT) a portrait of the audience I need, and the AI will give suggestions on how to adapt my content to better meet the needs of the audience.

Another advantage of AI is its ability to help creators create content optimized for search engines and social media.

By analyzing search keywords and trends with AI tools, creators can create content that is more likely to be discovered by new audiences. This helps creators expand their reach, which in turn boosts their business.

An issue to note: The ethical implications of using AI in the creative field

While there are many potential benefits to applying AI in the creative field, the ethical implications of these technologies cannot be ignored.

Here are some of the concerns that people have raised and my thoughts:

1. Concerns about employment – The application of AI in the creative field may lead to fewer job opportunities for human authors. While some tasks may indeed be automated in the future, it is important to note that AI is not a complete replacement for human creativity. It's just a tool to enhance creativity. In fact, a good collaboration between AI and human creativity can lead to better and more innovative jobs.

2. Bias – Another concern is that AI-generated content may perpetuate bias and entrenched beliefs. This is a legitimate concern, and I think it's important to be aware of possible biases in AI algorithms. One way to solve this problem is to ensure that AI algorithms must be trained on a variety of different datasets, and that the creation process requires human supervision and intervention.

3. Ownership concerns – The third issue is the ownership of AI-generated content. Who owns the copyright and intellectual property rights to AI-generated works? This is a question that remains inconclusive, and it is important for creators to understand what rights they have and what responsibilities they have for AI-generated content.

Overall, while there are many legitimate concerns about the ethical implications of using AI in the creative world, we must not deny the many benefits and conveniences that AI brings.

Don't be afraid to add AI to the creative future. Let's use it to empower ourselves. There are many ways AI can help you create better and richer content. This is true even for "skeptics" among humans.

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