
Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

Uncle Li, 62 years old, was found to have cardiovascular disease during a physical examination a year ago. Since then, he has embarked on his own path to health. Every day after dinner, he goes for a walk in a nearby park to enhance his cardiovascular health. Uncle Li enjoyed this new way of life, and although it was not easy, he was never absent.

One day, Uncle Li was walking home when he was stopped by a salesman. The salesman enthusiastically sold him a health supplement known as the "Heart Care Artifact." The salesman said that this health supplement can quickly improve cardiovascular health and prevent various heart diseases.

Uncle Li was skeptical, he already felt that he had improved his physical condition through walking, and his heart was much better than before. However, the salesman's words touched his heart. After all, he wanted to get back to health faster, and the effects promised by the salesman were irresistible.

Uncle Li bought the health supplement, but he didn't have enough money. So, he borrowed tens of thousands of yuan from his neighbors. However, several months passed, and the supplement did not have the effect that was advertised. His cardiovascular disease did not improve significantly, but he felt more tired physically.

At the same time, neighbors began coming to their doors to ask for their money back. Uncle Li was in trouble. He didn't have the money to pay it back, and he couldn't prove the effect of the health supplement.

At this time, his family doctor came to visit him, and after understanding the whole situation, the doctor explained to Uncle Li that maintaining regular exercise, such as walking, is the most effective and side-effect-free way to achieve cardiovascular health, far more effective than any health supplement.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Uncle Li once again resumed the habit of walking and confessed his plight to his neighbors. He assured his neighbors that he would repay the loan little by little through his own efforts.

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

First, the benefits of walking on cardiovascular health

The association between walking and cardiovascular health

a. Positive effects of aerobic exercise on cardiovascular health

Aerobic exercise is an exercise that increases heart rate and breathing rate, promoting the health of the cardiovascular system by increasing oxygen supply and blood circulation. This form of exercise includes brisk walking, running, swimming, and skipping rope. Aerobic exercise can enhance the strength of the heart muscle, improve the efficiency of the heart's pumping, and improve the elasticity and expansion of blood vessels.

b. Advantages of walking as low-intensity aerobic exercise

Compared to high-intensity exercise, walking is a low-intensity aerobic exercise. It is suitable not only for people of all ages, but also for people with poor physical condition. The advantage of walking is that it is simple and easy to walk, does not require special equipment or venues, and can be done anytime, anywhere. It doesn't put too much stress and risk on the body, while still delivering a wealth of health benefits.

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

Walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

a. Control blood pressure and heart rate

Walking is very effective for controlling blood pressure and heart rate. According to studies, walking can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure and lower heart rate in people with high blood pressure, thereby reducing the burden on the cardiovascular system. Stable blood pressure and heart rate help prevent heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

b. Improve blood circulation and blood lipid levels

Walking can promote blood circulation, improve the elasticity and expansion of blood vessels. By increasing the amount of blood pumped by the heart and improving blood vessel function, walking helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing the risk of clogged arteries. Good blood circulation and normal blood lipid levels help prevent cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

c. Reduce body weight and fat accumulation

Walking is a form of exercise that helps burn calories and reduce weight. Walking consistently every day can help reduce fat accumulation and boost your body's metabolism. Losing weight and fat accumulation not only helps control blood sugar and insulin levels, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

Benefits of walking for people with cardiovascular disease

a. Cardiac rehabilitation and improvement of cardiovascular function

Walking plays an important role in cardiac rehabilitation. In the process of gradual recovery of heart patients, walking is a safe and effective way to exercise. It can help restore the strength and function of the heart, increase endurance, and improve the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system.

b. Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression

Walking is not only good for the body, but also has a positive effect on mental health. Walking releases neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine in the body, promoting relaxation and pleasure in the body and mind. It is considered a natural anti-anxiety and antidepressant method that helps improve mood and emotional state.

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

2. Best practices and recommendations for walking

The frequency, intensity, and duration of walks

Frequency: It is recommended to take a walk at least 5 days a week to maintain consistency and continuity.

Intensity: The intensity of the walk should be moderate to allow the heart rate and breathing to speed up slightly. An easy way to judge intensity is through a "talk test," which is the ability to have a relaxed conversation during a walk, but feel slightly out of breath.

Duration: The duration of each walk should be more than 30 minutes to ensure that the body has enough time for effective aerobic exercise. If time does not allow, the walk can be split into two 15-minute activities.

Choice of pedestrian environment and safety considerations

Choose a safe location: Take a walk in a place with good sidewalks and less traffic. Avoid busy streets and intersections to stay safe.

Diverse walking environments: Whenever possible, choose natural environments for walking, such as parks, beaches, or mountains. This increases the pleasure of walking and provides better mental relaxation.

Stay safe: Wear comfortable shoes to provide good support and cushioning. When the weather is hot, choose appropriate clothing and hats to avoid excessive sun exposure. Make sure to bring enough water to keep hydrated.

Doctors suggest: walking in this way is more conducive to cardiovascular health

Walking, as a low-intensity aerobic exercise, has significant benefits for cardiovascular health. It controls blood pressure and heart rate, improves blood circulation and lipid levels, and reduces body weight and fat accumulation. For people with cardiovascular disease, walking helps with cardiac rehabilitation and improvement in cardiovascular function, as well as alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.