
From the perspective of the innovation of Chinese civilization, the enterprising spirit and fearless character of the Chinese nation - the third in a series of reviews on the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization


Beijing, 13 Jun (Xinhua) -- Topic: Looking at the enterprising spirit and fearless character of the Chinese nation from the perspective of the innovation of the Chinese civilization -- the third in a series of reviews on the outstanding characteristics of the Chinese civilization

Xinhua News Agency reporter

But hope is also, so enterprising; But enterprising also, so every day is new.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: "The outstanding innovation of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation of keeping the right and not keeping the old, respecting the ancient and not retro, and determining the fearless character of the Chinese nation that is not afraid of new challenges and brave to accept new things." ”

Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress, an inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity, and the deepest national endowment of the Chinese nation. Chinese civilization has been able to maintain vitality after more than 5,000 years of historical changes, thanks to the spiritual temperament of revolutionizing the old and advancing with the times formed under the influence of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Keeping the right and not keeping the old, respecting the ancient and not retro is the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation

At 9:31 on May 30, 2023, the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center under the support of the Long March 2F carrier rocket.

This is the first manned mission after the completion of the Chinese space station, leaving a magnificent track of dreaming in the vast starry sky.

Take the sky as the disk and the stars as the son. "Shenzhou", "Beidou", "Chang'e", "Zhurong"... From the naming of spacecraft one by one, people read the "Chinese romance" of the millennium, which not only reflects the long history of Chinese civilization, but also highlights the more firm cultural self-confidence of contemporary Chinese.

Every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new. Innovation is the endogenous driving force of Chinese civilization for a long time——

Since ancient times, Chinese civilization has continued to develop in inheritance and innovation, and has been continuously sublimated in response to changes in response to the times, accumulating the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation.

Chengdu Museum, a set of Western Han "jacquard loom models" is amazing.

In the summer of 2012, in a Western Han dynasty cemetery in Laoguanshan, Tianhui Town, Chengdu, four models of bamboo and wood ground looms soaked in water were rediscovered.

"After the shuttle, it actually flowed." After being restored by researchers, the advanced brocade technology more than 2,000 years ago carries the light of Shu brocade, travels through time and comes in style.

"Every civilization continues the spiritual bloodline of a country and a nation, which needs to be passed on from generation to generation, and more importantly, it needs to keep pace with the times and be brave in innovation."

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at UNESCO Headquarters in March 2014, in the process of realizing the Chinese Dream, Chinese people will promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese civilization and activate its vitality in accordance with the new progress of the times.

With the rules of the past, open up the face of the present. Traditional culture and modern life are integrated and rejuvenated in response to the propositions of the times——

What is in the stall of "Cargo Lang Tu"? What are the shops selling in "Qingming Shanghe Map"? What is the structure of the dougong in the "Tengwang Pavilion Map"? What is the mystery in the "Three Holy Maps" treasured by Qufu Kongfu?

These curious questions, through the "Chinese Painting Series", can not only find the answer, but also allow the viewer to "walk" into the painting and immerse themselves.

The "Great Series of Chinese Paintings" is a large-scale, historical and national-level major cultural project that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally approved, attached great importance to, paid continuous attention to, and made important instructions many times.

Digital convergence and digital sharing make these ancient paintings of the Nashan River and thousands of years vividly presented and rejuvenated.

From the issuance of the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Project for the Inheritance and Development of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture", which for the first time promoted the continuation of the Chinese cultural context and the inheritance of Chinese cultural genes in the form of a central document, to the construction of the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Long March, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River National Cultural Park to create an important symbol of Chinese culture, cultural creation and cultural self-confidence stir each other, highlighting the spirit of the times and lifting up the Chinese meteorology.

a canal that connects north and south; A bridge flying, Changhong lying wave.

Located at the southernmost end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Gongchen Bridge was built in the Ming Dynasty and is the southern terminus symbol of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

On the east bank of the bridge, the upper reaches of the Canal Cultural Square are full of people, and the exquisite reliefs tell the magnificent story of the canal; On the west bank of the bridge, the "Grand Canal New Three Halls" - Grand Canal Rosewood Museum, Grand Canal Digital Archives, Grand Canal Digital Image Museum, with information means to restore the past and present life of the river...

The context stretches and shines, awakening people's deepest memories of the canal.

Through vicissitudes and endless life, it has opened up a new realm in the development of civilization.

Keeping the right and not keeping the old, respecting the ancient and not retro, embodies the dialectical unity of "change" and "unchanged", inheritance and development, principle and creativity.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has conducted all-round and in-depth thinking on the inheritance, promotion and innovative development of Chinese civilization from the strategic perspective of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and put forward a series of new major thesis, important ideas and important viewpoints.

Under the leadership and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the "pool of spring water" of Chinese culture has been completely activated, the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture have been integrated, and the ancient civilization with a long history is full of vitality of the times.

Not being afraid of new challenges and having the courage to accept new things is the fearless character of the Chinese nation

Innovation is a way of thinking and a spiritual character.

"Dare to say new things that no one has said before, dare to do things that no one has done before," General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when talking about the need to adhere to integrity and innovation.

The word "dare" reflects the fearless character of the Chinese people who have always cherished dreams, pursued unremittingly, fearlessly challenged and accepted new things in the long history of thousands of years.

Stand up at the head of the tide in the turbulence of wind and thunder, and open up a new game in the breakthrough and seizure. Overcoming various risks and challenges on the way forward, a new culture is an important source of strength.

In the early morning, the Fuxing high-speed train departed from Beijing West Railway Station and headed south to Xiong'an New Area.

In February 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when listening to the special report on the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: "The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is geographically connected, personal affinity, regional integration, cultural lineage, deep historical origin, suitable radius of exchanges, and can fully integrate and develop in tandem." ”

Viewed from the air, the north-south Beijing-Xiongxiong intercity is like a streamer, connecting Beijing and Xiong'an New Area. The thousand-year-old capital and the city of the future are becoming increasingly closely connected, integrated and full of vitality.

The beginning of the pen is the vision of the world, the end of the pen is the benchmark of the times, and the pen is a millennium plan.

"Revolution, go to the old also; Ding, take the new also", the belief of "Dan heart has not lost its new wishes, gray hair still seeks the glory", the pursuit of "full of vitality and transformation, and the natural workers strive for new things every day"... The innovative spirit of inheritance and informality is deeply rooted in the bloodline genes of the Chinese nation and has also shaped the new appearance of contemporary China.

The endless Chinese civilization has always been supported by innovation. Whether it is cultivating and multiplying on the land of China, or traveling far and wide to open up new worlds, in the long historical process, the sons and daughters of China have always adhered to the determination and will of self-improvement and walked through a development process different from other civilizations in the world.

From the myths and legends of "Pangu opening the sky", "Shennong tastes a hundred herbs" and "praises his father and chases the sun", to Qu Yuan's aspiration and concept of "the road is long and long, I will seek from top to bottom" and Xunzi's aspiration and concept of "where righteousness lies, not to lean over power and regardless of its interests", the Chinese nation has since ancient times the value identity of not fearing hardships, facing difficulties and daring to pursue dreams, nourishing the Chinese nation's courage and perseverance in adhering to integrity and innovation.

On the banks of the Wen Liang River in Nanyang, Henan, the tomb of Zhang Zhongjing, a famous medical scientist of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is full of trees. It has witnessed the development of traditional Chinese medicine, one of the traditional cultural treasures of the mainland, and inscribed the history of mankind's fight against natural diseases.

On May 12, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Medical Shrine to observe the ancient and modern, and stressed that Chinese medicine "is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a treasure of ancient Chinese science" and "it is necessary to do a good job in upholding integrity and innovation, inheriting and developing".

History and practice have fully proved that it is precisely because it can recognize and adapt to changes that the Chinese civilization can never stop through the storms, and the Chinese nation can overcome all difficulties and dangers and stand tall among the nations of the world.

Historic achievements and changes have taken place in the process of clean source and innovation. The cultural construction of the mainland has provided strong positive energy for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and opening up a new situation for the cause of the party and the country.

The country needs advanced values to navigate and orient, society needs a cohesive consensus to lead development, and the public needs clear guidelines to regulate behavior.

On May 4, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Peking University to discuss with teachers and students. During the discussion, the general secretary's words expressed the relationship between the core values of socialism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture:

"We are born Chinese, and the most fundamental thing is that we have a unique spiritual world of Chinese and values that people use every day without realizing it. The socialist core values we advocate fully embody the inheritance and sublimation of China's excellent traditional culture. ”

Whether it is awakening the deepest cultural genes of the Chinese people with the "Chinese Dream", or creatively condensing the connotation of excellent traditional culture into the core values, and promoting the formation of a social custom of respecting virtue and striving for good, General Secretary Xi Jinping has continuously enhanced the people's ambition, backbone and confidence with culture and cultivation, and gathered the powerful force to build the Chinese Dream together.

Living water at the source, moisturizing for thousands of years.

On the afternoon of May 27, 2022, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 39th collective study on deepening the project of exploring the source of Chinese civilization. When presiding over the study, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to adhere to integrity and innovation, promote the adaptation of China's excellent traditional culture to socialist society, display the unique spiritual mark of the Chinese nation, and better build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength.

The in-depth reform of the cultural system has promoted the vigorous vitality of advanced socialist culture, and major achievements have been made in the construction of socialist ideology, spiritual civilization and soft power of Chinese culture.

At a new historical starting point, it is necessary to establish a soul for national rejuvenation, enhance historical consciousness, strengthen cultural self-confidence, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, and continuously enhance the influence and appeal of Chinese civilization.

With the righteousness and vigor of upright innovation, we will continue the historical context and compose a contemporary chapter

The soul of the country is transformed by culture and forged by culture.

At present, the evolution of major changes unprecedented in a century is accelerating. On the new journey, it is more necessary to learn from history, and it is more necessary to respond to the changes of history and solve the problems of the times with the spirit of Chinese culture pioneering and enterprising, not afraid of challenges.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: "It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point." ”

Abide by integrity and innovation, promote the prosperity of socialist culture——

On June 7, 2023, the first Summit Forum on the Construction of a Cultural Power and the 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Expo Fair were opened.

In his congratulatory letter to the First Summit Forum on the Construction of a Cultural Power, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that at a new historical starting point, we will continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, continuously promote exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations, and inject strong spiritual power into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Behind the literary and artistic masterpieces and cultural feasts one after another, the mainland's cultural undertakings in the new era are increasingly prosperous, and the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation continues to burst out.

Establish a four-level intangible cultural heritage list system at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, and identify more than 100,000 representative items of intangible cultural heritage... Historical and cultural heritage vividly tells the story of the past, profoundly affecting the present and the future.

The series of books "100 Classics of Chinese Traditional Culture" is well received by readers, the TV programs "Chinese Poetry Conference" and "China in the Classics" are popular at home and abroad, and the national tide cultural creativity, ancient style Hanfu, etc. have become fashionable... The cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed in the vast land, and the words written in ancient books come alive and nourish a beautiful new life.

Solidify the foundation and open up the new, bloom cultural self-confidence, cultural consciousness, the era of brilliance——

On May 20, 2023, the northwest slope of the South China Sea was about 1,500 meters deep. Aboard the "Deep Sea Warrior" manned submersible, Chinese cultural relics workers placed the underwater permanent mapping base point on the bottom of the sea.

The mysterious ancient shipwreck, after more than 500 years, "rendezvous" with the deep-sea archaeological team under the blue waves.

For thousands of years, our ancestors have lived and multiplied in this hot land, engraving the fiery practice of production and life into history and accumulating into civilization. The hands of archaeologists brush away the dust of the years, revealing the cornerstone of the cultural self-confidence of Chinese people.

"Chinese civilization has a long history and is broad and profound, which is the unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, the foundation of contemporary Chinese culture, the spiritual bond that binds Chinese people all over the world, and the treasure of Chinese cultural innovation."

The spirit of the times, rooted in the fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture, should not only be inherited and timeless, but also keep pace with the times and consolidate the foundation and open up the new. With the culture of self-improvement and forging ahead, we will be able to better undertake the new cultural mission and create a new brilliance of Chinese culture.

Seeking innovation in the midst of change, building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation and creating a new form of human civilization——

History is magnificent. The history of mankind's pursuit of modernization is also a history of different civilizations bringing forth new things through exchanges and mutual learning. In the era of accelerating the evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, the belief in civilization, the cherishing of civilization, and the adherence to civilization are crucial.

On the evening of March 15, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and world political parties and delivered a keynote speech, pointing out that as a new form of human civilization, Chinese-style modernization will learn from other civilizations around the world and will greatly enrich the hundred gardens of world civilization.

The history of world civilization reveals a law: any civilization must keep pace with the times and constantly absorb the essence of the times.

By fully tapping the epochal value of the history and culture of various countries and promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional cultures of various countries in the process of modernization, we can activate the source of civilization progress and continuously create civilization achievements that transcend time and space and are full of eternal charm.

Those who know and change win, and those who keep the right innovators advance.

"The best inheritance of history is to create new history; The greatest tribute to human civilization is to create a new form of human civilization. ”

Absorb the wisdom and strength of forging hard work, forge a stoic and fearless spiritual character. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation will certainly be able to continue the historical context and compose a contemporary chapter with the upright and innovative spirit of upright and innovative! (Reporter Hu Hao, Hu Zhe, Wen Jinghua, Li Heng)