
Don't believe such pop-up ads!

author:Sichuan Fire Fighting

I believe that many people's computers have popped up such advertisements

Full-time fire engineer holds a certificate, an annual salary of 200,000 yuan, a certificate affiliation, can receive more than 100,000 a year, a pass rate of more than 80%, and earn 100,000 yuan for a fire engineer certificate!

Don't believe such pop-up ads!
Don't believe such pop-up ads!
Don't believe such pop-up ads!

The dream of "lying at home and earning money"

This is possible with a single certificate

See ads like this

Will you be excited to apply?

Don't believe such pop-up ads!

Don't believe it, it's a scam!

Don't believe such pop-up ads!

On April 27, Shanghai Songjiang police found that Wang established an education consulting company in December 2022 based on reports from the masses, and since January 2023, he has opened a number of short video platform accounts, uploading video content mostly to introduce the "fire engineer certificate", and guide users to add "customer service" private chat, claiming that only 3980 yuan of training fees can become a registered fire engineer, you can choose to join a state-owned enterprise, work leisurely, monthly salary of more than 10,000, or you can attach to the certificate "empty salary".

Don't believe such pop-up ads!

In the private chat, "customer service" will also send the company's qualification certificate and provide the URL for inquiry. Since a series of drainage methods are highly similar to existing fraud schemes, and the so-called qualification certificates and inquiry URLs are verified to be forged, the police determined that Wang's company was suspected of major crimes.

Don't believe such pop-up ads!
Don't believe such pop-up ads!

After arriving at the case, criminal suspect Wang and others confessed to their criminal act of using "training and certification" to commit fraud. According to his account, his company does not have the qualifications to organize training, and the so-called "high-paying positions" are only words to attract victims. In order to increase credibility, in addition to forging qualification certificates and supporting inquiry websites, criminal gangs also filmed videos such as "company real scene", "issuing certificates" and "handling employment", creating the illusion of formal operation and deceiving victims into trust.

Don't believe such pop-up ads!

At the same time, in order to facilitate the victim's transfer, the "customer service" will claim that various training and certification fees support "installment payment", but in the end, the victim cannot obtain a certificate. A few days ago, Shanghai Songjiang police, together with police from other places, based on clues from the preliminary investigation, destroyed the criminal den in one fell swoop at the office of Wang's company in other provinces and cities, and arrested 36 suspects. According to preliminary statistics, the amount involved reached more than 1 million yuan, and the number of victims reached more than 200.

Kawakawa reminded

There are thousands of scammers in the world

Routines are varied, tighten your pockets, beware of being deceived about a picture of a registered fire engineer

Don't believe such pop-up ads!


There is no shortcut to the fire exam, serious preparation is king, missing questions before the exam, and changing the score after the exam are all scams

Don't believe such pop-up ads!

Self-built house fire killed 7 people! They are sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for those who manufacture and sell counterfeits

Source: Sichuan Fire Protection 119, Comprehensive China Emergency Management, Songjiang Fire Protection

Editor: Huang Yu

Proofreader: Du Ying

Responsible editor: Wu Mengying

Reviewed: Zheng Lijun Li Jinke

Don't believe such pop-up ads!