
The Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office held a warning education conference

author:Beijing Intellectual Property

On October 22, the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office held a warning education conference for all cadres, thoroughly implemented the spirit of the city's warning education conference, vigorously grasped the construction of discipline and work style, consolidated the results of inspection and rectification, promoted the warning education of "taking cases as a lesson and using cases to promote reform", and put forward clear requirements for comprehensively and strictly administering the party in depth and in depth. Yang Dongqi, secretary of the party group and director of the bureau, presided over the meeting and made a speech, Chen Shulan, deputy head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the municipal market supervision bureau, attended the meeting, and special social supervisors attended the meeting. The conference was held in the form of video conferencing, with the bureau setting up the main venue and sub-venue, and the directly subordinate institutions each setting up a sub-venue, with nearly 100 participants.

The Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office held a warning education conference

The participants first watched the warning education films "Crazy Registration" and "Late Awakening," and the responsible persons of some departments and units made typical speeches on studying and implementing the spirit of the city's warning education conference, the building of discipline and work style, and the inspection and rectification.

The Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office held a warning education conference

Yang Dongqi pointed out that comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road, and we must profoundly absorb the lessons of cases of violating discipline and law, sound the alarm bell for a long time, guard against microaggressions, take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics, strict rules, and discipline, build a solid ideological defense line, respect the red line of law and discipline, guard the bottom line of ethics, and promote the implementation of the strict management of the party in a strict manner with "strict" requirements, and promote the high-quality development of the intellectual property cause in the capital. Yang Dongqi stressed that first, we must strengthen political guidance and make efforts to enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. It is necessary to firmly grasp the positioning of political organs, persist in putting political construction in the first place, constantly enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," achieve "two safeguards," keep firmly in mind the "great power of the country," and constantly enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. Second, we must take the initiative to shoulder our responsibilities and make efforts to strictly implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. Earnestly formulate and strictly implement the list of main responsibilities, implement the requirements for managing the party and governing the party in detail, and complete the rectification tasks of the municipal party committee inspection feedback, Secretary Cai Qi's comments on the problems, the comprehensive and strict management of the party (party building) work assessment and political ecological analysis and judgment problems, and the bureau's party group democratic life will review the problems and rectify the problems. Third, it is necessary to keep a close eye on the key minority and make efforts to strengthen supervision over the "number one" and the leading bodies. The "number one leader" must set a benchmark and set an example in performing the responsibility of managing the party and administering the party and exercising strict self-discipline, and set an example by example; he must not only consciously accept supervision, but also dare to take responsibility, take the lead in observing political discipline and political rules, take the initiative to ask party organizations for instructions and report on work, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their detailed implementation rules, consciously oppose the ideology of privilege and the phenomenon of privilege, and always maintain the political nature of communists who are upright and clean. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen discipline education and make efforts to build a solid ideological defense line. All party branches should combine reality and adopt flexible methods to carry out regular warning education and guide party members and cadres to establish correct values and views on political achievements. In connection with typical cases of violating discipline and law, we should educate party members and cadres to draw profound lessons from negative examples, ensure that they have some caution in their hearts and stop at what they do, earnestly enhance their awareness of safeguarding discipline and abiding by discipline, build a solid ideological that does not want to be corrupted, cultivate the habit of not crossing the red line, and consciously draw a clear line with unhealthy tendencies and evil tendencies. Fifth, we must persist in grasping small things early and make efforts to strictly supervise and enforce discipline. Further smooth the channels of supervision, promptly talk to and inquire about emerging problems, tendencies, or minor disciplinary problems, interview reminders, criticize education, and order rectification, and promote a sustained improvement in work style. Resolutely implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government and the implementation rules, guard important nodes, keep an eye on weak links, and strictly prevent invisible mutations. When problems are discovered, it is necessary to seriously investigate and deal with accountability, promptly report and expose them, prevent the recurrence of old problems, the germination of new problems, and the enlargement of small problems, and thoroughly eradicate the "hotbeds" of corruption.

The meeting demanded that all party branches and all departments and units should, in accordance with the arrangements for the congress, take the initiative to draw inferences from each other, conduct self-examination and self-correction, earnestly grasp rectification and reform, plug loopholes, and urge the broad masses of party members and cadres in the overall situation to always maintain the political nature of being loyal and clean, and to promote as a whole that they do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt.