
15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!

author:On the yogic road

Yoga says that everyone is complete within themselves, and what we think we are missing is actually just an illusion, seeking too much outward. What we have to do is explore inward. The practice of yoga asanas is also about finding inner strength.

Today's recommended set of yoga exercises that open your chest and stretch your hips can help you find inner fullness and joy.

1. Stand forward bend

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Fold from the hip, bend your knees slightly, and protect your elbows with your hands
  • Hold for 1 minute

2. Lower dog type and inclined plate type

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • From the downward canine pose, bend the knees, heel lifts, and adduction of the abdomen
  • Inhale forward to the inclined plate pose, and exhale back to the downward dog pose
  • Repeat 5 times

3. Cat/cow stretch

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • This is the version with the tips of the fingers pointing back
  • Knees aligned with hips and wrists aligned with shoulders
  • Inhale to extend your chest and exhale and bow your head
  • Repeat 5 times

4. Cat style tail swing

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • On the basis of the previous pose, the back is extended and elongated, and the abdomen is adducted
  • Then turn your hips clockwise 5 times, repeating in the opposite direction

5. Crescent variant

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • The left knee is on the ground and the right foot is on the ground
  • Extend your hands upwards and hold each other's elbows
  • Hold for 1 minute

6. Pyramid style

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Legs straight, left foot inward, right foot in front
  • Straighten your hips and fold them forward
  • Place your hands on the bricks
  • Hold for 1 minute

7. Lower dog variant

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • From the downward canine pose, bend the left knee and lift the heel
  • Grab the heel with the left hand and look at the right side of the brick
  • Hold for 10 breaths, changing sides

8. Sleeping pigeon pose

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • The right leg is bent in front and the left leg is straight in the back
  • The hips are straightened, and the chest and forehead are placed on the bricks
  • Brace your hands and arms on the ground
  • Hold for 1 minute and switch sides

9. Side-angle variant

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • The right leg is bent 90°, and the left leg is straight and buckled
  • The right hand is on the inside of the right foot on the ground with the tip of the finger facing back (helps open the shoulder)
  • Extend your left hand upwards, hold 10 breaths, and switch sides

10. Yoga squat

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Feet open, slightly shoulder-width apart, hips squatted
  • Place your hands together in front of your chest and stretch your spine for 1 minute

11. Double pigeon pose

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Sit and stand, bend your left knee, hook your left foot back, and parallel the front calf to the front of the mat
  • Bend your right leg above your left calf, with your upper and lower knees aligned with your ankles
  • Hold for 1 minute and switch sides

12. Shoelace twist

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Sit and bend your right knee with your knee facing forward and your right foot on the outside of your right hip
  • Bend your left knee, overlapping your right knee, and your left foot on the outside of your right hip
  • Grab the ball of your left foot with your left hand, twist it to the right, and extend your right hand upwards
  • Hold for 1 minute and switch sides

13. Vajra sits

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Sit on the brick with your hips bent back and your feet on either side of the brick
  • Extend your hands upwards and hold 10 breaths
15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Place your hands on your shoulders, twist to the left, hold 10 breaths, and switch sides

14. Eagle leg bridge type of support

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Lie on your back with bricks underneath the sacrum
  • Wrap your legs around and your right leg on top
  • Open your hands with palms facing up
  • Hold for 1 minute and switch sides

15. Brick-supported fish style

15 Asana to help you open your chest and find inner fullness and joy!
  • Lie on your back with your legs straight together
  • Padding bricks on the shoulder blades and the back of the head
  • Open your hands with palms facing up
  • Leave on for 5 minutes

After the exercise, stay for 10 minutes in the final rest asana, preferably covered with a blanket.

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